Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1950: Xueyang God King

In the face of the attack of the five dead kings, there was a regret and resentment in the eyes of the king of green gods. If he was not too careless, how could he be ambushed.

But now it's too late to speak, only to break through.


The King of Green God issued a burst of drink, like a thunder. Then, a world appeared in the void behind him, and it was faintly visible that there were mountains and rivers, rivers and oceans, fairy birds and beasts in that world.


As soon as this world came out, the strength of the king of green maggots soared, and actually five corpse kings rushed away to seize the road and fled.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and a world appeared in the void behind the five dead kings, but their world was dead and filled with death, poisonous gas, and radon.

Then, the bodies of the five corpse kings turned into a black streamer, chased after the king of the green gods, raised their hands and killed.

In desperation, the King of Green God can only turn around to meet the enemy.

"Boom boom!"

The two sides fought fiercely in the void, and even though cracks appeared in the misty forbidden area, Song Xun found out that the world behind the King of the God of Qingyan was slowly fading.

God King repairs the Avenue, God Emperor repairs the origin.

Looking at the two sides confronting each other, Song Xuan understood something.

The so-called avenue is actually an evolutionary world, but the world behind them cannot be called the real world, because they are not yet able to self-evolve. Self-evolution also needs the energy provided by the King of God.

After the world has evolved to a certain point, they can achieve the emperor, and then draw on the origin to make their world more complete, but the cultivated world can be rooted in chaos, and they can be detached and promoted to the Creator.

In the Shenxu world he had been to before, a **** emperor failed to stay away.

The confrontation continues.

The King of Green God fell into an absolute downwind, but he still said deadly that he played powerful mysteries one by one, and also released pieces of powerful kings, but the amount of suppression, he was just dying.

After half an hour.

There are huge cracks in the world behind the King of God of Qing Dynasty. It seems that it will collapse at any time. At the same time, there are many wounds on his body, and his green robe is dyed red.

"Ah, Song Ye, you must die!"

The God of Qingyan screamed dying, and then the whole body was blasted, but his spirit turned into a golden light that slammed in front of Song Yan into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Song stunned, and then laughed: "You are such a teaser, Green God!"


At the next moment, the spirit of the King of the Green God screamed in his knowledge of the sea, and was directly erased by the system boss, and turned into a pure soul body.

"Oh, it's cheaper for me!"

Song Kun laughed again, and the spirit was condensed into a sword. The spirit of the King of the Green God was cut into a small piece and thrown into the vortex of chaos. Before long, this group of spirits was refined into pure soul power.

With a thought, Song Yan sent these soul power into the soul and was absorbed by him.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Song Huan was very satisfied, even if only a small part, his spirit has grown a lot.

After cleaning the battlefield.

The small corpse got the storage ring of the King of the God of Qing and several broken artifacts. The fighting just was too fierce. These artifacts were broken. Even so, the broken artifacts are quite valuable. .

"We don't need these things, they're all for you!"

The small corpse gave these things to Song Yan.

"I'm welcome!"

Song Yan smiled and put away, and then took out twenty drops of blood and gave it to the small corpse.

At the same time, he overturned the previous speculation that the corpse king should not be as simple as the corpse king, because the five corpse kings would all be under his command.

Next, Song Yan stayed in the fog forbidden area to slowly refine the soul of the King of the Green God. He had a premonition that without completely refining and absorbing the soul of the other party, his soul would undergo 13 transformations.


After he had refined half of the soul of the King of the Green God, his soul began to transform again.

This transformation took almost three months.

After transformation, he did not produce a new soul magical power, but he had a feeling that these two magical powers, illusion and infinite reincarnation, were at least ten times more powerful.

At the same time, the transformation of the soul makes the affinity between Song Yang and the rules extremely abnormal. With only one thought, all the rules within a hundred miles will automatically converge to him.

This means that his cultivation speed has increased a lot.

Saying goodbye to the corpse cricket, Song Ji walked out of the fog forbidden area, and by the way completed a five-star mission, and returned to the Holy City of Light without incident.

When I saw Song Yan again, many people's eyes were full of strangeness.

Because everyone knows that the King of Qingying is chasing and killing him, he did not expect that he would dare to appear in the Holy City of Light. Is he not afraid to be killed by the King of Qingying?

"Song Ye!"

Just then, a voice sounded from behind, very familiar.

Song Kun turned back abruptly and found a man and a woman standing there not far away.

The man looks like a middle-aged man, with loose hair like snow, and a faint smile on his face, but Song Yan cannot see the other person's cultivation.

This shows that most of the opponents are masters at the level of God.

And he was still standing with Si Kongmingyue. Suddenly, he felt a little confused. The other party would not be the long-lost Xueyang God King?

"Haha, Miss Sikong, I haven't seen you for a long time, it's getting more and more beautiful!"

Song Yan was whispering, and he was thinking about how to run.

"Is that so? I think I've lost a lot!" Si Kongmingyue said with a smile.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I had an urgent matter to deal with, so I left first!" As soon as the voice fell, Song Yong turned into a streamer and ran towards the teleportation array.

But soon, he had to stop because Si Kongmingyue and the white-haired middle-aged man appeared directly in front of him.

"Miss Sikong, what are you trying to do?"

Song Yan asked with a bitter smile.

"I want to make a bet with you!" Si Kongmingyue said with a bit of teeth.

I heard that Song Ye didn't understand. This girl is here to find a place. Last time she was in Xinghai, she won her storage ring. She must remember it.

The white-haired man was the King of God, and even if he wanted to run, he couldn't run away, so he had to say, "What does Miss Kong want to bet on?"

Si Kong Mingyue threw a storage ring directly to Song Yan.

"If you can break this storage ring, then the account between us will be written off. If you can't solve it, then you will come to serve as a servant for Miss Ben!"

"Is this not fair?"

Song Yan frowned.

"Do you have the right to choose?" Si Kongmingyue dismissed.

"Maybe not!"

"No, what else is there to give you an hour, hum, if you can't lift the restrictions inside, you look good!" Si Kongmingyue sneered.


Song Zheng was very depressed, and then he penetrated into the stored ring of God.

This storage ring is very primitive and full of taste of time, and it is also very peculiar in shape. It is dark and exudes a bitter chill. It is by no means an ordinary storage ring.

The next moment, he probed into God's knowledge, and layers of restraint surfaced in his knowledge.

There are many prohibitions in the Storage God's Ring, as many as one million. If you change to an ordinary upper god, don't explain it, even if he has more than one hundred prohibitions for more than an hour.

Fortunately, Song Xun's spirit had undergone thirteen transformations, and he was terribly powerful. With only a glance, more than one million prohibitions were reflected in his heart.

Then he closed his eyes and thought.

About a quarter of an hour later, Song Yong suddenly opened his eyes, causing the storage ring to float in mid-air, while his hands flew like lightning, punching in forbidden tricks.

After he broke into more than 10,000 array methods, the ring of the storage **** made a sound, and all the restraints inside it broke at this moment.

"Take it!"

Song Yan flicked at his fingertips, and this ring of storage gods flew directly in front of Si Kongmingyue.

With confusion, Si Kongmingyue went into the storage **** ring and found that the restrictions inside it were unlocked. He couldn't help but glanced at Song Kun, and then handed the ring to the white-haired man. "Father, he really untied!"

The white-haired man took the storage ring and looked inside. Then, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and smiled at Song Yi: "Little brother is really a good way!"

"It's just a little trick, I'll go first!"

Song Yan is ready to run again.

"Little brother, wait!"

Shouted middle-aged white-haired.

"What else do you command?"

Song Yan turned back with a bitter smile.

The middle-aged man in white said with a smile: "Little brother, you must have guessed my identity. I am Mingyue's father, Xueyang God King. I disappeared these years, and I was trapped in a certain place, where there is a very severe prohibition. , This storage ring was brought from that place, so I want to ask my little brother and me to explore that place again? "

"Master God is so much love, I can lift the ban on this stored deity ring just to take the shit, so sorry ...!"

Before waiting for him to finish, Si Kongmingyue sneered, "Huh! Song Ye, my father invited you personally, but you refused, you are so ignorant!"

"This one……?"

Song Yan's face was embarrassed.

"Will you go?" Si Kongmingyue threatened.

"Don't go!" Song Yan shook his head.

Si Kongmingyue smiled coldly: "Very well, you caught me here before and hurt me so much. This time, I also caught you and locked you for tens of thousands of years!"

"Did you just say that it was written off?" Song Zheng staggered.

"Have I ever said that?"

Sikong Mingyue made it clear that he did not confess his account, and continued: "Whether you go or not, if not, I will take you back to Alcatraz Island and lock you up!"

"Ah! I'll go!"

Song Kun cried and mournfully, and sometimes he was pecked by geese.

Seeing Song Yang's appearance, Si Kongmingyue was extremely happy, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

[Author off topic]: Two more today

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