Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1905: Mysterious cave wall

Song Yan first came to the Demon Demon to see the head of the sub-committee Mu Ga. The other party was quite shocked after hearing it, and he was a bit worried. If this was really expected by Song Yan, the Nangong family's liquidation list would be indispensable .

At that time, even if he is killed, the demon group may fight with the Nangong family who owns the **** king for his lower god, even if the demon group and the Nangong family fight, he is dead.

Therefore, he immediately took Song Ye to see Hong Xiu.

Yes, in order to prevent the Nangong family from fighting back, Hong Xiu is still staying at Yushan House for the time being.

"Song Ye, hurry up, tell your guess to Master Hong Xiu!"

When he saw Hong Xiu, Mu Gao urged Song Yi.

So Song Ye explained his speculation.

After listening, Hong Xiu did not express his opinion, but looked at Song Yi: "You have a certain grasp on this matter!"

Song Kun said: "No matter how sure you are, you should send someone to investigate. The Nangong family is now arrogant enough. If their family has a **** king, it will not be a good thing for the demon group!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Mu Gaolian nodded again and again: "Master, Song Yong is right, it is indeed necessary to send someone to investigate, if the Nangong family really has a **** king, then the trouble is endless!"

Hong Xiu nodded: "This is indeed the truth, you don't have to intervene in this matter, I will first understand the situation."

After leaving Hong Xiu, Song Ye went directly to Xiao Yuer and asked her to pass on the news to her father. Based on the relationship between Xiao Fankong and the Nangong family, he definitely did not want to see the **** king appear in the Nangong family. One.

Then thought about it, he came to the courtyard where the red moon **** and silver wing god.

"Brother, why are you free to come to me?"

Chiyue Tianshen smiled and passed a cup of tea brewed by hand to Song Yong.

"Thank you sister!"

After a brief greeting, Song Yan explained his speculation.

After Song Ye left.

Akagi Tenjin looked at Silverwing Tenjin: "What do you think about this?"

"How is the God King so successful? Most of this kid wants to use us to deal with the Nangong family!" Yinyi Tianshen said a little disapprovingly, for some reason, he always looked at Song Yan so unpleasantly.

After telling the three parties about this news, Song Xun did not continue to pay attention, but came to the Shenfa Pavilion of the Devil and Magic Group.

He climbed to the third floor and watched the law of restraint.

In the third layer, there are more than 300 divine jade records about the ban. He watched some of them one by one, and finally found only three divine jade pieces that he found useful.

It takes two thousand **** crystals to copy three Shenyujians.

After paying two thousand **** crystals, a five-star demon guarding the third-level Shenfa Pavilion helped Song Yan to copy the contents of the three jade tablets.

After becoming a five-star demon, you can serve in the demon group.

When he got three jade jades that recorded the law of prohibition, Song Yong returned to his courtyard to study.

Although the bans recorded in these three jade jades are not profound, they have their own unique features. However, he thoroughly drank the bans in the three jade jades, and he felt that his level of bans had been partially improved.

The third layer has what he needs, so what about the fourth and fifth layers?

Because the higher **** later had the qualification to become a five-star demon.

Therefore, Song Yan plans to do the task and become a four-star demon as soon as possible.

So he came to the mission hall of the Samsung Demon.

To advance the four-star demon, you need to complete 36 Samsung missions.

Compared to the two-star mission, the Samsung mission is much more difficult and takes longer.

After a while, Song Yan focused on a task.

This task is to kill a beast called a poisonous sting.

Although the strength of this poisonous puppet is only the strength of the median god, it can spray a toxin, even if the general three-digit number is on, it will ulcerate the whole body.

The duration of this mission is three years, and the rewards are relatively generous, with five thousand **** crystals.

"Just choose you!"

Song Yan directly took the crystal ball for the task of beheading the poisonous beast.

According to the records in the mission crystal, this poisonous owl lives on the bottom of a deep mountain cold lake two thousand kilometers northwest of Yushan Prefecture.

I don't know the depth of this cold pool, and the water inside is extremely cold. Even the higher gods dare not walk into the cold pool alone.

Therefore, to kill the poison puppet, it is only necessary to lead it out.

This is why this task was released for many months, and no one came to take over.

After taking on this task, Song Yan set out directly.

Within a day, Song Ye came to the cold pool where the drug lord was.

Even if it is more than ten meters away from the water surface, Song Yan can feel the Han Hanwei from the cold lake.

Changing into a general median god, once it falls into the cold pool, it will definitely be frozen.

He tried to explore the god's consciousness into the cold pool. After eleven transformations of his soul, the scope of Song Ji's consciousness could reach more than 5,000 meters.

God sank for 1,800 meters, and came to the bottom of the pond.

But what surprised him was that he didn't find the so-called poisonous pupa at the bottom of the pond.

So he began to control the spread of the consciousness around the bottom of the pond.

at last.

Under the search of his consciousness, he found the wall of the cave shrouded by a puff of water grass. He directly explored the consciousness into the wall of the cave and found that there was a magical power in the wall that actually blocked his **** Investigate.

Suddenly, Song Xun's spirit was refreshed.

After eleven transformations of his soul, even the general lower **** cannot compare with his deities. Therefore, the cave wall can isolate his deities. Therefore, the layout inside that cave wall may be the middle **** or Upstairs.

In this case.

He jumped into shape and fell into the cold pool.

Divine power wrapped his body, and soon he sank to the bottom of the pond and went directly to the cave wall.

"It's a ban!"

After reaching out and touching, Song Yong immediately judged that the strange energy in the cave wall was emitted by the prohibition.

As soon as he thought, he began to study the prohibition inside the cave wall.

A day later.

With his hands quickly hitting the banning method, then there was a circle of energy in the cave wall, and he reached out his hand again, the banning force has not blocked his entry.

He only moved forward for more than ten meters, and he was blocked by another restraining energy. This time the restraining energy was even higher.

In this regard, Song Yan was rather surprised.

Began to study these prohibitions and verify them with the method of prohibition in mind.

Three days later.

Song Zheng began to break the ban again and tried fifteen times. He finally succeeded and went forward for more than ten meters.

Then came a more severe ban.

Even breaking two bans, Song Yan ’s ban level has also improved. Looking at this third ban, Song Yan ca n’t help but think. It seems that the ban inside the cave wall is gradually increasing, not like blocking others from entering Yes, it's like teaching.

The third paragraph of the ban, Song Kun spent a full 10 days to break it.

Then he encountered the fourth paragraph of prohibition. Seeing the fourth paragraph of prohibition, Song Kun became more convinced of his speculation, and he was looking forward to it. If he could successfully pass through the wall of the hole, he might get some benefit.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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