Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1808: Corpse of **** man

In the eyes of ordinary immortals, Jinxian has already become a peerless master, but if you want to take a fairy world to discuss, Jinxian is a bit out of hand.

Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary Jinxian to know the secrets between the fairyland and the fairyland.

At this time.

People in the Golden Sword Realm also found the location of the two Song Songs.

"Go and catch them!"

The head of a mysterious Xuanxian waved.


Suddenly, two Jinxian blasted towards Song Yan.

"Two, it's better not to resist, or you will be worried about your life!"

During the conversation, the two men reached for Song Ye and Yangdi separately.


Song Yan opened his mouth and spit out a word, then raised his hand and waved.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The two golden immortals flew out like a disconnected kite and fell to the ground.


After saying a word to Emperor Yang, Song Zheng stepped up to the tomb of that god.


The figure flashed, and more than a dozen Jinxian surrounded the two Song Songs, staring at each other.

"Bang, bang!"

Song Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense, slap one directly, and shoot all.

For a moment, all the golden immortals screamed on the ground.

"Who is your Excellency?"

This scene finally aroused the attention of Xuanxian, and looked at Song Zheng with vigilance.

"I like this tomb, you can go!"

Song Yan said politely.

The head of Xuanxian's eyes narrowed slightly, but his heart was filled with anger, and he said coldly: "You may be too overbearing to say this. It is better for us to cooperate. Although the prohibition of this tomb of God is partially damaged, it cannot be easily broken. I beg you to say that you two cannot enter the tomb of God! "

"Can you break it?"

Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Although Ben Jun has no absolute certainty, Liu Cheng's certainty is still there!" Headed Xuanxian directly.

Song Ye thought about it: "Okay, you come to break the restrictions, when you enter the tomb of God, I allow you to take 30% of the income inside!"

"We broke the battle, and in the end we only took 30%. Your Excellency may not be too greedy!" Xuanxian smiled angrily.

"Stay there if you promise, and get away if you don't!"

Song Yong said coldly.

"Your deception is too bad!" Xuanxian, headed by him, couldn't bear it anymore. He suddenly shot when he spoke, and a black light appeared like lightning on Song Xin's heart.


Seeing that his eyebrow was about to be pierced by Wu Guang, he suddenly raised his hand and flicked it. With a crisp sound, Wu Guang was bombarded and turned into a black short soldier.

At the next moment, Song Ye raised his hand and grabbed him. The dark black soldier was captured by him directly, and he wiped the mark and threw it into the storage ring, but said in his mouth: "It is difficult to play such a weapon on your hand. Power, let me stay here! "

Yes, this short soldier is an ancestral weapon.


The other side was angry, but there was a taboo in his heart. He urged the ancestral ancestors to be difficult to kill the other party, and the ancestral ancestors were taken away by the other party, which shows that the opponent's strength is too much.

"get out!"

Song Yan said again.

Xuanxian gritted his teeth and left with a wave of other people.

The Emperor Yang on the side looked sighed. This Song Zhen's strength was too horrible. He actually suppressed a Xuanxian in his hands.

After the people of the Golden Sword Fairy left, Song Yan's eyes fell on this tomb.

This tombstone looks much worn out compared to the tombstone he saw for the first time.

Everything in the world is beyond enemy.

Therefore, even if the forbiddenness of this tomb is arranged by the gods, it will inevitably be damaged after the erosion of time.

Explore it.

Song Yan could not help but sigh, even if the restraint on this tomb was partially damaged, it was still very powerful.

Glancing at Yangdi.

"Sir, what do you command?" Yang Di asked quickly.

"You need to sleep for a while!"

He flicked his fingers and strove into Yang Emperor's body with great strength. Then, the other party fell to the ground and fainted, and Song Yan went directly into the temple.

Matrix and prohibition are like the relationship between mathematics and geometry.

But in general, the ban will be more advanced.

Song Yan's formation level has reached a very high level under the tune of Qi Yun's ancestors. In addition, he has also studied the prohibition before, which can be regarded as a foundation, so it is not difficult to learn the prohibition.

As soon as he entered the temple, he entered the sutra hall.

All books related to the ban were ushered in. There were more than 18,000 bans outside the tomb of the god, of which more than 2,000 bans were damaged and lost their due effect.

More than 18,000 prohibitions were constructed into a prohibited magnetic field, which damaged more than 2,000 prohibitions, and the prohibited magnetic field naturally disappeared. Therefore, you only need to break through the remaining 16,000 prohibitions to enter God tomb.

But this is still not easy.

Just now, he has written down all of the more than 16,000 prohibitions, and then only needs to find the cracking method in the books.

There are more than 300 books recorded in the Scripture Pavilion or related to the ban.

Collected by the King of Stars.

In the realm, he was not good enough in the field, so he just didn't go deeper just after a little bit of hunting.

This time, it can be studied carefully.

One day outside, the temple was nearly three years in a thousand times.

After staying in the temple for more than ten years, Song Yong walked out of the temple.

Looking at the prohibitions outside the tomb of God, the original deep prohibitions have become ugly, and it is quite easy to break them.

However, he does not intend to completely break the restrictions outside the tomb of God.

Because no one knows what is happening in the tomb of God, who knows, will the body of the deity still have spirituality, in case the corpse changes?

There are restraints, even if the **** corpse changes, you can also fight for his escape time.

The next moment, Song Ye flipped his palms, and mysterious and mysterious runes flew out of him and fell into the void.

In his eyes, as the runes flew out, the restraints in front of him melted one by one.

After half a quarter of an hour, Song Zheng directly lifted his feet and walked forward, then directly through the tombstone and disappeared.

"I go!"

When Song Kun passed through the tombstone, he appeared directly in a huge tomb room. The entire tomb room was empty. Only a huge copper coffin was placed in the center.

The copper coffin is at least 20 feet long and 5 feet wide.

Is the coffin intentionally made so large, or is the size of the god-man originally so large?

There is also a ban on the huge copper coffin, and it is still difficult to beat Song Yan.

Soon, he lifted the restraint on the copper coffin. With a wave of his hand, the lid of the copper coffin flew up and suspended in midair.

Song Kun stepped forward and came to the top of the copper coffin. When he saw the giant lying inside the copper coffin, he couldn't help but be surprised, because even if it was just a corpse of a god-man, it gave off a terrible power Pressure, so that he cannot give birth to profanity.

This man of God is a male, at least 15 feet tall.

It measures three meters, which means that this man of God is forty-five meters high, which is equivalent to a fifteen-story building.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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