Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1897: God and devil stand

Seeing this, Song Yan sank slightly, looking at the god-man who snatched the task crystal.

The other person has silver hair, with a bit of evil charm in his handsome appearance, and Xiu Wei has reached the late stage of the median god.

After looking at each other, Song Yan turned and walked towards another task wall.

"Are you Song Yan?"

The silver-haired middle **** suddenly spoke.

"Yes! Any advice from your Excellency?"

Song Yan asked lightly.

The other side replied: "I heard that you are crazy, do you have the courage to go with me to the gods and monsters!"

The gods and devil's benches are the ones used by gods and deities to resolve their grievances.

Because the devil and the devil have regulations, they cannot fight privately, otherwise they will be severely punished.

On the god-devil stand, you can hurt the opponent, but you cannot kill the other.

"You do not deserve!"

Song Yan's mouth gradually outlines a touch of disdain, the other side is bullying, he naturally will not remain silent.

"Oh, that kid is really crazy, dare to say such a word to Uncle Xu!"

"He has just been promoted to the two-star demon, so he dares to say this. If he knows the true strength of Tai Shuxu, he would not dare to say that!"

"Yeah, although Uncle Xu only has the realm of the mid-level god, he has killed a beast with the pre-strength of the high-level god, and he was only slightly injured!"

"Oh, there's a good show!"

"By the way, why is uncle Xu looking for a newcomer!"

"Tai Shuxu's brother once did the task with Song Ye. In the end, Tai Shukang withdrew, but Song Ye's kid made more than 8,000 gods!"

"So it is!"

Tai Shuxu's brow frowned slightly: "Song Ye, you have no choice, you have to agree or you agree, otherwise, I will make you a task!"

"Since you want to die, I'll do it for you!"

Song Yan looked cold.

"Okay, see you tomorrow at noon and see how I abuse you!"

Uncle Xu sneered at Song Yong, threw the task crystal to him, and turned away.


The news that Tai Shuxu and Song Zheng were about to go to the gods and devil's stage spread among the gods and devil groups.

Taishuxu is an old-fashioned two-star demon, and his combat power is quite tyrannical, so no one is optimistic about Song Kun except for a limited number of people.

Only Xiao Yuer, Liao Yang, who knew Song Zhen's true strength, secretly sneered at Uncle Xu.

He can defeat even the Nangong iron suit in the middle of the god, but only the late uncle of the middle **** has nothing to do with it.

At the same time, this battle also attracted the attention of many Samsung gods, so before noon the next day, hundreds of gods had come to watch the battle near the gods and demons.

The four-star demon is in charge of this demon war, and possesses the mid-level power of the upper deities.

A quarter of an hour before noon.

Song Yan and uncle Xu both arrived.

"Brother, you must teach that kid fiercely!"

The uncle Kang, a one-star demon, looked at Song Yan with a grudge, and the task of collecting the flowers of the Uranus encountered Nangong family's horses, so he and nine other people quit.

There was nothing, but when they heard that Song Yan not only completed the mission, he also received five Youyu flowers, and Song Yan also received 8,800 **** crystals. Suddenly, he could n’t accept it. I was jealous.

Uncle Xu nodded confidently: "Relax, I will teach him how to be a man!"

"Song Yan, come on, hit that guy hard!"

Xiao Yuer waved his fist to Song Yan.

Tuoba Yufeng, who came with Xiao Yuer, said, "I heard that that uncle Xu had defeated the beast of the higher **** level, cousin, you are sure he can win!"

Song Yan looked at Tuoba Yufeng with a playful look: "Would you like Tuoba to make a bet?"

"What do you want to bet on?"

Tuoba Yufeng's face was alert.

Song Kun said: "If I defeat the opponent, I win, if I lose, I lose, how about a bet of ten thousand gods?"

Tuoba Yufeng, who had suffered a loss in Song Ye's hands, was alert to Song Ye. Hearing Song Ye's proposal, he subconsciously said, "No gambling!"

"So, Tuoba's son is quite confident in me!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Ghosts have confidence in you!"

"Why don't you dare to gamble if you are not confident!"

"My son is willing!" Said secretly in his heart, "I am not fooled!"

"Hey hee cousin you finally wise once, if you bet with Song Yan, you must lose!" Xiao Yuer said with a smile.

Suddenly, Tuoba Yufeng's face became a bit ugly, and he said coldly, "I'm not convinced, I bet!"

Song Yi froze, but unexpectedly Xiao Yuer gave him an assist, so he laughed: "Girl Yuer, wait to win the **** crystal, I'll share half of you!"

"Hee hee, this is not good!"

"It's okay, it won!"

Seeing that the battle had not yet begun, Song Kun was discussing the division of the stolen goods, and Tuoba Yufeng's face became even more ugly. He couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Don't say too much, be careful of yourself!"

"Hehe, Tuoba, please wait and see!"

Song Yan smiled.

Soon, it was noon.

The four-star demon who presided over the game chanted, "Please ask two demon gods to challenge the stage!"

So Song Yan and uncle Xu went to the ring from both sides of the ring.

"Boy, if you scratch your head for mercy now, I might let you go!"

Uncle Xuyin said.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start quickly!"

Song Yan said impatiently.

"court death!"

Uncle Xu's eyes flashed with anger, his body suddenly burst out, and several punches were thrown in succession. Weapons were not allowed to be used on the devil's stand.


Each of Tai Shuxu's punches hit Song Yong's chest, which made the other party overjoyed, secretly, this boy is too weak, even I can't stop my tentative attack.

"Oh, just your power can't hurt me!"

Song Yan smiled lightly, then raised his hand and punched.

"not good!"

Uncle Xu whispered in secret, holding out his arms to block.

"Ka! Hey!"

But Song Zheng's fist contained an unmatched force that broke Taishu's arm, and then hit his fist on his chest.

Then the other party flew out, and the person vomited blood continuously in the air. When he fell to the ground, he completely fainted.

Seeing this scene, the gods and demons who watched the battle on the stage were dumbfounded.

"How could that be? Uncle Xu didn't kill a beast of a higher **** level, why was Song Yiyi defeated by boxing?"

"So strong flesh!"

However, the four-star demon who presided over the battle saw the mystery, but there was a bit of horror in his eyes. Then he announced that the winner was Song Yong.

Song Ye stepped down from the ring, and then reached out to Tuoba Yufeng: "Tuoba son, bring ten thousand gods!"

"Hum! Take it!"

The other party threw him a storage ring and turned away.

"Girl Yuer, these five thousand **** crystals are yours!"

Song Zheng took five thousand **** crystals and passed the storage nerves to Xiao Yuer.

"No, I just talked casually!"

"No, if it wasn't for your words, your cousin would definitely not agree to bet on me!"

"You also said. This brother is definitely full of opinions on me!" But when it came to this, Xiao Yuer couldn't help laughing.

[Author off topic]: The third update is complete, thank you for your great reward

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