Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1802: See you for nine days

A few days passed by.

"It seems that Changfeng Po is a trustworthy person!"

Song Kun whispered to himself that in the past few days, he had been preventing Changfeng from breaking into the city of Luoluo again. He was vigilant for a few days and did not see any movement. He also personally searched around the city and did not find him After the trail, he can be sure that the other party has left.

Although that day, only a short collision with Changfeng Po.

However, he still felt that there was a short distance between him and him. If he did not use the "Axe of the Sky," he might not be his opponent.

In previous years, he has been studying Dan Dao and Zhen Dao, so he ignored his cultivation.

After coming to Luluo City, he has been transforming the aura of chaos in his body.

Now, the chaotic spiritual power in his body has been completely transformed into chaotic elemental power.

My heart moved.

Chaos elementary power flowed and began to temper his body and soul.

After one month.

Both the physical body and the soul reached their limits, and Song Yuan decided to break through to the middle of Xuanxian.

Because of the strong ancestry of Pangu, he has almost no hesitation in cultivation. He doesn't have to worry about insufficient realm, and he doesn't need to deliberately understand the so-called heaven.

As long as there is enough energy in the body, a breakthrough can be made.

Thousands of exquisite elixir were thrown into the mouth one after another, and 150 billion immortals were gone.

The moment when Xiandan fell into the abdomen and turned into a rolling medicine force, the moment of activating the exercises, these medicine forces were transformed into the law and the magical power of the magical power into the magical power of the magical power.


There was a thunder in his body.

Then, the power of eleven rules in the entire city rushed towards him frantically, all infused into his body.

"So much movement! This is the little master practicing!"

Feeling the power of the riots in the heavens and the earth, Situ Xun, Gong Sun Mao, Gu Zhenxue, Wen Ren Qian Mei and others could not help but stun.

"The power of eleven rules, he condensed eleven mysterious charms in the early days of Xuanxian. No wonder the combat power is comparable to Zuxian!"

The next moment, Stuart identified the eleven rules of the void, and his expression shook.

"He's a monster and can't be used as an ordinary person!"

Gongsun Mao said.

"He is going to break through to the middle of Xuanxian. After he breaks through, he is afraid that Zu Xian is not his opponent!" Wang Haozhen sighed.

A few days later.

The power of the turbulent rules of heaven and earth is attributable to calmness, and Song Zheng officially broke through to the middle of the Xuanxian period, and the rules and symbols in his body have some kind of mysterious changes.

"Congratulations to your brother for breaking through to the middle of Xuanxian!"

Six older brothers and sisters came to meet each other.

"It's just lucky!" Song Yan said modestly.


Wenren Qianmei swaggered.

A few days later.

The rudder master Sima Zhen of the big rudder arrived again and brought good news.

Before, he asked the rudder to help find the whereabouts of Master Jun Jiutian for nine days. This time, he brought news of Jun Jiutian.

Qianshan Town is one of eight towns in Qianhuangcheng, a city on the edge of the wild and over 3,000 wild cities.

The immortal spirit here is very thin, it is a barren land in the barren land. Few fairy people are willing to come here to settle down. Even if the immortals soared here, they will find a way after they have a certain strength leave here.

Despite the thinness of the fairy spirit in this area, the resources are still quite barren. Even the fairy animals are unwilling to stay in this area. The immortals that grow here are of the low-grade.

Therefore, it is very difficult for the fairy people in this area to earn fairy stones.

Even more frightening is that there are still many time-space cracks in this area. From time to time, various fierce beasts or monsters will emerge from the time-space cracks.

These beasts and monsters emerging from the cracks of time and space are extremely fierce. They have the same characteristics and they like to devour immortals. Often, the appearance of a beast and monster will bring hundreds or even thousands of deaths.

Therefore, in Qianhuangcheng and eight towns, there are only 300,000 immortals living there.

Even the owner of the Qianhuang City was only served by a fairy who reached the peak of the late earth fairy.

The reason to mention this place.

That's because Jun Jiutian and the three of them flew to this place.

After learning from Master Sima Zhen that Master Jun was in Qianshan Town for nine days, he rushed over with Fang Tianyue, Jiang Jing and Wanxia.

Today, the three of Fang Tianyue have also reached the level of Xuanxian with the help of Song Yan, but according to the news from Sima Zhen, Master Junjiu was actually in the middle of the immortal period.

As for Chen Beichen and Xue Yangzi, two elders who flew to the fairyland with him.

Three years ago, a monster actually appeared near Qianshan Town. In order to destroy that monster, Qianshan Town suffered heavy casualties. Elder Chen Beichen died in that battle. The elder Blood Yangzi was also seriously injured and has not been cured yet.

Because it would cost Xianshi to buy medicine to heal the blood Yangzi, Jun Jiutian's life was very difficult.

"right here!"

A strong rudder on Sima Zhen pointed to a run-down courtyard.

"You go back!"

Song Zheng threw a bottle of elixir to the other party.

The other party was so happy that Shane left afterwards.

The next moment, Song Yan took a deep breath and took the three of Fang Tianyue to open the courtyard and walked in. The courtyard was filled with a strong smell of medicine. It is said that Jun Jiutian did not have any extra immortal stones to buy the healing elixir. Boil the medicine soup for Xueyangzi yourself.

Jun Jiutian, who was in the yard, heard the movement, raised his head subconsciously, and when he saw the four Song Jun who came in from the outside, his face couldn't help showing an extremely staggered look.

Compared with the world of Xianxia, ​​Jun Jiu Tian now looks old and a lot older.


Song Yan suddenly stepped forward, kneeling in front of Jun Jiutian.

"You ... Are you Song Yan?"

Jun Jiutian looked at Song Yan kneeling in front of him in disbelief. With the improvement of Song Xiuwei, although his appearance has not changed much, his temperament has changed dramatically, even though Song Yong deliberately converged Xiu Wei, Jun Jiutian also felt a strong coercion from him.

"Master, it's a disciple!"

Song Zheng nodded.

"Come on! Get up and talk!" Jun Jiutian quickly helped Song Yan to his feet.

"Elder Jun, I didn't expect that we have a day to see you again!" Fang Tianyue also came over, booing.

"Jiang Jing has seen Master Shi!"

"Evening sunset has seen Master Shi!"

Jiang Jing and Wan Xia followed closely to salute.

"You have all risen to the immortal world, well, it's really good! Please hurry up, don't be polite."

Jun Jiutian sighed, but only made him a little confused, whether it was the breath of Fang Tianyue, or Jiang Jing and Wanxia both gave him an unfathomable feeling.

After a brief greeting, Jun Jiutian led the four Song Songs into the room.

"Master, what about Elder Blood Yangzi?" Song Yan asked.

"He is in retreat to heal the wound. It is estimated that it will take a few days before he leaves the customs!" Jun Jiutian said in a deep voice.

Then, Jun Jiutian poured a cup of tea for everyone, and sat down to talk about the old.

When it was known that Song Ji and others were already Xuanxian's respect, Jun Jiutian's eyes could not help but stare round, and it was really incredible, I couldn't help asking:

"You ... how did you do that?"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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