Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1866: It's bad

Now, it's evening time.

Song Yan and his party sat cross-legged early near Fucheng, waiting for tomorrow's arrival.

In the vicinity, there are many gods and men.

None of them can bring out enough **** crystals to purchase residence permits, and it will be safer to stay around the city.

With the coming of night, more and more gods and men came around.

These god-humans are basically some lower gods in the early stage, and rarely seen in the lower stage.

"Meow, will you be awarded a mission in the Divine Realm?"

Sitting cross-legged, Song Ye communicated with the system elf meow in his heart.

"There will be!"

Meow said very surely.

"When?" Song Yan asked again.

Meow said: "Juvenile, don't worry, the system is being updated. After the update is complete, you will be released a task!"

After chatting with Meow, Song Yan began to calmly incorporate the violent spirit spirit into the body and let it be transformed by chaos. After thinking about it, he took out eleven **** crystals and threw them to eleven men.

Divine Realm is even more cruel than Immortal Realm.

Everything respects strength.

Take the governor, as long as you participate in the God of War and have achieved 100 consecutive victories, you are eligible to challenge the governor. If you defeat the governor, you can replace it and become the new governor.

Night finally came at last.

Song Yan clearly felt that the spirit of the gods in the air had become a bit more violent, and at the same time, there were waves of beasts roaring in the distance.

Hearing the roar of the beast, he apparently noticed that the faces of the gods and humans around him appeared worried.

The nearby god-man lit a bunch of bonfires, and some god-man took out the animal meat and grilled them on the fire, exuding bursts of fragrance.

This peaceful life passed half an hour.

Suddenly, a desolate roar came from not far away.

For a time, the hearts of all gods and men mentioned their throats.

Then, three blurry figures suddenly appeared on the ground in front.

As they approached, it became clear that the three men wearing blood-stained shattered **** armors were judged by the breath emanating from them, namely one lower **** later and two lower **** mid.

Suddenly, everyone's face changed suddenly.

Because behind the three men are more than a dozen wolves covered with blood.

"It's a blood wolf!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Hurry up, don't let those three come over, or they'll bring the blood wolf over!"

Someone shouted.

Then, two tall and powerful lower gods stepped out in the middle of the year and shouted at the three of them: "Don't bring the blood wolf over!"

But the three didn't seem to hear half of them, still rushing towards the crowd.


The two lower gods were furious.

When he saw this, a happy smile appeared on the corner of Song Yan's mouth, then stood up from the ground and looked at the more than ten heads that followed.

These more than a dozen blood wolves all have the strength of the next god.

Even if the general median gods do not want them in the early stage, Song Yong is not the general median gods. In the median god, he can almost swept, so these ten blood wolves have moved in his eyes God crystal.

"Asshole, why are you doing this, you will kill everyone!"

Those three finally approached the crowd.

The two lower gods stared at them angrily in the middle.

"Get away!"

The lower **** of the three threw his fist without warning in the later period.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The two were blown away, then the three went straight through the crowd and fled farther away.

Seeing this scene, everyone didn't know where these three people were. They intended to use them to get rid of the dozen blood wolves.

"South Wind, how many blood wolves can you deal with?"

Song Yan asked.

"There should be no problem with three heads!"

"Dong Yun, Bei Tian, ​​how about you two?"

Two people said: "We should each be able to cope with two heads!"

"Your Majesty, we're fine with each other!"

Eight other men took the initiative to fight.

Nanfeng was the predecessor of the middle **** under Song Yong.

Dongyun and Beitian passed through the gods in the seventeenth ancestors of the ancestors, so they are the late gods.

The remaining eight were all in the fifteenth ancestors of Zuxian, but they all practiced the God Wang Gongfa, and they also had artifacts in their hands, and there was not much problem in dealing with a blood wolf.

"Then you go!"

Song Zheng nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Eleven people responded on their own initiative and rushed away towards more than a dozen blood wolves, while Song Yan himself chased after the three who were led by the disaster.

The three guys brought the trouble over and ran away by themselves. Others didn't dare to find them, but Song Ye didn't plan to let them go. Even if they didn't kill them, they would blackmail some gods from them.

The Great Move technique failed under the great laws of the Divine Realm.

However, based on the physical body forged in "Chaos of the Chaos", Song Yan's speed was also extremely fast. Soon, he caught up with the three gods and stopped them.

The faces of the three men were a little ugly when they saw the mid-god sentiment emanating from Song Yan.

"Are the three planning to leave like this?"

Song Ying asked with a smile.

"What do you want?"

The lower **** warned later.

"Give up the storage ring on your body, I will spare you!"

Song Yong's words are not ill.

On hearing that, the three's faces became extremely ugly.

"Fight with him!"

The lower **** burst into tears in the later period, suddenly a huge knife appeared in his hand, and when he roared, he severely chopped towards Song Yu.

Another lower **** quickly retreated in the middle, and then added a **** bow in his hand.

"Puff puff!"

With three stars in renju, three light green arrows turned into a faint shadow and shot at Song Yong. In the middle of the last name, a dark black dagger was added to the hands of the next god. He vest.

The cooperation of the three people can be said to be quite ingenious. In the early stage, it may be true that the general median **** will be successful. Sneak attacked his two lower gods, and then took a step forward, avoiding three arrows, and then approached the lower god, throwing his arms and hitting his chest.


The other party flew in response.

In a very short time, he not only resolved the siege of the three, but also defeated them all.

"Because you moved your hands, this time you have to hand over the artifacts!"

Song Yan looked at the three.

The eyes of all three flashed with extreme helplessness, and they took off their storage rings and artifacts, and then went away.

After taking inventory of the spoils, Song Ye was quite satisfied.

There were a total of eight artifacts on the three, and although they were not treasures, there were no problems selling a few hundred **** crystals.

In their storage **** ring, in addition to more than 1,300 **** crystals, there are five blood wolf corpses.

Soon, Song Zheng returned with the booty and found that Nanfeng and others had killed more than a dozen blood wolves.

Song Kun became more and more satisfied, and he can enter the city tomorrow to obtain a temporary residence permit.

[Off-topic by the author]: Three updates are complete.

As for the induction of Yu Pei, it is very simple. Yu Pei is just a mortal thing. There is a limit on the distance. Yan Huang Yu and Wei Zhou are too far together to make mutual induction impossible.

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