Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1880: Make a disaster

As soon as the three entered the battlefield, they saw Song Yong standing not far away, headed by Nangong Yu sneered: "Boy, what means can be put on display quickly, otherwise, you will have no chance!"

"Well, since you want to rush to death, the little master will do you all!"

During the talk, Song Kun moved his array of techniques. Suddenly, a lot of mist poured out of the array. Under the mist, the three people could see no more than three meters, and even their consciousness was limited. Release three meters.

Suddenly, the three of them all looked at each other with a look of dignity in their hearts.

The fog was getting thicker and denser, and the range of sight of the three was getting smaller and smaller. Finally, they were shocked to find that even their perception was blinded by the fog.

"No! Exit now!"

Nangongyu exclaimed. At this moment, they finally realized that they were not good, and hurried back.

Unfortunately, the formation has long been reversed under Song Yan's control. It was not that they could withdraw if they wanted to retreat. On the contrary, Song Yan used the formation to separate the three of them.

Seeing this scene in the battle, Talon sighed secretly, he never dreamed that Song Yun's method was so clever.


At the next moment, Song Xuan urged the soul magic, and aimed at Nangongyu.

Suddenly, Nangongyu, who was looking for a way out, looked stagnant.

"good chance!"

Song Xun shot directly, cutting his sword to Nangong Yu.


Blood splattered, Nangong Yu suddenly separated from his head, and then Song Xuan waved his sword again, beheading his head.

With a wave of his hand, Song Nangyu's body was put into the storage ring, and Song Kun aimed at another superior god.

Now, Song Yan has basically determined that even the superior **** can not resist his soul power in the later period, because this Nangong domain is the peak of the superior **** in the middle period, which is only one step away from the superior god's later period.

Later, he repeated his tricks, easily killing another superior god.

In the end, there was only one Nangong Xue left.

Although the other party is a beautiful woman, Song Ye has no intention of showing mercy and cherishment. After letting Nangong Xue, he will be hunted down by the Nangong family.

Therefore, Nangong Xue must die!


In the blood splatter, Song Ye also killed Nangong Xue.

Seeing Talong shocked inexplicably, he had no confidence in Song Ye's killing Song Ye, but now, the opponent has almost no effort to kill the three gods!

"Master Talon, I will not accompany you back to the city, I will go to Taikoo forbidden missions!"

After withdrawing from the formation, Song Zheng said to Talong.

"it is good!"

Talon nodded. "Be careful!"

"Adult take care!"

"Take care!"

The two sides said goodbye, and then went in different directions. While moving forward, Song Xuan began to look at his loot.

The first is the storage ring of Nangong Domain.

There is only one million gods in it.

But these are all sublime **** crystals. In addition, there are more than a thousand middle-class **** crystals.

The exchange rate of Xingpin Shenjing and Zhongpin Shenjing is one hundred to one.

In other words, more than 8,000 Chinese high-quality **** crystals are equivalent to more than 800,000 high-quality **** crystals, and it is indeed that the family of the King of God really has money.

In addition to that.

There are more than ten precious divine medicines in the storage **** ring of Nangong domain, and nearly one hundred true gods.

The value of those divine medicines should have tens of thousands of **** crystals, and a hundred true gods are worth it. The true **** is one of thousands of **** crystals, so it is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of **** crystals.

In addition, there is one top-quality artifact and several medium-quality artifacts.

A top-grade artifact is worth at least 100,000, but this artifact has a special mark, which should be the Nangong family emblem. Once he used or sold it, his identity would be exposed.

Therefore, this top-quality artifact has become a chicken rib.

But in general, the income from Nangong Yu has exceeded one million **** crystals.

Finally, he also checked the storage ring of the other superior god, Lin Lin always had more than seven hundred thousand **** crystals together.

However, after examining the Nangong Xue's storage ring, Song Kun was surprised, because the number of **** crystals in Nangong Snow's storage ring had reached more than 5 million, and there were three top-quality artifacts. In addition, there are various elixir medicines that are also worth more than three million gods.

For a while, Song Xun fell into meditation, secretly thinking, was Nangong Xue a major figure in the Nangong family?

And at this moment, Nangong family.

A cold, snow-like, temperament-like woman in a white long dress suddenly burst into a slaughter of murderous power. As her murderous power broke out, a thick layer of ice crystals condensed on the surrounding plants.

The next moment, her heart sank into the soul, into a diamond crystal, and a picture appeared in her sight. When her avatar was beheaded by a young man in black, her face couldn't help flashing. After a touch of surprise.

Because the cultivation revealed by that young man in black has only reached the middle stage of God.

A middle **** actually cut off her avatar to reach the peak of the previous god.

So she looked back at the image of her killing again, and finally found the reason. At one moment, she was a little shocked and muttered to herself: "The amazing soul powers can deceive me!

Think of it here.

Her shape suddenly soared into the sky, speeding in the direction of Taikoo Forbidden Land.

When the woman in the Nangong family left, Song Yong suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. This was his special ability after ten transformations.

Over time, that sense of crisis became stronger and stronger.

For a moment, he couldn't help but look at the upcoming Taikoo Forbidden Land, secretly thinking that the crisis came from Taikoo Forbidden City?

So he tried to speed in the opposite direction of Taikoo's forbidden ground.

But the sense of crisis has not disappeared, and similarly, it is gradually increasing.

Suddenly, he thought of Nangong Xue who was killed by him. It is said that when the upper **** was promoted to the lower heaven god, the **** realm in his body would be transformed into a godhead, and the godhead could be split.

The split godhead can form an avatar.

With avatars, there is one more life.

At the same time, the avatar can also be cultivated as a single individual and become another lower god.

Therefore, that Nangong Xue is likely to be the clone of a certain god.

However, the other side ’s cultivation is only in the early stage of God, so her deity is not too strong, and she should only be like the lower god.

Even if there is only the lower god, he is not able to resist now.

It is even possible that the other party has learned that the avatar is destroyed and is rushing in this direction.

Thinking of this, Song Yan's mood became extremely dignified.

But everyone killed, and there was no room for regret. Now even if he rushes to Fucheng, he can still kill him even if he returns to Fucheng. Therefore, the best choice now is to enter the Taikoo Forbidden Land and fight with each other.

In addition, after cutting off the three upper gods, he received three hundred killing values ​​and conducted three intermediate prize draws, which may be able to draw something to resolve the crisis.

[Author off topic]: One more

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