Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1817: Vision of Artifact Birth

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission, the reward has been distributed to the host's storage ring, please check it!"

After being prompted by the system, Song Xuan quickly probed Xianxian into the storage ring on his hand. Sure enough, he found an additional crimson sword, and when he caught it, the crimson sword fell into his hand.

But just then.

The crimson sword in his hand suddenly emitted a cluster of dazzling crimson radiances. Then, these radiances condensed a crimson beam of light that rose into the sky and directly penetrated the clouds, as if piercing the entire fairyland.

At the same time, a rush of Jianwei also spread, spreading throughout the entire city of Lu Luo, and spreading around at a rapid speed.

"I'm going, this artifact is too ridiculous, and there is such a big movement in the appearance!"

Song Yan's speechless sip.

I was looking for a place to try the power of the Excalibur. Six figures passed, and his six elder brothers and sisters appeared all around. When they saw the red swords in Song Yong's hands, their eyes became extremely hot.

Especially Sentence's sentence, he couldn't help but exclaim: "Master, do you have an artifact in your hand?"

"Yeah, how do you know?"

Song Zheng nodded and asked.

Stuart enviously said: "There must be a vision when the artifact is born. You make such a big movement, and I am not blind. I can see it naturally!"

"not good!"

Wenren Qianmei suddenly changed her face, and anxiously said, "Master, you should run back to Xueyan City and let the Master take refuge in you. Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be master ancestors to seize the magic sword on your hand!"


Song Yan also secretly called bad.

"Don't I lie to you, hurry up, or wait for those ancestors to arrive, it's too late!" The anxious look of Wen Renqian became even more anxious.

Gu Zhenxue reminded with a dignified expression: "Yes, little master, I heard that the artifact was born, and the sacred radiance that emanates from it can be seen in every corner of the fairyland, and if the top ancestors have one more An artifact, the strength will certainly skyrocket, so there must be a lot of ancestors rushing to this place! "

"Nima, the system is cheating!"

Song Kun scolded himself in the heart, why the system did not remind him that there would be visions when the artifact was born, otherwise, he would keep the prohibition in advance to prevent the visions from leaking.

Thinking of this, he said to the six: "You must hurry away, so as not to be involved, right, how long will this vision last?"

"At least one hour!"

Gu Zhenxue said.


Song Yong scolded the system again in his heart. Suddenly, his heart moved, why didn't he put the Excalibur into the temple.

Thinking of this, he quickly threw the Excalibur into the temple.

Sure enough, the vision disappeared as soon as the Divine Sword disappeared, and the surrounding Jian Jianwei also disappeared.

Even so, Song Yan did not dare to stay long.

Quickly assemble a group of Xuanxian under their hands, and then put them into the temple, and take them away from the city of Luluo quickly.

Less than a quarter of an hour after Song Yong left Luluo City.

An old man in green robe suddenly appeared over the city of Luoluo. The immense immortal shrouds the entire city at once, but his brows frowned: "What's going on, obviously the vision came from this place, why did it suddenly disappear? Isn't it my artifact that I sensed? "

According to his knowledge, the birth of the most common artifact will continue to bloom for an hour, and it will last longer.

Why did the vision disappear with just a few dozen breaths.

On a wilderness.

When the figure flashed, Song Kun suddenly appeared. The place was millions of miles away from the city of Luluo. With a thought, he entered the temple and saw that the crimson sword was at peace.

As soon as he thought about it, he grabbed the excalibur into his hand, and at the same time, Xianzhi penetrated into it, but it was unimpeded.

Soon, he discovered the core of this magic sword.

It was a reddish brilliance, the size of a fist, which had not yet evolved into an instrumental spirit, which also facilitated the refining of Song Yang.

He sent a drop of blood to the light group and was absorbed instantly. Suddenly, he felt a flesh-and-blood connection with this excalibur, but he knew that he had only preliminary refined this excalibur. In order to exert its power, we must often use his fairy power to support him.

"By the way, this sword doesn't have a name yet, it needs a name!"

The sword body is red, and the sword body is covered with beautiful clouds, which is called the Kaxia sword.

The excalibur has a spirit, and he can feel his mind. At the next moment, there are two more mysterious runes on the sword near the hilt.

Although Song Yuan didn't know it, there was a feeling that these two words were "Caxia".

The next moment, Song Ye came out of the temple with the Cabernet Sword, but immediately, a cluster of brilliant blooms turned into a red beam of light.

"I wipe, what's the situation!"

Song Kun was a little embarrassed, but immediately threw the Cabernet Sword into the temple, and while he was flying away, he communicated with the old spirit and asked what was happening.

Lao Ling Dao: "In the Divine Realm, only the birth of the innate artifact can produce visions, but here is the lower realm, the artifact is the existence of power beyond this world, so its appearance is the process of adapting to this world, so, When you put it in the temple, the vision will disappear, but when you take it out, it will continue, and it will not disappear unless it is completely adapted. "

"That's it!"

Song Kun understood, and then moved quickly in one direction.

And less than half an hour after he left the wilderness, several figures appeared one after another.

The bodies of these figures radiate awesome breath, and at the same time, as soon as they appear, the immense immortality is released, covering the tens of thousands of miles, even if they have not let it go.

After a short while, several people recovered the immortal knowledge, and their faces flashed with confusion.

The first vision appeared in Luluo City, and it only disappeared after dozens of breaths.

This made them all rush out of the air.

When they were disappointed, they sensed the appearance of the vision, and it was still millions of miles away, and this time the vision appeared for a shorter time, only one breath.

When they arrived, they found nothing.

"What do you think?"

An ancestor with an old face asked Shen in a deep voice.

A middle-aged ancestor said thoughtfully: "Will it be that which ancestor has already received the artifact, and then suppressed the vision of the artifact's birth with the secret method, just just accidentally leaked it."


The old ancestor shook his head: "Even if the ancestor is tenfold, it is difficult to suppress the vision of the artifact being born. If that person is beyond the eleventh ancestor of the ancestor, and there is an artifact in hand, even if the ancestor is fifteenth, he must not be him. , He has no need to escape at all! "

"So what's going on?"

Listening to the old ancestors made sense, the other several ancestors showed their thoughts.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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