Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1825: Small fish

No one would doubt that Song Yun did not have the power to seal the artifact. After all, some time ago, the artifact vision disappeared for a while, which shows that the other party has a secret method that the seal artifact cannot erupt the vision.

If he truly sealed the artifact, I'm afraid that other people will never get the artifact again.

Unless you catch him.

When can this catch him?

Qian Qianxian Qi Qi dispatched to search for his whereabouts, but he couldn't catch this guy.

I'm afraid that even if Zuxian returns to the fifteenth, it will be difficult to capture him.

Therefore, hearing the threat of Song Yong, the eight families of the Purple Dragon Realm had to pay attention to it and dare not to disregard Song Yong anymore.

For the artifacts and god-level exercises, the eight families came together.

Before the Ling family was framed by Song Yan, the entire Ling family's building was destroyed. But after the reaction, everyone always thought that the middle part of the god-level exercises should still be in Song Yin's hands.

Ling Sheng said, full of resentment: "This little thief is so arrogant and abnormal that he has not regarded their eight families as eyes and wants us to provoke us to fight each other. It is simply delusional!"

"Yes, this little thief should kill!"

Xuanyuan Tao echoed the road.

However, Ling Sheng did not give him a good look, and expressed his dissatisfaction with a cold hum. After all, so many ancestors came to the Ling family to ask for exercises, but Xuan Yuantao took the lead.

Xuan Yuantao apologized and said, "How is Brother Ling, still thinking about the previous things? Now, we should fight with the enemy and solve the little thief!"

"Yes! You have to spare people, Ling Brother, Xuan Yuan Brother are so sincere, why do you continue to pursue it!" The owner of the Yao family also started to persuade him, and went to the Ling family to ask for exercises, Yao family. There is also a share, but the Yao people are relatively low-key.

"Well, everyone, let's discuss how to deal with that little thief!" The elder of Bujia suggested.

"The kid is so cunning, we have to find a way to stabilize him, lest he run away again, where do we go to find him!" Said the owner of the Beichen family.

The eight families of the Purple Dragon Fairy are: the Ling family, the Xuanyuan family, the Yao family, the Bu family, the Beichen family, the Zihe family, the Dongyun family, and the Nangong family.

The eight families hold the Purple Dragon Realm. Although there is a misunderstanding between them, on the surface, the relationships between the eight families are quite close.

This proposal has been endorsed by major families.

So he sent someone to express his agreement with Song Yang's request, but in private, the Eighth Family quietly sent Zu Xian to seek out Song Yan's whereabouts.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

Ten days have passed.

Song Zheng didn't answer any more, which made the Bada family very confused, wondering if the kid was running again?

Until half a month later.

Song Yan shouted to the eight family members of the Purple Dragon Fairy in the barren wasteland, and asked him to come to Yunshuang City in the barren wasteland in three days to participate in the competition. The winner passed his test, and he could get the artifact.

After receiving this news, the Eighth Family asked Wen Feng, and each family shot more than ten ancestors to Yunshuang City.

And they also got a news that made them very happy. The little thief actually appeared in Yunshuang City, not hiding in the dark.

"Good opportunity, it might as well capture the thief in one fell swoop!"

Someone proposed.

"I'm afraid it's wrong!"

Someone said: "The thief dared to appear in Yunshuang City, and we must rely on it. If we rush to let the thief escape, and we want to find him later, it will not be easy!

"That's the truth!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Yun Shuangcheng, the city's main mansion, has now been occupied by Song Yong. As for the original city lord, he has naturally been driven away.

In one of the main halls of the city's main house, Song Kun was high on the throne, and there was a wonderful young girl toasting wine for him. In the main hall, there were a group of fairies dancing.

It doesn't matter if the young girl is dancing or dancing, it is the original city owner.

After chasing away the other party, he naturally served him politely.

Suddenly, Song Yong put down the wine glass in his hand and shouted to the outside of the hall: "Since you are already here, it is better to come in and drink a few glasses of thin wine!"


Laughing, the five ancestors stepped into the hall.

A white-haired man, an old man in black, and two middle-aged men, and a middle-aged beautiful woman.

Among them, the middle-aged beautiful woman is the highest and has the triple strength of Zuxian.

The white-haired old man and the black-haired old man both have the ancestor dual, and the last two middle-aged men are only the ancestor dual.

"It's rare! It's rare! Knowing that I'm waiting, you didn't escape!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman said with a smile, but her tone was ironic.

Song Yan waved his hand, signaled that the aunt and Wu Ji were backing down.

When they stepped down, he looked at the five: "Just a few of you are not qualified to let me escape!"

"Little fish!"

Hearing that he was called a small miscellaneous fish by Song Yong, the five ancestors all laughed angrily, and one Xuanxian actually called the ancestor as a small miscellaneous fish.

"The thief is arrogant!"

One of the impetuous middle-aged ancestors stepped forward, and the detective grabbed Song Song, and the invisible energy blocked him all around, making him escape.

But at this moment, Song Xuan had a crimson long sword in his hands, and when the vision soared into the sky, he cut it out with a sword.


The middle-aged ancestor was cut in half by his sword.

Song Yan held the Cabernet Sword, scornfully swiping the two halves that had fallen to the ground, and hesitantly said, "It's not a miscellaneous fish, what is it, I can't stop it with one sword!"

Seeing this scene, the other four ancestors were stuck in stagnation, but then they all stared hotly at the Cabernet sword in Song Yong's hands.

In their opinion, Song Yan's own strength is not strong, it should be that the Excalibur is too strong, so the ancestral **** will be split in half by a sword.

"The Excalibur is mine!"

The greed of the white-haired old man's eyes rose sharply. As soon as his figure flickered, he came to Song Ye's body and reached out to grab the Cabernet sword in Song Ye's hand.

But with the flash of Jianguang, the body of the white-haired old man split in half.

"Another miscellaneous fish was killed by me. Why don't you three little miscellaneous fish try my excalibur too sharp?" Song Yan looked at the remaining three ancestors, playing with flavor.


The middle-aged beautiful woman, the old man in black, and the middle-aged ancestor moved.

But at this moment, they were in a trance for a while, and then stagnated in midair like that.

In this regard, Song Ye was very satisfied.

Even Zuxian Mie couldn't stop the "magic" confusion.

Looking at the three ancestors who fell into the illusion, Song Yan was not relentless. When the Cabernet sword waved, they were cut off.

A dry ancestor hidden in the dark saw this scene, all cold, many ancestors quietly retreat, this Song Xuan his evil door, obviously the level of mystery, actually killing the ancestor like a dog slaughter, a sword One, that's not ambiguous at all.

However, some ancestors who think they have high strength are unwilling to retreat.

The next moment, nine ancestors appeared in the hall together, and the one with the highest strength reached the ancestors.

[Author off topic]: One more

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