Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1835: Smart is wrong

The news of Hu Yan Dongfeng could not help but stagger: "How did they pass through the big array?"

The 10,000 defenders in Ningyuan City were panicked.

20,000 vs. 4 million, even if they are confident, they can not be considered as opponents of the 4 million army, not to mention that the group of army from the barren land is not weak, even if the soldiers have the land repair It can be said that it is better than them.

How can we fight this battle?

"Elder, what should I do?"

The owner of the former Ningyuan City also panicked and asked Huyan Dongfeng.

"Don't worry, this deity will ask Zongmen for help, and let them send some more experts, a group of black people, not to be afraid!" Hu Yan Dongfeng waved in disapproval.

The city owner smiled bitterly, but to the extent that you can say it, it is a four million army. Even if you are an ancestor, you can't despise people like that.

Immediately, Hu Yan Dongfeng sent a letter to the Quartet for help.

The news came back to the Quartet, and the Quartet rushed into a meeting to discuss how to deal with it.

After some deliberation, most of the senior officials proposed to save their strength first and temporarily abandon Ningyuan City.

After all, in their opinion, Song Yan planned to occupy the entire Purple Dragon Realm, and their Quartet ancestors were at best second-class among the many forces in the Purple Dragon Realm. It was not wise to choose Song Yong.

After receiving the retreat message from Zongmen, Hu Yan Dongfeng felt relieved. Don't look at him for showing such disapproval. In fact, he is pretending to be calm. Even if he is an ancestor, if he goes to fight against the four million army, There is only one end, that is death!


Hu Yan Dongfeng gave an order, and within a quarter of an hour, the people in Ningyuan City had gone clean.

After half an hour.

The army of Yanhuang Yu crushed the city, but weirdly, there was no soldier on the city's head, not even the moat.

Easily, it occupied Ningyuan City.

"The first legion entered the city, and the other three legions stood by outside the city!"

Song Yan issued the order.

Soon, the First Army entered Ningyuan City without any resistance.

Gathering information, I learned that the people of the Quartet had fled before they arrived. They can say that they won the entire city without spending a single soldier.

After half an hour.

The head of the First Army Corps came to Song Ye with a list.

Jun Jiutian handed that list to Song Yi, and Shen said, "This is a list of the forces of all sizes in Ningyuan City. Do you want to remove them? After all, their existence is a factor of instability!"

Holding this list, Song Yan showed a thoughtful look, and finally said, "Master, you send someone to send a post to these forces, let them come to see the city's main government within an hour!"

"it is good!"

Junjiu turned and left.

After an hour.

Song Yan held a tea cup and sat in the welcome hall of the main city hall.

On his left and right sides were still sitting more than a dozen men and women with dark faces.

These more than ten people are the leaders of some small families or gangs in Ningyuan City.

In the list that Jun Jiutian gave him, there were more than one hundred and thirty forces recorded in the list, but there were only a dozen of them who came to the appointment on time, and they all belonged to that bottom force.

Song Yan could not help laughing.

Faintly said: "Come!"

Suddenly, two Xuanxian guards came in.

Song Xuan said lightly: "Pass a letter to my master, whoever does not come to the power, those above Jinxian, will be killed, and one will not stay!"

Zhen family, one of the big families in Ningyuan City.

At this moment, the entire Zhen family was gathered together.

Zhen Chunyang, the second elder of the Zhen family, was worried about Zhen Chunhai, who was the first one: "Brother, if we do this, will we anger that Song Yan?"

Zhen Chunhai smiled disapprovingly: "Although the Song Xie thief occupied Ningyuan City, Ningyuan City was actually controlled by our forces. He wants us to formally take over Ningyuan City. What's more, the major forces of the Seven Great Immortals Realm will not sit back by them, and I believe that they will soon send masters, but at that time, Song Ye will not flee with his tail! "

"But now he is occupying Ningyuan City after all, in case he has a fierce attack, what will he do with us?" Zhen Chunyang said again.

Zhen Chunhai said: "Huh! Is he dare? I guess, then the little thief of Song Dynasty is still daydreaming in the domain of the purple dragon. If you think about it, he will occupy the Ningyuan city and start the killing. Attacking other cities will definitely result in desperate resistance, so we will not pay for it, so we ignore him, but he will please us! "

"Sometimes, being too smart may not be a good thing!"

Just then, a sudden noise sounded.

Then, a young man in armor appeared abruptly in the chamber of the Zhen family. "Presumptuous, who are you, dare to break into Zhen's house!" Zhen Chunhai drank.

"I am the leader of the Army of the First Army of the Yellow Realm, Jun Tian for nine days. Do you remember? If you remember, you can die!"

As soon as the words fell, Jun Jiutian cut out with one sword.

Jian Guang is like a thunder, unmatched. With a bang, Zhen Chunhai was cut in half by a sword.

Then, hundreds of Xuanxian rushed in and launched a merciless slaughter on the top of the Zhen family.

Although the Zhen family is a large clan of Ningyuan City, the strongest in the family is an early Xuanxian, that early Xuanxian was killed by Jun Jiutian with a sword.

He practiced God-level exercises, and he also reached the late Xuanxian period.

Suddenly, the top of the Zhen family was beheaded.

Then, hundreds of Xuanxian quickly cleaned up the Jinxian characters in the Zhen family.

Immediately after killing the masters of the Zhen family, thousands of troops were stationed in the Zhen family immediately, taking over the entire Zhen family.

Jun Jiutian rushed to the second house with hundreds of Xuanxian.

In just one hour, all the masters above Jinxian who did not pay attention to Song Xi's invitation were killed in Ningyuan City.

For a moment, the entire city of Ningyuan fell into panic.

It is true that those more than a dozen small forces who came to the appointment did not fart.

These more than a hundred forces have been entrenched in Ningyuan City for many years. It can be said that they have a lot of wealth. Since everyone has killed, Song Yan has also taken over all their industries and resources.

After statistics, the total assets of these forces have reached about 50 billion yuan.

A day later, a caravan entered Ningyuan City.

This caravan came from Yanhuang Yu.

Then, Ningyuan City, which originally belonged to the overthrown forces, opened stores. The stores only sold two kinds of elixir, the best elixir and the best elixir.

Both elixir are sold at 90% of the market price.

If you exchange for elixir, you only need 80% of the price.

Human nature is greedy, and immortals are no exception. Seeing that the price of elixir is so cheap, the citizens of Ningyuan City couldn't help it.

Therefore, in one day, the volume of the medicine sold reached more than 5 million.

Among them, there is more than 3.2 million Need Xianxian Dan, and Need Xianxian Dan actually sells close to two million. It must be said that the immortals of Xianyu are richer than the ordinary immortals in the wild areas.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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