Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1820: Want to threaten me

Situ's house, the owner's compound.

After hearing the report of Stuart ’s sentence, Situ Tiangong praised and patted him on the shoulder: "Lao Jiu, you have done a good job this time. After this matter is over, my father will arrange for you to take over some of the family's property! "

"Thank you father!"

Sentence was overjoyed.

This matter is very important. Even if Situ Tiangong is the owner, he cannot go it alone. He still needs to go to the top of the family to discuss it. It is best to let the Situ family ’s Dinghai God Needle possess the fourteenth Situ master overlord.

As long as the Stuart family has obtained the artifact, the power will surely increase.

It is just that according to Lao Jiu's five of his brothers and sisters also know the news, so they must find Song Song as quickly as possible.

Nothing about the Situ family was mentioned, and the picture turned to the Gongsun family.

Like Situ's sentence, Gongsun Mao quickly rushed back to Gongsun's house after Luluo City and Song Zheng separated, and reported the news to his uncle, who was the owner of Gongsun's house.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Tiansheng, Wang Haozhen, and even Gu Zhenxue all reported the fact that Song Yong had an artifact to the forces behind them.

These five forces moved quickly.

After learning that the news was less than half an hour, almost all the ancestors in the family were sent to hunt down Song Kun.


In a city in the wild area, Song Yong was drinking alcohol in a restaurant with a relaxed attitude.

Those ancestors have learned cleverly.

Instead of running with his ass, he searched in Zilongxianyu, Qionghuadongtian, Jinlianfudi, and wild areas.

Therefore, if he wants to release another vision, I am afraid that without a few breaths, an ancestor will come.

In addition, there are more and more ancestors in the hunt.

"Damn! Isn't it just an artifact, does it need such a big fanfare!"

Song Yan was very speechless. For the time being, he did not have the guts to take out the Cabernet Excalibur.

Half a month passed.

Song Kun found that someone was actually looking for him.

He speculated in his mind that most people had leaked the news that he had obtained the artifact.

And to be able to leak these news, except for those few brothers and sisters, there is no one else.

As for whether all the brothers and sisters have leaked, or only some of the brothers and sisters have leaked, he does not know.

He was very worried about this, after all, his wife was still in Xueyan City.

Once he can't find him, those ancestors may run to Xueyan City.

I only hope that the two masters will give some help.

As for whether the two masters will find his artifact, he need not worry about this.

Because he felt that the two masters were not the kind of people, and they had divine power in their hands. They would practice to the 15th ancestor of Zuxian sooner or later. Even if they did not have artifacts, they would be able to laugh proudly.

In an instant, another month passed.

His ancestors not only did not diminish, but more and more. At the same time, the news that he had obtained an artifact was completely leaked, and even his identity was found.

When he couldn't find him, Zuxian began to gather in Xueyan City.

Inside the Baishui courtyard.

The three ancestor ancestors, Qi Yun, Mantian and Jue Mo, all looked sad. In just a few days, hundreds of ancestors have arrived in Xueyan City, although they invited more than ten ancestors to help.

But they can predict that if other ancestors cannot find Song Yan, they will probably continue to Xueyan City.

Song Yan's wives all live in Qingshanyuan.

In case those ancestors ignore their faces and want to use Song Yan's wife to threaten Song Yan, more than ten people may not be able to stop it.

"Huh, those wicked beasts! Don't let the ancestors see them, otherwise, they must be killed!"

Qi Yun's ancestors scolded because they had found out that it was the Situ family, Gongsun family, Zheng family, Wang family, and Gu family who reported that the artifact was received by Song Yan.

However, Wenren Qianmei did not sell Song Kun.

Wen was very dissatisfied with this. He even sent Zuxian to yell at her. If it was not for the care of his ancestor Qi Yun, the people of Wen would be afraid to arrest her for conviction.

It's January again.

The number of ancestors in Snow Goose City has reached more than 300.

Yesterday, even two ancestral masters who were proficient in lurking secretly sneaked into Qingshanyuan, and were beaten out by their ancestors.

To prevent this from happening again.

The ancestral ancestors brought Song Ye's wife into Baishuiyuan. Because Baishuiyuan had a large array of Qiyun ancestors, it was difficult for ordinary ancestors to enter.

Inside a restaurant in Snow Goose City.

Song Yan, who has become an old Jinxian, is drinking and listening to the discussion from the surroundings.

When he heard that Zu Xianqiang broke into Qingshanyuan, his face could not help but change slightly.

Fortunately, his master was more powerful and repelled the intruders.

But this time it was just two people. What about after that?

Will there be three deities? even more.

For this reason, he was very angry. It seems that these ancestors are for artifacts, and they don't even want their faces.

"But you want to threaten me with them, it's just a dream!"

Think of it here.

He came to live in an inn, and then went directly to the temple and ordered the temple to shuttle to the residence of the ancestor of Qi Yun. As for why he did not go directly to the Baishuiyuan, it was simple. Those ancestors who knew his relationship with the ancestor of Qi Yun were afraid I have been watching the Baishuiyuan for a long time, no matter who enters the Baishuiyuan at this time, they cannot escape their eyes.

However, the temple can pass through Baishuiyuan silently, and there are large arrays inside and outside the Baishuiyuan, which isolates those ancestors from exploring.


The three ancestors, Qi Yun, Mantian and Juemo, who were discussing the countermeasures, were surprised.

The next moment, Song Xuan stepped out of the void: "Two Masters, Uncle is me!"

"How did your kid come in?"

Qi Yun said with a look of amazement. Today, the large array of Baishuiyuan has been transformed by him personally.

"The disciples have an artifact that can travel through time and space!"

Song Song said.

"Is this the artifact you got this time?"

Qi Yun ancestor asked.

"No!" Song Yan shook his head: "It's another magic sword!"

"Don't you say you have two artifacts?"

All three were shocked.

Song Zheng did not deny it, nodded and admitted.

After a long while, the ancestor of the pretty sky said: "Then what are you going to do now? The thing that you got the artifact has been passed down to everyone, I'm afraid you will be siege when you show up!"

Suddenly, Song Yong moved in his heart and looked at the ancestor of Jue Mo: "Uncle Jue, the nephew still has an inferior artifact armor in his hands. I wonder if you are interested!"

He had previously captured the bodies of two god-men from the world of the tomb, and one of them wore a low-level **** armor. Although the armor had lost its might, the demon ancestor would pass through him. Retrofit can barely be used.

"What? And there!"

The three ancestors were again shocked.

Song Zheng directly took out the set of armor. The **** crystals in this set of armor had been consumed, so the size could not be changed, but the material for refining the armor was from the **** world, and the fairy world had almost no possibility of obtaining it.

"This sacred armor is too rough to refinish, and it needs Shenjing to urge it!"

The demon ancestor is indeed the master of the refiner, and at a glance, the problem of this set of armor is seen.

"Then Uncle Master can transform this armor?" Song Yan asked.


The demon ancestor nodded surely: "The material of this set of armor is enough for me to make ten sets of demigod armor!"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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