Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1822: Unspeakable

This group of ancestors who followed was the people of the Xuanyuan family of the eight major families of the Purple Dragon Fairy. The head of the group was Xuanyuan Tao, who had been trained to have reached the 13th level of the ancestors, but was the second master of the Xuanyuan family.

"Brother Xuanyuan, there is nothing in this jade Jane! We were also played by that kid!" Said the angry spirit of the spirit master of the Ling family.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing that, Xuan Yuantao sneered: "Ling, this joke is not funny. Does your spiritual family want to swallow God alone?"

When Ling Sheng heard the words, his heart was awkward and at the same time a little angry, and then he threw Yu Jian to Xuan Yuantao: "Since you don't believe it, just look at it for yourself!"

Xuan Yuantao took Yujian to probe Xianxian into it, but found that it was empty and suddenly furious: "Ling brother, what do you mean? Do you play me?"

Ling Sheng smiled angrily: "The deity has told you that there is no god-level method in Jade Jane, and we don't want to provoke the kid's provocation!"

"I think it's your spiritual family who is greedy and wants to do it alone!"

Xuan Yuantao still doubts.

"Brother Xuanyuan, it's boring to say that again. Since the deity said it wouldn't be without God-level exercises, you love to believe it or not!" Lingsheng Leng hummed.

In this regard, Xuan Yuantao is very skeptical.

Then, more and more ancestors arrived and learned that Yujian had been obtained in advance by the spiritual family, although the people in the spiritual family repeatedly claimed that the interior of the Yujian was empty, and there was no god-level exercise at all.

But no one believed it at all, thinking that the spiritual family wanted to do it alone.

However, the Ling family is one of the eight major families of the Purple Dragon Fairy, and its strength is strong. Even if the ancestors were dissatisfied with the behavior of the Ling family alone, no one dared to do anything with the Spirit family.

Five days later.

The vision reappeared.

The place this time is still in the Purple Dragon Realm, and it is near Xuanyuan's house.

Therefore, this time, the ancestors of Xuanyuan's family arrived first, and it was Xuanyuantao who took the lead.

"Everyone, the third part of that divine power exercise is put inside the ban. The three parts are combined into one, and you can become a god!"

Leaving this sentence, Song Zheng stepped directly into the temple.

This time the formation of the Song Dynasty was extremely complicated. It took a full quarter of an hour for the talents of the Xuanyuan family to break it. During this period, nearly a hundred ancestors have arrived.

Then more than two hundred ancestors arrived, and everyone joined forces to break the prohibition under the formation method and obtained a black wooden box.

There is still a jade in the wooden box.

Find a golden immortal to read, then excerpt the exercises, and then search the soul of the golden immortals. After confirming that they are correct, everyone watched this exercise. This exercise started from the 15th ancestor of Zuxian. After being completed, you can be promoted to God-Man after you have passed through the calamity.

It is in the same vein as the first piece of exercises that Zhongxian got, but it lacks the exercises from the ancestral one to the fifteenth.

There are also people of the spirit family among the immortals.

After seeing that this exercise is in the same vein as the first one, their faces changed.

As for the other ancestors, their eyes looked a little unwell.

The Lingjia denounced that they did not get the exercises, and the jade slips they obtained were empty at all, but now, there are exercises in the first and third jade slips. Why isn't it the second time?

The biggest possibility is that the spiritual family swallowed that part of the exercises alone.

Without the middle part of the exercises, this god-level exercise is incomplete, so at this moment, many ancestors have moved their minds.

"What more can your spiritual family say now, if we surrender that exercise, our Xuanyuan family can never blame it!"

Xuan Yuantao was the first to attack, and his expression was very angry. He thought he had been played by the Spirit Saint.

In fact, not only other people doubt, even a ancestor of the spirit family is very doubtful, will the owner of the Holy Spirit erase the information in the jade Jank after receiving the exercises.

"Yes! The spirit family wants to swallow God-level exercises alone, no way!"

The Bu family, also one of the eight families of Zilongyu, also spoke, indicating their attitude.

The Yao family followed up with the Zuxian, and said very dissatisfied: "The Yao family still made good with the spirit family. I didn't expect the spirit family to be so selfish and hand over that god-level exercise. Do not change, otherwise, don't blame our Yao family for breaking up with your spiritual family! "

"The Ling family is doing too little things this time!"

Shouted the ancestors from Shenyuxian Realm.

"Rather than wasting your time here, let's find the spiritual family together and ask them to surrender the exercises!"

There are more than 300 ancestors here. If all of them are attacked on the Ling family, the Ling family may be destroyed.

As soon as this proposal was made, all the ancestors agreed with it, and then they all went to the Ling family.

After half an hour.

More than three hundred ancestral ancestors all arrived at the Ling family, and their expressions were very bad. Seeing these unfriendly ancestors, the children of the Ling family cast a heavy shadow on their hearts.

"Spiritual Holy, today you will not give me an explanation, we will destroy your spiritual family!"

Xuan Yuantao, who thought he was being played, was extremely angry, shouting angrily, and his words were full of threats.

"Brother Xuanyuan, what do you mean?"

The Spirit Saint appeared in the air, and there was a fire in his words.

"What do you mean? Hand in the second part of that exercise, otherwise, I will never stop there!" Xuan Yuantao said again, with a resolute tone.

"The deity said that day, the jade is empty, nothing!"

Ling Sheng glanced at the hundreds of ancestors around him, and his heart was stunned.

"Nothing? At this time you dare to quibble!"

Xuan Yuantao looked cold.

"No, no, this deity will lie to you!"

"good very good!"

Xuan Yuantao smiled angrily, and then looked at the other ancestors and said, "Did you all see it, the other party is not willing to surrender that exercise, what do you say?"

"Removed the spirit house!"

Shouted an old ancestor.

Another Zuxian said fiercely: "Yes! Demolished the Ling family and taught them a little lesson. If they don't pay, kill the Ling family!"

This ancestor is an old demon, and his comments are very bad, but at the moment, his words are very popular.

During his speech, the ancestral ancestor of the demon clawed his palm with a click, and the Ling family's large array was directly blasted out of a cave, and then fell down with his palms, directly destroying a palace of the Ling family. "

As soon as this devil started, other ancestors also shot.

Suddenly, the Ling family's large array became so riddled with holes, exquisite palaces and various pavilion buildings, and even many garden medicine gardens, and some of the Ling family's children were implicated and died. This group of ancestral hands.

But that is a minority after all, after all, the purpose of this group of ancestral immortals is to deter the Spirit Saint to force him to surrender the exercises, not to really want to start a war with the spirit family. After all, there is a fourteen-strong ancestor in the spirit family. .

"Too much bullying!"

Seeing this scene, the Holy Spirit's wrath cannot be forgiven, but there are more than 300 ancestors on the other side. Unless the ancestor returns, he really has no ability to fight many ancestors.

Xuan Yuantao's voice sounded again: "Ling Xiong, you see it, it's hard to disagree with everyone, hand over that exercise, otherwise, the following is not as simple as destroying the building!"

[Off-topic by the author]: One more, thanks for the reward

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