Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1908: False **** king

Song Yan had long thought that the God of the Silver Wings and the God of the Red Moon would ask him this question, but did not expect that after so long, the other party would only ask this question.

So he said: "I had a chance to move a rune by chance, as long as it was activated, it could be transmitted to dozens of kilometers, and I used this rune to escape there!"

"is it?"

The Red Moon Tianshen didn't believe much of Song Yan's words. The place was too special. Even if she and the Silverwing Tianshen used various methods, it was difficult to escape, forcing them to close the sea and live as a dead person. .

"This is the moving rune, but this rune can only be used once!"

Speaking, Song Yong passed the used rune to the Red Moon God.

Although this rune is no longer effective, the Red Moon Tianshen can still sense the breath of the remaining laws of space from above, and a little wonder in his heart: "Can this kid really escape this assault by this rune?"

Next, Akagi Tenjin didn't mention it again, but chatted casually with him.

After a while, the Red Moon Tianshen left.

"how about it?"

After the sound insulation was set, Silver Wing God asked in a deep voice.

Chiyue Tianshen sneered: "The boy said he left the place with a shifting rune, and he did have a used shifting rune on him, but I don't believe it!"

Yinyi Tianshen snorted coldly: "Hum! As I said, it would be better to grab him and press him for a question. I still don't believe it. With our means, he can hide the secret!"

"not necessarily!"

Chiyue Tianshen shook his head: "The kid is typically soft or hard. He only took up the position of God and dared to oppose the family of the King of God. If we use tough means, we may not be able to persecute the secret in his heart. Well, although it takes a certain amount of time, maybe he can still get his secret. If it doesn't work, then I can only use the nightmare magic to get the secret in his heart! "

Yinyi Tianshen nodded: "Okay, just do what you said, right, this time the demon group is afraid that the **** of the false **** king is inevitable, we are afraid there is not much chance to get it!"

"Anyway, it's just a false **** king personality! As long as we have opened that place, it will not be easy to become a **** king!" Said the Red Moon Tianshen.

"So too!"

Yinyi Tianshen nodded: "It's just that the place is too dangerous, every inch of void is covered with powerful prohibitions, and we can't really enter that place with our strength!"

"Well, there's no need to mention it anymore, lest it be leaked!"

The Red Moon Tianshen waved his hands, and Lulu warned.

A night passed and everyone sat in the battleship waiting for time.

at last.

The team of Nangong family finally came to the canyon, and immediately followed the formation of the array around the canyon to block the entire canyon, but they did not know that someone had sneaked into the canyon. .

The Nangong family is led by the Nangong family's owner, a small old man with a thin appearance.

Next to the little old man, there is a young man who has reached the upper stage of the **** of the heavens. His name is Nangong Wushuang. He is the son of the little old man and a person selected by the Nangong family to devour the false gods.

In the middle of the gorge, a huge array of altars has been set up long ago. Ninety-nine blood-colored stone pillars are erected in the altar, and there are grooves under the pillars.

These grooves circled round and round, and came to the center of the array to form a Tai Chi fish.

At the same time, there are six small formations in the Liuhe direction of the formation. The formations are engraved with mysterious runes, which are spooky and weird.

"This moment is finally coming!" When he came to the battlefield, the old man said excitedly, but there was irresistible excitement in his eyes. As long as the Nangong family can create a **** king, the entire Yushan House is a Nangong family. Yes.

"Bring a sacrifice!"

Suddenly, as soon as the little old man waved his hand, suddenly, an upper **** shook his hand, and ninety gods were transferred from the ring of storage gods. These gods have men and women, and there are old and young.

But their cultivation has reached the level of the central gods, and even there are eighteen upper gods.

I don't know how the Nangong family got these gods.

It also shows that they have been planning for this matter for many years.

The expression of the gods these days is quite dull, and the mind should be controlled by some secret method.

"Tie them all to the battlefield!"

Immediately, the **** of heaven started to bind all the ninety-nine gods to the **** stone pillar.

"Puff puff!"

At this moment, the blood-colored stone pillar actually gave birth to dozens of spikes piercing the bodies of these gods, and the blood remained along the blood column and slowly flowed into the groove below the blood column.

"Six elders are on stage!"

The old man shouted again. Suddenly, the six upper gods collectively fell on the six small arrays. Then, they flipped their hands to create a complex array of fingerprints. Suddenly, the huge array was activated and a circle of blood bloomed. Light, shrouded the entire array.


Suddenly, the battle platform trembled violently, as if there was life, and the blood in the ninety-nine heavenly gods all accelerated to flow out into the groove, and then converged towards the central Taichi fish.

And these gods still looked dumb, as if they didn't know anything.

Time passed slowly.

The blood in the ninety-nine gods was almost drained, and the upper gods of the six Nangong families on the battlefield suddenly issued a big drink, and the tricks in their hands became faster and faster. At the same time, they sang a group of ancient songs The spell.

With their gush, the void in the whole canyon shook.

And a lot of pain appeared on the faces of the gods and gods in many Nangong families, and the dull faces of the ninety-nine gods who were tied to the blood column finally showed the pain.

However, the old man and Nangong Wushuang looked very excited, staring at the Taichi fish in the formation.

at last.

An imaginary figure floated from the Taiji fish, and then the blood of the gods gathered at the Taiji fish was directly upstream, and gradually, a blood man was formed, which was the blood composed of the blood of the ninety-nine gods.

"This is a blood king of the **** king. It needs to be guided by the **** king's bones to be refined!"

Inside the battleship, Xiao Fankong calmly explained to Song Yan.

"What's the use of this blood puppet?"

Song Yan asked curiously.

The Red Moon Tenjin came over, and Xiao Fankong said, "It is not easy to combine the goddess of the ninety-nine gods to temper them. Even if the upper gods suck, there is only a dead end, but this blood sacrifice But they can fuse those godheads together to form a false **** king goddess! "

Sure enough, the next moment, a diamond crystal was flying in the hearts of the ninety-nine godheads.

These diamond crystals are their godheads.


The blood clam made a roar like a ghost cry, all these godheads flew towards him, and then he was sucked into his stomach.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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