Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1964: Somehow


The King of the Red Moon is still uneasy, and his eyes are even more skeptical. After all, Song Xun was only the central **** in the middle. Even if the other party was injured, that is also the Supreme King of God. Is it a central **** that can shake.

Song Yong quickly said: "How can I coax my sister, and I am very sad, if I am not sure, I dare not do this, I am not afraid to tell my sister that I have gained a lot in the Shenshan Battle. Good thing, although my realm is still at the level of the central **** of heaven, my strength has soared a lot, and it is no longer necessary to deal with the two injured **** kings! "

The Red Moon God said: "No, I still don't worry, so I will leave a deity to you, and if those two have a will, I will deal with them by my deity!"

"Sister, you really worry!"

Song Kun shook his head: "I think that Tu Yu has to have you with them. Most of them have any conspiracy. If you give me a god, you will be more dangerous. Therefore, you should take the god!

"No! If I don't let the gods stay, I won't go!"

The two looked at each other for a while, and Song Yong finally retreated: "Well, sister, leave me a deity clone, but bring this bottle of power!"

During the conversation, Song Yong stuffed a jade bottle to the King of the Red Moon, which contained a hundred drops of the essence.

Detecting this, the King of the Red Moon God was so moved that he offered to kiss him.

Where would Song Ye refuse such a good thing, he would directly bring the King of the Red Moon into his arms, and then responded arrogantly. For a time, the two people were entangled with each other, sweet or not, and the ghost made the **** worse. Song Ye's palm actually stretched out. Entered into the shirt of the King of the Red Moon, and caught the soft and strong place directly.

At this moment, the King of the Red Moon suddenly pushed Song Kun away and stared at him angrily: "Smelly boy, where is your hand?"

"Well, I can't help it! I'm sorry sister, next time I promise I won't repeat it, we will come again." Song Xiao laughed, Song Yan put together brazenly again, wanting to keep the Red Moon God in his arms and kiss.


The King of the Red Moon slapped his thief with a slap, and glared at him angrily: "Rogue boy, your sister's cheapness has not been taken up by you!"

"Hey, my sister's cheapness isn't enough for a lifetime!" Suddenly, Song Zheng looked upright: "I don't know how long it will take for my sister to return, my brother can't bear you!"

After hearing that, a little tenderness flashed on the face of the King of the Red Moon: "brother, my sister can't bear you!"

So Song Yong reached out again, took the Red Moon God into his arms, and kissed the two cherry lips fiercely.

And outside the formation.

From time to time, Si Kongmingyue looked at the position of the formation, and his eyes flashed inexorably.

After a while.

The formation was withdrawn and Song Xun and the normal looking Red Moon God walked out.

After half an hour.

The King of the Red Moon and others left in unison, all that remained here was Song Kun Sikong Mingyue and the injured two gods, Shu Ning and Yun Huang.

Song Xun quickly rushed for a while, then pulled Si Kongmingyue into it.

"You also have the smell of the Red Moon God!" Si Kongmingyue sneered, even more certain in his heart that there was something tricky between the sister and brother.

"What's so weird about that, our sister and brother said goodbye, and embraced each other with true feelings, they will inevitably be stained with their own breath!" Song Yong said still disapprovingly.

Sikong Mingyue exclaimed: "I don't believe it!"

"Do you believe it or not?" Song Yan said, "You have time to ponder this. You might as well practice it, so as not to be your father's oil bottle!"

"Hum, no matter how much Miss Ben is, it ’s the upper heaven god. You a middle **** in heaven are kind enough to teach me!" Si Kongming whispered.

"Then have you beaten me, the middle god?"

Song Yan plays with taste.


Si Kongmingyue was so angry that he couldn't wait to choke this bastard.

"Take it, hide to practice, don't disturb my eyes!" Song Yan threw another jade bottle to the other side, which contained three drops of the essence.

"Are you buying Miss Ben?" Suddenly, Si Kongmingyue moved: "Are you afraid that I will tell this to the King of Silver Wings!"

Song Yan said with no fear: "Tell whoever you like to tell, and the reason I give you the power of the source is that I feel that your strength is too poor, so that you don't drag our hind legs in the future!"

"... You ...!" Si Kongmingyue was angry again.

Song Yan no longer cares about Si Kongmingyue, but comes up with a heavenly map to study it.

"what is this?"

Si Kongmingyue asked curiously. Song Yan looked up at her, and didn't speak.

"Hey, why don't you speak, Miss Ben asks you?"

"Don't you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I throw you out of the battlefield!" Song Yan revealed his white teeth fiercely.

"What fierce, you thought the lady would be afraid of you!"

Although she wasn't afraid to say it by mouth, Si Kongmingyue didn't dare to bother Song Yan any more, but turned her head to the side and threw her out of the battle. She believed that **** could really do it.

Without the interruption of Sikong Mingyue, Song Yan put all his mind on this piece of creation.

The sky map of this creation looks just like the slate that depicts the weird patterns. No strangeness can be seen. Even with the use of divine knowledge, it can't find its singularity.

However, the deity of the Mixed Yangzong told him how to open the creation sky map.

The next moment, his expression was stunned, and his hands were flipped to create a series of tricks. Then, a little fluorescence appeared on the sky of the creation. He quickly released his consciousness to make contact with that point of fluorescence. Then, he felt that his The mind was drawn into a strange space.

Nine sky monuments are erected in this space, but only one inscription is clearly visible, while the runes on the other eight monuments are obscure and invisible.

He knew that only by understanding the runes on the first monument, he could see the runes on the second monument, and according to the deities, the princes of the mixed Yangzong dynasty only participated in the enlightenment. Through the runes on the first monument, Galen became the master of peerlessness.

Taking a deep breath, Song Yan's eyes fell on the first talent.

The runes recorded above are hundreds of millions, dense and dense, and with a strange energy, at a glance, he is dizzy, so he gave up copying all the typefaces on this monument to Thoughts in my mind, but look from the opening.

These runes seemed quite strange, and Song Kun felt that he couldn't understand it, it was exactly like a heavenly script.

Next, he watched thousands of runes intermittently, but still looked like Tianshu, and made him confused.

"No, I must have opened it incorrectly!"

Song Yong thought to himself.

For a moment, he couldn't help staring at the sky monument.

[Author off topic]: Two more, three more will come soon, and it is a big chapter,

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