Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1948: God maid

Especially the upper part of the **** who was cut off one arm saw the woman flying by Song Yan fan, and her heart was full of pleasure.

"How dare you hit me? Do you know who I am?"

The woman stood up and asked Song Ye a bitter look.

"I care who you are and dare to act with me is a challenge to me! Those who dare to challenge me are never polite!"

Song Yan stepped out, came to the courtyard and looked at the woman's way.

"very good!"

The woman gritted her teeth and said, "If you kneel down and scratch your head and slap yourself, I might spare you!"


The silhouette flashed.

Song Ye was fanning the other party, and then sneered, "Where's the fool!"

"Dare you hit me! I killed you!"

The woman came flying.

Song Yong waved his hands, and the other party was fanned by him again, and bright red finger marks appeared on both cheeks.


The woman screamed, going mad.


Song Xuan rushed around and drove her away: "What a ghost is, it's awful. Hurry up and say what you're here for, otherwise I'll kill you!"

Hearing the words, the woman's eyes flashed with fear: "I'm the maid of the King of Green God!"

When he heard the name of the God of Green God, all the gods in the presence changed their faces.

"Brother Song, I suddenly remembered that there was an urgent matter that needed me to deal with, so I left first!"

An upper celestial **** left an excuse and hurried away, a bit like running away.

"Brother Song, my wife is about to be born, and I will take a step first!"

Immediately there was an upper heavenly sacred road, and then, without waiting for Song Ye's position, he walked away.

Another upper **** said: "Brother Song ...!"

"Your wife is about to give birth, or is there something urgent?" Song Yan looked at each other.

Embarrassment flashed on his face: "Sorry Brother Song, leave first!"

Then, the other gods left, and in a moment, more than ten gods walked cleanly.

See this scene.

A smug smile appeared from the corner of the woman's mouth.

She stood up proudly and looked at Song Yan: "Remorse? Kneel down and ask me for forgiveness!"


Song Ye pumped her again.

"You ... you all know that I am the maid of the King of God of Qing Dynasty, dare to hit me?" The other side screamed unbelievably staring at Song Yan.


Song Yan stepped forward, punched her in the chest, and sneered, "Now you know!"

The woman was going crazy, and she clearly showed her identity, and the other party dared to be so rude, did he dare not to take the King of Green God in his eyes.

Song Yan ignored the other party, walked to the stone bench in the courtyard and sat down slowly, asking, "Say, what's the matter that the Qingying God King sent you?"

The woman was silent, and said, "The godly weapon you seized from Baili Yashan is my master!"

"Oh, how about that?" Song Yan said lightly.

The woman said silently, "That's my master's thing. You deserve to return it. My master said, if you personally send the **** king to his house, admit it in a hoe, and work for my master, he can not hold you accountable ! "

Song Yan shrugged off his lips and turned to her, "You said that the godly weapon was your master? I also said that you were my maid, did you say you?"

"You ... you wanton, I'm the master's girl, how can you be yours!"

The woman flushed her cheeks with anger in her eyes.

"Don't worry, you are so ugly, I don't care!"

Song Yong disapproves of Tao.


The woman was angry: "My host said, give you three days. If you do n’t ask for sin, then you must regret it!"

Leaving this sentence, the woman left angrily, in fact she was a little scared of Song Yan, this guy is too bold and bold, knowing her identity and dare to hit her.

"No, I must report this to the owner!"

After the woman left, Song Yan went to inquire about the next King of the Qing Dynasty God.

The Qingwang **** king has been the **** king for 100,000 years. He is currently in the middle stage of the second stage of the **** king and serves as the elder elder of the demon group. Although this king is the **** king, his energy is extremely narrow.

Generally speaking, the King of God disdains to shoot at Tenjin.

However, the King of Qingyu had shot and killed an upper god. Later, he did not let go of any **** who offended him, even a man of God. Therefore, few people dare to offend the King of Qingyu.

There was even a time when a certain king of God and the King of Qingyi had a dispute. The King of Qingyi did not want each other. He actually ran to kill the opponent's people.

In the end, the **** king came out of nowhere and fought against him for several days, regardless of victory or defeat.

"Trouble!" After discovering the news, Song Xuan secretly groaned. It is not easy to offend this kind of godless **** king. No wonder Gu Fen dare to settle accounts, I am afraid I know this.

"No, I have to hide for a while!"

He is not a fool. Since he knows that the young king of the Qing Dynasty has a small belly and still stays in the Holy City of Light to resist, suddenly, he thinks of a way to pit the young God of the Qing Dynasty.

But before you leave, you have to collect debts.

Thinking of this, he went straight to the ancient burning place.

Although there is an array method in the opponent ’s courtyard to abandon divine inquiry, his soul is about to undergo thirteen soul transformations (wrongly remembered previously, Song Yun has completed twelve soul transformations), so this dot matrix method is basically Can't stop his consciousness.

When the sense of God swept away, he discovered the location of Gu Fen.

So he broke into the other's courtyard directly.

"Why are you here again, Lord Gu Fen went out for a tour!"

The central **** of heaven shouted towards Song Yong.

"Get away!"

Song Yan slaps the other side in a slap, then flew into the backyard and saw Gu Fen sitting there drinking tea.

"Song Yan, you are presumptuous. Where the deity lives, you dare to break in!"

Gu Fen sank and said coldly.

"Breaking your mother!"

Song Yi stepped out, and seized Gu Nian's neck between his hands. He raised his hand and gave him a few big mouths, swollen his cheeks. Gu Chong wanted to resist, but found in shock, The moment Song Kun clasped his neck, he sealed the strength of his whole body, and he couldn't mobilize the slightest force at all.

"I dare to rely on my devil's merits, I'm really impatient!"

Song Yan lifted Gu Fenyu to the ground, and then stepped on his head for several times.

Gu Fan, who was unable to resist, only felt that the anger was rising, almost ignited him, and the central **** of God rushed in at this time, and saw the ancient fan stepped on by Song Mao, and his mouth could not help but widen, his adult But how can the upper god, who is many times more powerful than Bailiya Mountain, be like Song Yan ...

"Say, don't pay back my deities?"

Song Yan stomped a few more feet before he retracted his feet.

"I still!"

Gu Fen gritted his teeth, and his heart was insulted and resentful. He vowed that if this guy was not killed by the God of Green God, he would kill him no matter how much he paid.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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