Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1775: All arrested

"Release my son!"

The Yaoxian Xianxian couldn't stand it anymore. They intervened in the battlefield and surrounded Song Yang with a faint enveloping trend. If he dared to refuse, the nine Xuanxian would definitely not hesitate to start!

"Let him go, right?"

Song Yan smiled and raised his feet, but in the next moment, he stepped on Yao Yi's face again.

Feeling the pain from his face, Yao Yi was going crazy and struggling hard, but Song Yi ’s foot turned into a giant mountain and suppressed him down the mountain. No matter how he struggled, he could n’t move for half a minute. At this moment, he In addition to anger, there was a horror in the heart.


Seeing the humiliation of his son, Jiu Xuanxuan could not bear to kill Qi Qi anymore.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Among them, four Xuanxian shot at four companions without warning.

"Bang bang bang!"

All the four Xuanxian were blown up, spitting blood, and fell to the ground. They were unable to climb for a while, and were obviously injured.

Then, the four assailants attacked each other, rushing towards the last Xuanxian.

Their moves were fierce, and every move was exhausted, as if that Xuanxian was their father and enemy.

"what happened?"

Everyone watched.

Why did the four Yaoxian Xuanxian suddenly turn back?

Actually, it wasn't that they turned against the water, but that the four of them had Song Xun's soul power—magic.

The magical power of "fantasy" makes people guard against accidental defense, and almost no warning will make you win.

In an instant.

Under the joint attack of four Xuanxian, the Xuanxian was severely wounded.

Song Yan quickly planted a restraint in Yao Yi and the nine deities, sealed their cultivation, and threw it directly into the temple for Yueyue to absorb.

Suddenly, the nine deities of the Yao family, together with Yao's sister-in-law Yao Yi, were captured by Song Yan.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan Jiudao and Bu Sanyang both narrowed their eyes, and a dignified color appeared on their faces.

As for Di Kuitang, everyone was stunned.

Xuanxian, but the ten Xuanxian, how did they fall into the hands of Song Gongzi in an instant? At this moment, everyone in Dikuitang raised an incomparable adoration for Song Zheng.

"This son is too weird! Let's both of us do it together!" Bu Sanyang looked at Song Yong, and Shen Sheng said nine words to Xuanyuan.

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan Jiudao nodded.

"Bujia Xuanxian listened to the order, no one could make a mistake to kill this child!"

"Xuanyuan family Xuanxian listened to the order, kill this child with this seat!"

As soon as the words came down, Bu Sanyang and Xuanyuan nine swords surrounded the sixteen Xuanxian with Song Xuan.

"It's good to go together, so the little master won't waste it!"

Surrounded by eighteen Xuanxian, Song Xun was not afraid, but rather happy, the next moment he suddenly struck a tactic to hit, and suddenly, a large array rose up and rounded out five hundred miles. Wrapped up.

At the moment when the large array rose, Xuanyuan's nine swords and Bu Sanyang changed in color together, because they found that when this large array appeared, the mysterious symbols in their bodies were suppressed, and at the same time, the large array blinded their perception So that they cannot use the power of the laws of the void.

"Quick! Kill him!"

Xuanyuan shouted.

Suddenly, the sixteen Xuanxian killed Qiong at the same time.

It's just that they are all changing at the same moment, because they can't use the power of rules.

If you compare Xianyuan's power to cold weapons, the power of the law is hot weapons.

Unable to use the power of the rules, their strength will be greatly reduced.

At that moment, Song Yan turned into a lightning laser.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

He waved and shot continuously, and all eighteen Xuanxian, including Xuanyuan Nine and Bu Sanyang, were shot by him. They couldn't use the power of the rule, that is, the tiger without teeth had already stopped him The slightest threat.

Bu Sanyang smirked, but unexpectedly he fell into a trap of rising fairy today.

Xuanyuan Jiuda shouted a little abnormally: "Boy, we are from the eight families of the Ziyang Fairyland. If you are interested, let us go immediately. Otherwise, our three families will not spare you. Can't escape! "


Song Yi stepped on his face, then stepped on him, and he was too lazy to listen to their nonsense.

Then, he quickly threw the seal of the eighteen Xuanxian into the temple and gave it to Yueyue for enjoyment. The twenty-eight Xuanxian was enough for her to evolve into the fifth generation blood race!

The next moment, Song Xun shook his body and came to Nangong Mingji Ji Qingqing and Liu Pingping.

"Song son, are you okay?" Ji Qingqing said with concern.

"What can I do, those Xuanxian have been solved by me!" Song Yan smiled.


"Did you fix it?"

All three were stunned by Song Yan's words, but there were eighteen Xuanxian, including two Xuanxian later.

Song Zheng waved his hand: "Well, there are still three golden families of the family in the array, they are all blinded by the formation method, you give these to your men, as long as they bring the jade charms I made, their perception will be It will not be affected! "

During the conversation, Song Kun threw a storage ring to Nangong Mingzhu, which contained thousands of jade charms.

"it is good!"

Nangong Mingxuan immediately sent the jade charm down, and then took a dried golden fairy of Dikuitang to intercept and kill the golden fairy of the three great families.

Because of being blinded by the perception, the power of Jinxian of the three great families was greatly reduced.

Therefore, the golden fairy of Dikuitang attacked one quasi-strike. It took only half an hour to kill the golden immortals of the three great families, and they did not die. Only a dozen people were slightly injured. .

"Things have been settled, I should leave!"

As soon as Song Yan's words fell, he withdrew the array and disappeared in front of everyone. Today, the array he arranged is called the Mi Tian array, which is a combination array created by him combining dozens of fairy arrays.

From the second time he cooperated with Di Kuitang, he started to layout.

In order to attract the attention of the local immortals, so as to attract their masters, for today's scene, he opened it a thousand times, and spent five or six hundred years in the temple to develop several extremely powerful seats. Matrix formation.

Once back to Green Rock Town.

He entered the temple.

Shishi has successfully advanced to the fifth generation blood race after absorbing the blood of five Xuanxian immortals. However, this is already her limit. If you want to continue to evolve, in addition to obtaining more advanced bloodlines, Only the four generations of blood races can be swallowed and the blood in their bodies becomes their own.

And Yueyue is still evolving.

So Song Yong took Shi Shi to another planet and tested his strength.

After discovering that the fifth-generation blood race has evolved, her strength is not weaker than that of the late Xuanxian, and her speed and resilience are far superior to those of the late Xuanxian. The general late Xuanxian was not an opponent at all.

[Digression by the author]: Two more, thank you [cloud light wind_heart] [love her or me] two great rewards

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