Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1939: Corpse Corps

"Then how can I help you lift the curse?" Song Yan asked again.

"Need your blood."

The corpse cricket wrote on the ground.

"How many people do you have?"

Song Yan asked thoughtfully.

"More than five million!"

The little corpse wrote.

"I wipe, five million. Even if one person drops one blood, it will take five million blood. It is estimated that it is not enough to put all my blood!" Song Yan said angrily.

"Descendants of the ancestors, you only need to give me a drop of blood, and I will be able to speak, and we can communicate better! 'Xiao Zuyi wrote a line again, and then looked at him with anticipation.


Song Yan gave a strange laugh: "My blood contains the blood of the ancestors and gods, is it what you want and you can get it, you have to exchange things!"

"As long as you unlock the curse of our people, we can serve you!"

The little corpse wrote again.

"It's tempting!"

Song Yan secretly said, but he didn't think it was that simple. Who cursed them to turn them into monsters without people? Moreover, this curse can only be lifted with the blood of people with Pangu blood, which shows that this curse is very powerful.

Being able to put such a powerful curse, it is certainly not easy to turn a group of people into inhuman monsters.

If he lifts their curse, will the other party trouble him?

Besides, what the little corpse said may not be true.

There are too many things in this world that turn their faces away.

At this moment, the little corpse turned back and said a few strange words to one of the corpses, and then the other party suddenly disappeared and reappeared, and the other party directly threw hundreds of storage **** rings at Song's feet.

And the small corpse also wrote: "So many storage gods give you a drop of blood!"

Song Kun picked up these stored deities' rings and looked at them, and found that each stored deity ring contained a lot of **** crystal elixir, etc., which should be obtained by the corpses who hunted the gods who broke into the forbidden area of ​​the mist.

Hundreds of things within the ring of gods are worth at least tens of billions of gods.

"it is good!"

Putting away the storage ring, Song Kun cut through his fingers and threw a drop of blood to the small corpse.

The little corpse was overjoyed, reached out and caught the drop of blood, and then wiped it directly on his forehead. Then, an extremely complicated rune appeared on his forehead. After the rung absorbed the blood of Song Yuan, the little corpse was There was a black gas on top of his head, and when the black gas dissipated, the corpse was actually a little more angry.

"thank you!"

The little corpse suddenly said.

At this moment, the second thunder in the sky fell down, and the power was better than the first.

Suddenly, Song Yan's face changed.

Watching the corpse yelled, "My friend is crossing the gang, but some people want to plot them, can you call some corpses to help them! Afterwards, I can give you three drops of blood!"

"it is good!"

The little corpse agreed without hesitation, and then issued a silent roar. With his roar, a large number of corpses suddenly appeared around him.

It was densely packed, and Song Song was numb from the top.

He opened the perspective of magical powers and looked at it, and found that in such an instant, more than 2,000 corpses were gathered around, and the number continued to increase.

"Enough! Enough!"

Song Yong shouted quickly.

Each dead corpse is comparable to the upper god, and the other party is just over one hundred upper gods. More than two thousand dead corpses can crush each other by the number.

"Do you know the whereabouts of those people?"

Song Yan looked at the corpse and asked.

"follow me!"

The corpse corpse flew forward with the two corpse corpses that looked like living people, and Song Ji quickly followed, while the 2,000 corpses corpse around them followed them calmly.

The mighty army chased and killed the gods of the Tianjia Jiang family.

And at the moment.

The upper gods of the two Jiangjia Tianjia families are quickly moving towards the direction of Tianjie, but because the fog is too dense and the corpse is lurking in the fog, their speed is not fast.

"Why do I have a bad hunch in my heart?"

One of the upper gods murmured to himself.

As for Song Yan, there was a small corpse leading the way, and there was no need to worry about the sneak attack of the corpse, so it was fast.

Looking at the flying corpse scorpion, Song Qin was thoughtful. The corpse scorpion can control so many corpse puppets, it is definitely not easy, is he a king of corpse puppets?

"They're right ahead!"

The small corpse suddenly pointed at the thick fog in front.

Song Yan had heard the fighting from the front, and it seemed that the group had encountered the corpse again.

"let's go!"

Song Kun strode forward through the fog, and then the gods in the upper part of the Tian family and the Jiang family appeared in his sight. At this moment, they were besieging ten dead corpses with almost half of their hands, and the remaining people were on alert . So, when Song Huan appeared, they were discovered.

"Look, it's Song Yan's little thief!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Hurry, catch him!"

Someone shouted in excitement. Suddenly, there were five upper gods flying towards Song Yun, but they flew to half. They stopped collectively and then moved back at a faster speed, with a little panic on their faces. With fear.

"How come you back?"

Someone asked.

"He ... there was a lot of corpses behind that little thief!"

"Hey, little corpse, look at you, surround them all!"

Song Yan turned his head and yelled at the corpse around him.

"it is good!"

The little corpse nodded and issued a silent roar again, and then, as the figures flickered, the upper gods were surrounded by more than two thousand corpses.

Looking at the densely packed corpse, everyone's face was pale, and many of them were trembling.

"Hey, grandchildren, didn't you rely on a lot of people before? Who are many now?"

Song Yan stepped out, watching the upper gods, chuckling.

"You ... how can you make the corpse obey your orders?"

An upper heaven war fought eloquently.

Song Yan sneered: "Hey, because the little man is the son of destiny, even if the corpse meets, he must pay for his head and worship, as long as you are the dregs who dare to oppose me.

Hearing Song Ye's words, the small corpse rolled his eyes very humanly, apparently he controlled the corpse, and there was no relationship with Song Ji at all.

"Song Yan, can you let us go, we can all swear, every time I see you step backwards!" An upper god.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Song Yan sneered: "Little corpses, kill them, yes, remember to collect their storage rings!"


The corpse screamed silently, and the corpses surrounding these upper gods moved.

"Ah! Spelled!"

"Song Ye, you must die!"

This group of upper gods desperately broke out with unparalleled attack power. Unfortunately, there were too many dead bodies, and even if they broke out ten times, there was no possibility of survival.

With just a few dozen breaths, the battle was over and all the upper gods were killed.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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