Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1784: daily

The city where the three men settled was called Songyan City.

It is a small city built on the earth, with a population of just over 800,000.

Although the town is not as busy as the large fairy city, it is a little more peaceful.

In this city, the flying ascendants are very scarce, not more than 10,000, and this group of rising ascendants are generally in residence.

The small courtyard that Song Ye bought was not large, but there were also a front yard and a backyard. In addition, there were three compartments and a kitchen.

But even in such a small courtyard, the price is as high as 200,000 cents.

200,000 cents stone can already buy a mansion of hundreds of acres in the wild wasteland.

In the Langxian immortal realm, the native immortal peoples called the area outside the thirty-seven hole heaven and seventy-two blessed land of the Eight Great Immortal Realms as a wild area.

"To celebrate our move into our new home, I will cook for myself tonight!"

Song Yan smiled to Shi Shi and Yue Yue.

Naturally, the second daughter of Song Ye's cooking was highly recognized. When she heard that Song Ye was going to cook in person, she showed joy.

Because of his love of food and leisure time, Song Ye will also study cooking skills. Therefore, his current cooking skills have risen to many levels, and the various dishes he has made have won praises from all the girls.

After taking out all kinds of fairy tales, Song Yan started to stir up in the kitchen.

In less than half an hour, Song Ye made a table of delicious dishes.

The three together wiped out the dishes on the table, and then decided to go shopping in the city.

The layout of this small town is very similar to the Jiangnan water village, blue stone road, low buildings on the blue water star, and the rivers that are crystal clear, and the green willows by the river. Everything looks so harmonious and quiet.

The population of small towns is small, and people in immortals often retreat based on years, so there are not many pedestrians on the streets.

The three came along all the way, only to meet dozens of immortals.

Moreover, the fairy in this small town is not looking at Song Ye, the soaring fairy.

After all, there are too few ascending immortals in this city to threaten the native immortals. Naturally, the so-called ascending immortal threat theory does not have many people here.

After some wandering, the three of them went back to the courtyard and began an indescribable movement.

After fighting the two blood race women, Song Yong felt no fatigue at all, took a pack of cigarettes from the storage ring, opened it, picked one up, and took a deep breath. He came to Qionghua Dongtian mainly to do things.

However, after coming to Xueyan City and feeling the peace here, he felt that he had chosen the wrong place and should go to the Seventy-two Blessed Land. He did not want to break the tranquility of the city.

But since he was here, he was not ready to leave immediately.

Half a month passed by.

In addition to daily practice, Song Yan likes to find a place near the tea house, watching the scenery outside the window, and drinking tea leisurely.

The city is very peaceful, there is almost no killing, and it is suitable for old age.

Moreover, Shishi and Yueyue also made a friend in this half month.

The girl is called Xinger, a native fairy who has the initial cultivation of Dixian, but she has hardly left Xueyan City. She is very good at making all kinds of fairy clothes.

The fairy clothes he made are very popular with everyone, so neighbors in the neighborhood like to come to her and make one or two fairy robes. The price of one fairy clothes is between thirty cents and one hundred cents.

A savvy star can make three or five pieces a day, so she can maintain her daily expenses simply by making fairy clothes.

In order to show the arrival of the three men, Xinger expressed his willingness to make a dress for them for free.

In this regard, Song Yuan did not refuse, but let Shishi and Yueyue send some fairy vegetables and poultry meat to their home.

It is worth mentioning that Xing'er still has a mother, the other party's cultivation has reached the late Jinxian, often closed, in an attempt to break Jinxian's puppet achievement Xuanxian.

Although it will be easier to build Xuanxian in Qionghua Cave, there are still not many who can achieve Xuanxian.

Song Yan, who likes to drink tea in the teahouse, also met several tea friends in the middle of this month, and they did not show hostility and disdain because he was a rising fairy.

"Xiao Song, come with a plate?"

On this day, as soon as he came to the teahouse and sat down for a while, a middle-aged man came to him to kill him.

"Forget it! Your chess skills are too stinky. Playing chess with you is just torture!"

Song Xuan refused without hesitation. I do n’t know the specific name of this middle-aged middle-aged man. He claimed to be Lao Yu.

This surprised Song Yong, because in such a small Snow Goose City, there are actually no fewer than hundreds of Xuanxian, which makes him unable to bear doubt. Is Qionghua Dong Tianqiang so strong?

There are hundreds of Xuanxian in a small town?

Later, he learned that the Snow Goose City is a special city and no one can fight here. Therefore, the Snow Goose City is also known as the Invincible City.

Because of the particularity of Xueyan City, many immortals who are tired of beating and killing will come to live here.

As for why no one dared to break the rules, it was because there were three ancestors living in seclusion in Xueyan City.

This made Song Ye feel like he won the jackpot when he bought a lottery ticket. He broke into a city casually and encountered three ancestors.

"How about a plate?"

Old Yu asked with a cheek.

Song Yan didn't want to ignore him. This guy said a game every time, but there was still a game after the game, and he had all kinds of stinky chess basket problems. Regret chess is a common occurrence. Song Yan can't stand him. Losing a set will haunt you and keep playing. If you do n’t win, you wo n’t be allowed to go.

Last time, Song Yan was entangled by him for three days and nights.

Almost tortured him crazy.

"Xiao Song, don't you come with a plate?"

"Don't come!" Song Yan said firmly.

"Are you afraid of losing to me?"

"I will lose to you? You won't win with one hand!"

"Joke, I made you a pair of feet and beat you easily!"

Song Yan is speechless. Will he use his feet when playing chess?

"Forget it, wait for Lao Du to come to him!"

Lao Du is another tea friend whom Song Yan met.

"Forget it, the old Du's chess skills are too stinky, and playing with him is not interesting!"

Song Ye smiled, and you are so embarrassed to say that people are stinky, you are a smelly chess basket yourself.

"Lao Yu, it's not good to say bad things behind people!"

At this moment, a strong man strode into the teahouse. It was the old Du in the second population, who also had the cultivation practice of Xuanxian later. He had a particularly striking scar on his face, which is said to be his first time. What was left in the battle, in fact, he could easily get rid of the scar with his repair, but he was willing to keep it, saying that he had this scar on his face, and he could keep himself alert at any time.

"Lao Yu, come with a plate?" Old Du said.

"Not coming!"

Lao Yu answered very simply.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"How is it possible for you to let me win with one hand!"

"I let you two feet!"


Song Yan who just took a sip of tea heard the conversation between the two, and sprayed out directly. The two were so funny.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [Zhang Dong is very arrogant] [Mosquitoes will change faster] [How long is the holiday] Three big rewards

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