Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1777: Do things

Two days later.

Nangong Mingzheng, Ji Qingqing and Liu Pingping led 422 golden immortals, and more than 1,500 local immortals came to Song Ji.

Except for those lost Jinxian and those who begged to drop, almost all the remaining Jinxian of Dikuitang came here. Song Yu was very satisfied with this.

Praise them badly.

Nangong Mingxuan said modestly: "My son, this is not our credit, but they all admire you very much, so we just mentioned it, they all strongly urge us to come to you.

"is it?"

Song Yan smiled, and then personally received the batch of Jinxian and Dixian who came to him, and then he put a banquet in the mansion to celebrate everyone's arrival.

The next morning.

Song Kun called everyone to discuss.

"See Lord!"

Upon the arrival of Song Yong, hundreds of Jinxian bowed to salute.

"You don't have to be polite, get up!"

Song Yan came to the main seat and sat down, raising his hand.

"Thank you Lord!"

Said again.

The next moment, Song Jilang said, "Today, I called everyone to discuss a few things. First, set up our own forces, and then determine our development path!

Now, everyone will express their opinions. What kind of forces should we set up? "

Hearing that everyone had their eyes brightened, and then began to whisper.

In the end, Nangong Mingzhu combined the opinions of everyone and stood up and said, "Lord, my subordinates believe that this force we have formed should be mainly to restore the glory of the ascension fairy. Since we are all composed of the ascension fairy, we might as well call it Fei Xianmeng! "

Song Yi said: "The name Feixianmeng is pretty good, but the purpose of restoring the glory of the ascendants of the past is too general and too far away, and it is impossible to do with our current strength. The clan's blows continue to linger. If we play such a banner, we will not only offend Holy Alliance, but will also be regarded as a nail in the eyes by the local fairy! "

Hearing Song Yan's analysis, Nangong Mingxi couldn't help showing shame: "The Lord said it well, this is because we haven't considered it properly!"

Song Yan smiled: "You have nothing to do to restore the glory of the fairy, but you are not wrong, but not now. At least we have to wait for our forces to surpass Sheng League and then play this banner. Now, what we have to do is Help the Ascendants to do something, so that we can make our reputation! "

"Oh, what do you think of the Lord?"

Ji Qingqing asked.

"Everyone thinks, what is the most desired thing from the bottom of the Ascension Fairy?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Certainly immortal body, of course, only the accumulation of immortal body can accelerate the speed of spiritual practice!" Ji Qingqing blurted out.


Song Zheng nodded: "In order to suppress the immortal immortals, the local immortals do not control the Huaxianchi, and the price of the immortal immortals entering the Huaxianchi is set extremely high. This makes it difficult for us to ascend the immortals to condense the immortals! "

Everyone nodded with a deep conviction. They all came to the present day by step. Thinking of the immortal stones that had been able to condense the immortal body after hard work before, there was a sigh in their hearts.

Song Zheng continued: "So, we can take the ascension of the immortals as the main goal!"

"What to do? Is it possible to provide fairy stones for them to dissolve the fairy pool and condense the fairy bodies?"

Liu Pingping asked.

"Of course we can't help this way, we don't have so many immortal stones!" Song Zheng waved his hands: "I plan to capture a city and then open it to all immortals for free!"


Many people exclaimed when they heard Song Yong's plan, but did not expect Song Yan to play so much.

You know, even if you lower the price of the flying fairy and enter the Huaxianchi, they will be madly hit by the local fairy. Therefore, even the Holy Alliance will not dare to do this. If they do, they may become the target of criticism.

Hunted wildly by masters of the local fairy.

"Master, wouldn't this be too risky?"

Nangong Mingxuan worried.

"Adventure is certain, but rest assured, I have a complete plan. Even if the ancestors are out, it will be difficult to catch us!" Song Zheng said with confidence.

In this regard, although all the immortals admired Song Yan very much, they were somewhat skeptical.

Song Yan smiled, and as soon as he raised his hand, a palace appeared in his palm.

"This is a super-hole celestial device. It also has the functions of empty space and shuttle void, which can let us escape quickly, so as long as we are prepared in advance, even the ancestors will not be afraid to come!"

Then Song Yong brought the immortals into the temple to visit it.

Three days later, the main city of Luluo City. By Shi Shi and Yueyue, the whole city's main capital fell under an quarter of an hour.

Then Song Zhen entered the temple ahead of time and released the golden immortals, and searched in the city's main government.

After controlling the city's main mansion, Song Yan and others quickly controlled the green city's moat, and then a golden fairy appeared to show that he was a member of the flying fairy league. Any fairy who did not have a fairy body can Enter Huaxianchi for free condensation.

The voice of that golden fairy instantly spread throughout the entire city of Luluo, as if a deep-water bomb had been thrown, causing the entire city of Luluo to fall into an uproar.

Numerous people are even more skeptical of this, and the immortals not far from Huaxianchi came to Huaxianchi with a skeptical attitude and found that they could enter for free.

Soon, the news of being able to enter Huaxianchi for free proved to be true. Numerous ascension fairy people were just crazy and went to Huaxianchi to condense the fairy bodies. In order to facilitate their entry, Song Ye ordered people to transform Huaxian All the buildings outside the pool were demolished.

As for the family forces formed by the local fairy in the city of Luluo, they quickly contacted and asked what the forces of the flying fairy league were, and they dared to do so. Are they not afraid of the local fairy celebrities exploding?

At the same time, they are trying to spread the message.

It's a pity that the moat has already started, and after Song Yong's improvement, they are only allowed in and out, and they can't spread the news outside.

In addition, while occupying Luluo City, he sent out his Jinxian to let them notify the villages under Luluo City and tell them that they can come to Luluo City to gather the immortal bodies for free.

Five days later.

Those who did not condense the immortal body in Luluo City successfully condensed the immortal body, and were very grateful to the Feixian League. At the same time, many people in the nearby village came to Luluo City to enter Huaxianchi to condense the immortal body.

Ten days later, after statistics.

At least 300,000 ascension fairy people have condensed fairy bodies during this period.

"It's time to withdraw!"

Song Kun loaded a man into the temple, and then quickly left the city of Luoluo.

Although he blocked the city of Luoluo from banning the local fairy from spreading the news, he knew that there were still people spreading the news.

Although not all the ascended immortals under Lu Luocheng gathered the immortal body, but it has helped at least 300,000 people, which also made them famous.

[Author off topic]: One more

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