Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1976: Haven't you eaten

Obviously, it is extremely unwise to fight against the gods and magic groups, so the only way is to leave Yushan House.

After the resurrection of the King of the Stars, in order to thank Zhou Qing, he has completely separated from the Temple, and Song Zheng has truly controlled the Temple. To be honest, without the heart of time and space, the Temple does not have much effect on the King of God. .

Yushan Prefecture should not stay for a long time. Song Xuan gathered all his relatives and his subordinates into the temple.

Later, he went to another house, where Nangong Xueyu lived.

"I have turned my face with the demon group. I want to leave Yushan Mansion, will you follow me?" Song Yan looked at her and asked.

"I'm your maid, do I have a choice?"

Nangong Snow Kitty walks slowly.

Song Yan frowned slightly: "Okay, now I will give you freedom, you choose again!"

"I'm following you, just a burden, so ...!"

"Okay!" Song Yan raised his hand: "I know your choice, this storage **** warns you to accept it. In short, leave Yushan House as soon as possible!"

Throwing a storage ring to Xue Gong of Nangong Xue, Song Xuan left.


Looking at his back, Nangong Xuejie uttered an extremely complicated sigh.

After leaving from Nangong Xuejie, Song Yan went straight out of Yushan Mansion and merged with the star **** who was waiting there.

"Where are you going?"

Star God King.

"Are there any recommendations?"

Song Yan asked.

"Why not go to Alcatraz Island?" The King of Stars suggested.


Song Zheng directly denied: "If the owner of the Alcatraz Island can still shake the magic group, but he has been trapped in the universe that is about to be destroyed. The Alcatraz Island has no deterrent to the magic group. The demon group will definitely send someone to hunt, maybe they will be involved in time! "

Speaking of which, Song Yan could not help thinking of the corpses in the fog forbidden area.

He had promised to help them unleash the curse when he reached the realm of the **** king.

Although he has not reached the level of the **** king now, his strength is no less than that of the **** king, plus his formation, as long as he does not appear, he has the ability to protect himself.

If the corpse kings are willing to abide by the agreement and become his subordinates, then it is best, so that he also has a group of **** king subordinates.

If they are unwilling to keep their promises, then do something else! The distance between Yushan Mansion and Xuliang Mansion is too far. If you do n’t use the teleportation team, it may take months to get there, but you will immediately be found by the magic group when you use the teleportation team.

Therefore, Song Yan planned to fly over.

Song Zheng left less than half an hour.

The demon general group received the news that Song Zhen killed the green demon and other five **** kings to return to the demon group.

The news was shocked and furious at the top of the magic group.

Immediately issued a demon hunting order, sent ten **** kings to hunt down Song Kun.


When they felt Yu Shanfu, Song Ye left early, and even his relatives disappeared.

But these **** kings are not vegetarian. Soon, a **** king locked in the direction Song Song left by some secret magical power, and then chased away in that direction.

One of the forbidden places in the divine realm.

A middle-aged man in a red robe sitting on the bottom of the sea suddenly opened his eyes and said to himself: "Just now, the heart of space and time suddenly became restless. It seems that most of the temple has appeared!"

My heart moved.

A purple crystal heart appeared on the palm of the man in the red robe, and then a picture appeared straight ahead.

This picture shows exactly how Song Yan used the temple to collect his relatives one by one.

"Unexpectedly, the temple actually fell into the hands of an upper heaven god, but just where this person is, let me calculate it!"

Between words, the **** of the strong mountain began to use the calculation of magical powers to calculate the location of Song Yan.

But then he frowned, because he couldn't measure any relevant information about the upper god.

"But it's not impossible, as long as he uses the temple again, the heart of time and space can capture his breath!"


In mid-air, Song Zhengzheng flew side by side with the Star God.

Suddenly, Song Kun frowned, and said, "The **** king of the gods and magic groups has caught up!"

"What are you going to do?"

Asked the Star King.

"Naturally killed!"

Song Tao took the course of course, and then landed on the ground with the King of the Stars, and at the same time, he directly threw out the Mountain and turned it into a giant mountain peak standing on the ground, while he stood with the King of the Stars and the King. At the top of the mountain, waiting for the arrival of those **** kings.


The **** kings followed, and the volley was suspended ten thousand meters away.

The Green Demon King is a **** king, and Song Kun can kill him and several other **** kings to show that he cannot be underestimated. Therefore, ten of them are very vigilant.

"Song Ye, the crime of betraying the demon is not forgivable, but if you can tell all your secrets, there may be a chance for life!"

One of the **** kings suddenly opened his mouth.

They have discussed that Song Ye can kill the Green Demon King and others, not by virtue of his true ability, but most of them obtained extremely precious treasures in that broken universe.

"Want my secret, then you come to catch me, as long as you catch me, I promise to explain everything!"

Song Yan said with a smile.

In order to lure these **** kings to God Mountain, as long as they dared to come up, he taught them how to be human.


"Not good!"

"You ungrateful animal!"


The **** king scolded.

"I want to scold people, but the little master is not afraid of others!" So Song Ye pointed at the ten **** kings and scolded them one by one until the ten people scolded their eyes and trembled.

"Little thief, you shut up and die!"

A female **** king finally couldn't bear it.

"Cut, you are so ugly. I still don't allow anyone to say, if I were you, I would just dig a hole and bury myself, so as not to scare the flowers and the children!

In the face of that sword qi, Song Yan was not afraid of it.

Missing a sword, the goddess king waved the sword again.

Unfortunately, Song Yan was too fast, and his attack was just useless.

"Let's go together!"

Someone shouted.

Then, these **** kings started to take action, but they were 10,000 meters apart and dared not approach.

This time, Song Yan simply didn't bother to avoid, and threw out more than ten eternal **** arrays, guarding him and the star god, and let the ten **** kings attack hard.

"Come on! Come on, work harder, you can break my formation!"


It was said that the ten **** kings were all black.

After half a quarter of an hour, Song Yan was impatient, and said angrily: "Don't you eat? You can't even break a formation, can't you all be false **** kings?"

Hearing this, all the **** kings couldn't help shaking.

[Author off topic]: One more

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