Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1781: Poison


A table shattered in response to a powder, completely eliminated in the world, and a man in Tsing Yi smashed this table, with a post-Xuanxian practice. At this moment, his face was full of crickets, and his mouth almost used The growling voice shouted, "How dare you? How dare they do it!"

Not bad.

This Xuanxian was the one who proposed to continue to execute the Ascension Fairy last time, and then released a word to threaten the Feixian League to dare to kill another native immortal, he killed two.

For the first five days, Fei Xianmeng did not move. He believed that Fei Xianmeng had already confessed his courage and would not dare to kill the native immortals. To this end, he was proud to prove his correctness.

But I did not expect that on the evening of the sixth day, the other party suddenly put 40,000 heads on a certain city.

This is a provocation against them and a counterattack against them.

In particular, the phrase "Don't you dare twice, I'll quadruple", and it even made his cheeks tingle with irritability.

"Feixianmeng, I swear by Shangtian that he will not return to Xianyu without destroying you!" The other party roared in his heart.

Shangtian is a **** fish immortal from the Eight Great Immortals Realm, and the merchant is one of the second wisest sons of the nine family merchants in the God Yuxian realm.

"My son, my son Yang invites you to discuss matters!"

A girl dressed as a maid walked in carefully to report, with fear in her eyes.

"Discussion, I'm afraid to watch my joke!"

Shang Tian drank in anger, and slapped the girl-in-law with one palm. When the person was in the air, the girl's body exploded and turned into a rain of blood.

After half an hour.

Luluo City, in the temporary chamber, the captains of more than 300 patrol teams gathered again.

"Brother Shang, the last time you proposed to kill those ascending immortals, threatened them more freely. Now, they have killed a total of 40,000 native immortals. What do you say about this matter?"

A man in red asked with a sneer, he was also from the God Fish Fairy Realm, the second son of the Meng family of the Nine Great Family, Meng Shentong.

He and Shang Tian faced each other deadly. This time, due to Shang Tian's mistakes in decision-making, the 40,000 local immortals were killed. Naturally, he had to take the opportunity to fall into the ground.

Although the second wise son of the family of the **** fish fairy field is high above, it is entirely possible to ignore the weak fairy people, but it can not be manifested. This time the 40,000 native fairy people died, if they are not handled properly, they will be treated to them. Has a huge impact on your reputation.

As soon as Shang Tian's eyes were cold, the killing was like: "What else can we do? It's natural to stop killing. He kills us 40,000 local immortals, and we kill 320 thousand!"

"Then in case they continue to attack the native fairy? Can you stop them?" Meng Shentong retorted sneerly.

"They are all more cunning than mice, how can I stop them!"

Shang Tian said badly.

Meng Shentong chuckled: "Since you have no way to deal with them, and continue to kill the Ascension Fairy, it will only kill more innocent native immortals. Who will bear this responsibility then, your business?"

"Why my business!"

"Well, Brother Shang and Brother Meng, don't quarrel. Let's discuss how to destroy the Fei Xianmeng!" Someone persuaded.

But after some discussion, everyone did not think of a suitable solution.

"I have a way!"

Meng Shentong said with a smile.

"Oh, Brother Meng, talk about your way!"

Shang Tian heard the words, his face could not help sinking slightly, and he was not happy.

After a little silence, Meng Shentong said, "We can post a reward for the Ascension Fairy. No matter who it is, as long as it can kill the Feixian League, we can allow him to join our respective families and give advanced practice. Law and millions of cents! "

"Let those pariahs join us?"

Shang Tian sneered: "Meng Shentong, you are just whimsical. What qualifications do those dalits have to join us?"

Hearing that Meng Shentong was not angry, but continued: "The reason why we can't find the trail of Fei Xianmeng is that most people in Fei Xian are hiding or reporting to them.

And after we offered a reward, they had the opportunity to turn the pheasant into a phoenix.

At that time, we can still set up a few typical examples. I do n’t believe that other immortal ascension gods are unwilling. As long as they are attentive, the Fei Xianmeng will definitely not dare to trust them any more, so as to provoke them.

Then we bought a group of people from the Ascension Fairy, and let them vigorously publicize that the 20,000 Ascension Fairy was killed by the Feixian League. Once the Feixian League has been convicted, there will be no more than three thousand barren city pools. They are shelters, and they will be yelling for everyone! "

"Okay! Brother Meng's strategy is so clever!"

As soon as Mengshen's call sounded, someone spoke with praise. Although Shang Tian was unhappy with Mengshentong, he had to admit that the plan was highly feasible.

On the seventh day, no Ascension was executed again.

But a reward is passed between more than three thousand wild barren cities. As long as someone kills the Fei Xianmeng, whether you are the ascending fairy or the native fairy, you can join the thirty-six cave days and seventy-two of the eight immortal realms. One of the blessed land will also receive the reward of advanced practice exercises and millions of immortals.

The appearance of this reward immediately caused a huge sensation.

The thirty-six-hole cave heaven and the seventy-two blessed land in the Badaxian Realm are the holy places in the hearts of the three thousand immortal people in the pond.

In addition, it can also join the forces that own Xuanxian. To be honest, not only the local immortals are very excited about this, but even some of the immortal golden immortals in the ascension of immortals are tempted.

Three days later.

A word spread that the famous ascending fairy successfully hunted down the immortal of an immortal alliance, gained the opportunity to join the eight immortal realms, and became one of the guards of the Meng family.

As for the other party to obtain advanced exercises and millions of cents of stone rewards have been ignored.

Pheasant can really become a phoenix.

Those people who were so excited about the Ascension Fairy began to search for information about the Ascension League, and hoped that they would be one of the lucky ones.

Two days later.

Another news spread that a golden fairy of the rising fairy and a golden fairy of the local fairy clan killed a person of the fairy league, and then they successfully joined the merchants of the Eight Fairy Realms , Has become the personal guard of the second son of the merchant.

In the following time, the news of the successful hunting of Feixian League members and then joining the Eight Great Immortal Realms or the 36th Cave Heaven and the 72nd Blessing Land came out.

Of course, there are also news of the brutal killing of members of the Fei Xian League.

Immediately afterwards, a message spread quickly in the 3,000 wild desert city ponds. It is said that the 20,000 ascension immortals did not need to die. That was because the people of the immortal alliance caught the local immortals and threatened them.

In anger, they killed the 20,000 Ascension Fairies.

And they promised that as long as the Feixian League was destroyed, they would leave, and they would definitely not hurt the people of Feixian.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [01 小鱼 01] [云淡风轻 _ 心] These two great rewards

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