Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1838: Heavenly God comes to your door


Song Xuan fully urged Xianyuanli to cut a sword, which directly broke one of the fourteenth ancestor's attack.

The chaotic axe on the left hand followed a straight trajectory, splitting down heavily, but the chaotic mystic light contained on it easily cut off the void of the immortal world, and then ...


With a scream, an axe fell, and the fourteenth body of Zuxian, Zuxian Avenue, and even the soul were all split in half by that axe.

"God! How is that possible?"

"An axe hacks an ancestor to fourteen?"

"Did I hallucinate?"

Whether it was the party of the Seven Great Immortals or the party of Song Yan, they looked at the scene dullly. This was illusory, and they did not think it was true.

In the void layer, a horrible light flashed in the eyes of Murong Hongdou. When the axe fell, she had a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart. He had a feeling that the axe was the heavenly path. Those old antiques were stronger, but in front of the heavenly sky path, they still Vulnerable.

This axe gave her a sense of heaven, but Song Mingming was only the top ten ancestors, and there was only one explanation. The method of urging the axe had surpassed that of the immortal world.

Even ordinary god-level exercises cannot erupt such power.

"Can you see what exercises he performed?" Murong Hongdou asked Tianji fortune.


The **** of heaven spit out a mouthful of blood, and said with a lingering fear: "The old slave just speculated a little bit, but was met with a strong backlash, so the old slave could not see the origin of his exercises, but it is certain that The set of exercises he has performed is by no means comparable to any of the exercises in the fairyland! "

On the battlefield.

Seeing the death of his companion, the other two ancestors were all fourteen, but at this moment, Song Xuan's axe fell again.

At this moment, they felt the rolling from heaven, so that they couldn't move.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The golden blood splattered, and the two ancestors followed in the footsteps of their companions and were split in half by an axe by Song Yong.

Everyone who was already in the stagnation saw this scene again, and did not know how to describe the mood at the moment.

Song Yan put away the Chaos Axe, but his heart sighed. "Axe of the Sky" is indeed Pangu's combat skills. The power is too strong. Once it is displayed, the opponent has no resistance at all.

But the consumption is also extremely terrible. He only swayed the ax twice, and the chaos fairy power in the body consumed 60%, so now he can show it at most once.

at this time.

The fifteen-strong ancestor who was the leader of the Seven Immortals Realm suddenly disappeared in place, reappeared, and had reached the top of Song Yong.


The other party burst into drink, his eyes were full of rich killing power, and he shot a full palm, and between them, he planned to kill Song Kun here.

"Old thing, dare to sneak attack on my apprentice, get away!"

Just then, a figure emerged from the void, raised his hand and blasted towards the other side.

It was Qi Yun's ancestor who had been hiding in the dark!

Qi Yun's ancestors have reached the 14th ancestor of the ancestors. In addition, they are practicing God-level exercises, and their strength is not weaker than the old ancestors.

Therefore, as soon as he took the shot, the ancestor of the Seven Great Celestial Realms felt a great threat at the fifteenth, and he did not hesitate to withdraw and greet his father Qi Yun.

"Hey! Really, Xiao Ye is a soft persimmon!"

Song Yan sneered, the Chaos Axe appeared in his hand again, and then the axe was chopped out.

"not good!"

The ancestor shouted in the fifteenth heart, suddenly turned into a Hongguang intending to escape, but a powerful heavenly power was pressed down one after another, making his body a moment.

Just then, Qi Yun's ancestor's attack arrived.


The opponent's figure shook, and at the same time, the Chaos Axe also struck the opponent's head.


The blood splattered, and the fifteenth body of that ancestor suddenly cracked the next moment.


Seeing this scene, the people in the Seven Great Immortal Realms showed great horror. What did they see?

They saw a ancestor of fifteenth being chopped to death by an axe by Song Yong.

But just then.

The fifteen-weighted body of the split ancestral ancestor suddenly reunited together, and then turned into a macro light again, radiated out, and instantly disappeared into the sky.

"Not dead?"

Song Kun was surprised.

Qi Yun's ancestors said, "Each ancestor of the fifteenth is living for countless years, and it is not surprising to have some means of life-saving. However, although he was resurrected, he did not have tens of thousands of years of cultivation. It's hard to get to the top! "

All the masters have fled, and that's a fart!

Therefore, the remaining ancestors turned and fled, and even the three ancestors who besieged the barbaric ancestors fled away from the battlefield.

Therefore, the ancestors from the Seven Great Immortal Realms almost fled cleanly all at once, and the remaining millions of soldiers faced each other for a while, and then did not know who yelled and fled in all directions.

Song Xun did not issue a chase order because it was no longer necessary.

The situation of this battle soon spread to the seven immortal realms with the mouths of those who fled from the immortals. Then, they spread to the thirty-sixth hole sky and the seventy-two blessed land at a very fast speed.

Therefore, within a few days, the entire Langxian immortal world knew that Song Yang had the power to kill the ancestors fifteenfold.

Zuxian 15th is already the pinnacle of fairyland.

Of course, this is not counting those sleeping antiques.

Although old antiques are horrible, those old antiques will not wake up from deep sleep as long as they don't move their immortals.

However, it was terrible that Song Xuan killed Zuxian 15th, so many forces were silent.

Next, it took Song Ye a year to occupy the entire Purple Dragon Realm.

Compared with Yanhuang Realm, Zilong Realm is too rich and has too many resources, which is thousands of times more than Yanhuang Realm.

In order to alleviate the population pressure of the Yanhuang region, Song Kun began to arrange the immortals of the Yanhuang region to migrate to the Zilong region.

For a time, the response was like a tide, after all, the fairy spirit of the Purple Dragon Realm was much stronger than the Yan Huang Realm, and practicing there was more effective.

It took another three years.

Song Yong built 108 giant cities in the Purple Dragon Realm, and then teamed up with Qi Yun's ancestors to arrange the array method, connecting 108 giant cities together to form a super giant array.

Opened Xianchi, selling the best elixir at a low price.

Song Zheng quickly gathered the hearts of the people in Zilong Realm, and then he began to expand the army.

In the tenth year of occupation of the Purple Dragon Realm.

The city guard army under Song Yong expanded to 30 legions, totaling 30 million.

He subsequently expanded the size of the Golden Eagle.

Reached two million people.

As for the Xuanjia Army, it also reached 20,000 from the original 10,000.

The overall strength has doubled.

This day.

Song Yong was playing with a beautiful wife in the newly built giant city of Zilongyu. Suddenly, a hand came down to report, and there was an old man who claimed to be a **** of magic.

Song Yan personally went to greet him and invited the magical magical machine in.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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