Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1815: Sengoku

Unknowingly, Dandan has sucked out 10 billion cents of stone.

Even though Song Kun has a lot of immortal stones, this is very distressing and asks: "How much can you still absorb to get out?"

"Master, please don't let me absorb it, okay, everybody is going to be disgusted!"

Song Yan snorted coldly: "Hm, you bake it without sucking it! Is it sucking immortal stone or being baked, you choose it yourself!"

Eggs aggrieved: "Master, I still choose to absorb the immortal stone, but the energy in the immortal stone of the host is too rubbish, even if it absorbs trillions, I will not be able to meet the requirements of birth. Otherwise, I will still feed with your strength I'm ready!"

"You want to be beautiful!"

Song Yan sneered, and simply called all the fairy stones and shattered them, letting them be absorbed.

At this moment, the egg was absorbed enough for one month before the immortal spirits turned into these immortals were sucked off, but still unable to meet the requirements of birth.

"Mom! Xianxian is gone!"

Depressed, Song Yong walked out of the temple and tried to get the fairy stone.

Soon, he came to the courtyard where Sentence lived.

"Little Master is here, please sit down."

Sentenced was very polite.

"Haha, it is the so-called not to go to the Temple of the Three Treasures. There is something for my brother to ask for my brother!" Song Yan opened his door and saw the mountain road.

"Oh, little master but it's okay to speak!"

Stuart said.

"I want to borrow some fairy stones from my brother!"

Stuart waved his hands in disapproval: "What am I to be, isn't it Xianshi? Even though the little master is using it, how can I borrow it, yes, how many Xianshi do you need?"

"One hundred billion!" Song Song said.

Situ Xun's face changed abruptly: "That little master, my brother is not rich here. Where can I get 100 billion cents!"

Song Yan smiled and said: "Three Needs for the Ixanthen change 100 billion yuan, can you change it?"

"Change, of course!"

Stuart blurted out, but immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly said: "I mean, my brother needs immortal stone, and I, as a brother, cannot sit idly by!"

"I understand!"

Song Xun smiled, and then took out three of the best rules Xiandan to give to the other party, and the other party took out a storage ring and gave it to Song Xuan.

With 100 billion immortal stones in hand, Song Xuan said goodbye directly and went to Gongsun Mao. He also exchanged 100 billion immortals with three exquisite rules of immortality, and then he went to Zheng Tiansheng and Wang Haozhen.

They successfully exchanged for 100 billion cents.

Then he came to Gu Zhenxue, and the other party said that he could lend him 100 billion cents of stone, but Song Yan insisted on changing the medicine.

In the end, he came to the place of smelling people.

When he proposed to exchange elixir for elixir, the other side smiled slyly: "Thirty billion yuan for ten?"

Song Yan said: "Twenty billion yuan for twenty, can you not change it?"

Now he has created an elixir field in the temple with the body of the **** and man as a fertilizer, plus a thousand times of time in the temple, it can harvest a batch of elixir in one month. Therefore, it is an extremely precious rule for others. It was nothing to him.

Hearing people's charms, he asked, "What are you doing with so many immortals?"


Song Song said.

"Let ’s take it. She lent it to you. As for elixir, you don't need to give it!"

Wen Renqianmei directly threw a storage ring to Song Yong, and he found out that there were more than 130 billion immortals in it. He was a little surprised and did not expect that Wenrenqianmei was so rich.

"Sister, how can my brother make you suffer? Besides, I can make alchemy myself, so the elixir is really nothing to me, so you must take this bottle of elixir!"

While talking, Song Yan stuffed a bottle of elixir into Wenren Qianmei's hands.

Hearing people's charms was a complexion, a little angry: "Take it back, if you take it back when I am a sister, otherwise, you will return the fairy stone to me!"

"Thank you, sister!"

Song Ye did not reluctantly, took the medicine bottle back, but he was quite moved. He secretly decided that he must have a chance to repay the scent of the people. Although this teacher is somewhat unreliable, but at a critical time, It was very powerful.

Eighteen million cents were obtained from six senior brothers and sisters.

Song Zheng entered the temple again.

But after forcing the eggs to absorb, they still failed to meet the birth requirements.

"How much more do you want to absorb?"

Song Yan asked a little angrily.

"It should be three or five trillion yuan!" Egg Dan said cautiously.


Song Kun is speechless, and it still needs three to five trillion yuan. Where does he go for so many immortal stones?

Suddenly, he thought of two masters of Xueyan City.

They are old monsters who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and they must have a lot of savings on them.

Anyway, Luluo City is safe, even if he is away for a while, there is no problem, so he simply handed in a bill and hurried to Xueyan City.

"Master, are you back?"

When Lao Yun saw Song Kun, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. The young master only went out for more than a year, and actually returned.

"Yunbo, I'm back to find some master!"

Song Yan and Yun Bo talked briefly, and went to the residence of the pretty ancestor to see him.

"come in!"

At this moment, the ancestor of the sky is refining a furnace of elixir.

"Is there something wrong with your kid coming to see me, have you been out of trouble?" The pretty ancestor asked with a smile. For this only apprentice, the pretty ancestor was very forgiving.

Song Yan's face turned black: "Master, look at what you said, is it possible for your apprentice to come to see you only if he is in trouble?"

"Then you have something to do, don't have to go around the corner!" The pretty ancestor smiled.

"Master, I want to borrow some fairy stones from you for use!"

Song Yan said something awkward.

"Have you gone to Your Master?" Suddenly the old ancestor asked suddenly.


"That's good!"

The pretty ancestor smiled with satisfaction and threw a storage ring to Song Yong: "Xian Shi is no longer useful to me, so take it!"

Song Yong took the storage ring and found that the space inside this storage ring is tens of thousands of times larger than the ordinary storage ring. As for the immortal stones inside, the lower-quality immortal stones alone have more than five trillion trillion, plus those Top grade, top grade immortal stone.

When converted, the amount has reached more than nine trillion trillion.

So many immortal stones, I am afraid that it is the savings of a pretty old man.

For a moment, Song Ye was a little bit emotional, and with a movement in his heart, he took out a storage jade and presented it: "Master, there is something for you!"

"is it?"

The savage ancestor was a little moved when he saw Yujian, because he thought of the sutra that Song Kun had given him before.


After Song Yan left, the tyrannical ancestor penetrated into the divine knowledge, and when he saw the contents, he couldn't help trembling with excitement, and couldn't help whispering to himself, "I really accepted a good apprentice!"

Just after Song Kun left the residence of the ancestral ancestor, he was about to enter the temple, and the voice of ancestor Qi Yun sounded in his ear: "Aren, why do n’t you come back to see your master, come on, why, in your eyes Is it better than your teacher? "

"No way! Here comes the idiot!"

Song Yong immediately set off for Baishuiyuan.

As soon as he saw Song Yun, his ancestor Qi Yun threw him a storage ring and said, "Why don't you come to me without a fairy stone? Take it, it doesn't help to stay with me anyway!"

Song Zhixian explored into the storage ring and found that all the immortal stones in it were added together, more than the ancestors of the barbarian gave him.

Song Ye was very grateful for this, and sent a jade bamboo slip before leaving.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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