Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1983: Home delivery

In a small world opened up.

Wu Qi worshipped at the feet of a gray old man: "Practitioner Wu Qi meets his teacher."

"Get up, why are you here?"

The old man in gray asked with a smile.

Wu Qidao said: "Teacher, something has happened outside the city. The souls of many cities have been taken away from their souls, making more than a dozen cities to be completely dead cities. It is too cunning to keep track of each other. If it continues like this, there will be more cities and towns suffering. Therefore, the disciples can only come to ask the teacher for help! "

"Extract the soul?"

The gray-clad old man appeared thoughtful and asked, "Which city was the first to suffer?"

Witch Road: "Yushan House."


The old man in gray clothing sighed longly: "If the teacher didn't guess wrong, most of the people in Taikoo Forbidden Area got out of sleep!"

Hearing that Wu Qi could not help expressing his expression: "At first, the Emperor Divine Emperor sealed him by sacrificing himself. The Emperor Divine Emperor was the strongest divine emperor under the Eight Holy Emperors. Who can deal with him! "

As a disciple of the Emperor of Light, Wu Qi naturally knew many secrets.

The divine realm is honored by the eight emperors, but these emperors generally do not stay in the divine realm. They will leave at most one avatar, and the body will go to chaos to find breakthrough opportunities.

The avatars they left were at the level of the emperor, and it was not enough to deal with Moro.

At that time, Moro was in chaos, which led to the siege of several **** emperors.

As a result, not only did the siege succeed, but Moro was killed one by one.

In the end, the first divine emperor under the Eight Holy Emperors led to the monstrous Emperor, but the monstrous emperor could not kill each other. He could only choose to sacrifice himself to seal Moro in the Forbidden City.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed.

Moro got out of trouble, who is his opponent?

"Teacher, what shall we do?"

The Emperor Guangming was silent for a long while: "You first send someone to investigate in Taikoo Forbidden Area, to see the old friends as teachers to discuss countermeasures with them!"

In the forbidden area of ​​the mist, the palace just built.

Inside and outside the palace, Song Ye set up a **** array, so the weird mist in the mist forbidden area could not enter.

At this moment, Song Zheng was playing with a group of wives. Suddenly, a small corpse came in a hurry.

"Master, a **** king broke into the forbidden area!"

"Only one?" Song Yan asked.

"There is really only one!"

The corpse nodded heavily.

"If there is only one **** king, it should not be sent by the demon group!" Song Yan secretly said, and then he instructed the small corpse: "Send someone to stare at him and see why this person came. ! "

"Yes, master!"

The corpse walked away, but the **** Wang Song was not too concerned. In the foggy forbidden area, there were hundreds of **** kings. Even if he was the **** king, he could not set off any storm. .

But less than half an hour, the small corpse came again.

"Master, that **** king came in our direction!"

After hearing the words, there was a bit of confusion in Song Yan's eyes. The palace here was only built shortly before, how could the other party find it.

After thinking about it, he said, "Let all the **** kings hide, I'd like to see, what exactly does this **** king want?"

"It's the master!"

The small corpse retreated again.

Then he greeted a group of wives and came to the front hall.

Less than half an hour.

Silhouettes flashed, and a middle-aged man in a red robe was added in front of the palace.

The star god, who was suffering in a certain temple, opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a bitterness in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's him, I sense his breath!"

He was originally a good friend of the God of the Mountain of God. Because of the Temple of Time and Space, the other party brought someone to kill him, which eventually led to his death, leaving only a ray of soul to rush into the temple and be saved as an instrument. The core of the temple of time and space is the heart of time and space.

Step forward.

The King of Stars appeared outside the front hall, and struck together with the gaze of King Lieshan through a layer of formation.

"It really is you!"

There was a smile on the corner of King Lieshan.

"Lieshan, long time no see!"

The King of the Stars grinds his teeth.

Song Yan came over and looked at King Lieshan, and he was curious: "He is King Lieshan?"


Star God King hated.

"Ha! That's great!" Song Zheng clapped his hands and said to the King of Lieshan: "It was you who took the heart of time and space. Did you come to give us the heart of time and space now?"


The God of Lieshan laughed, his eyes flashed amused, and asked the King of Stars: "Is this your disciple or your descendant?"

"Do you feel funny?"

Song Yan looked at him and asked.

"Junior, the deity doesn't have so much time to talk nonsense with you!" Lord Lieshan said impatiently.

At this moment, the human figure flashed, and in a moment, there were hundreds of figures around the King of the Mighty Mountain God. These guards did not know how many years they had lived in the Forbidden Area of ​​the Mist. There is great repression of **** knowledge, so even if Lieshan God King possesses the strength of God King's upper stage and later peaks, he cannot sense that there are hundreds of God Kings lurking around.

"You smile and show me one more time."

The voice of Song Yan's play abuse sounded.

Lieshan God King's expression fell into a stasis, and he was no longer a competitor to a hundred God Kings.

Song Yan looked at him with a smile: "Look, I'll say you're here to give the heart of time and space, you still don't believe it, you came here thousands of miles, very hard, I can't bear to kill you It's up! "

The King of the Mt. Lieshan became angry, and his face became iron and blue.

"Come, give up the heart of time and space, and I'll give you a happy, otherwise the master has to torture you for ten or eight years and kill you!" Song Yan said with a smile.

As soon as the detective grabbed it, a purple crystal heart appeared in the hand of the King of Lie Shan.

His face flashed: "If you let me go, I will give you this heart of time and space, otherwise, I will ruin him and no one will want it!"

"Then you destroy it!"

Song Yong disapproves of Tao.

Others may rush to the Eight Sacred Artifacts, but he has a system and a Pangu pedigree. He has never doubted that he cannot transcend the realm of God to achieve creation.

Therefore, for the holy instrument, he did not value it as much as he thought, otherwise, he would not let the star **** king take away the temple.

Hearing Song Ye ’s words, King Lieshan stunned again, emphasizing: "With this heart of time and space, the temple of time and space is the complete temple of time and space. The temple of time and space is in your hand, and you can freely move through the void. No you! "

"So what, my little master is not rare!"

Song Yan said with a lip.

"Ask you again, did you choose to give me the heart of time and space for a happy moment? Or let me torture you, no, I should let my elder brother come, anyway he has enmity with you, torture you, presumably he will be very happy ! "

In the face of Song Yan who is not advancing with oil and salt, Ren Lieshan, the king of the old man, has not resorted to trickery, and he can only turn his eyes to the star of the star: "The thing of the year was my desire to smoke, and I shouldn't blame you, if you can spare me For my life, I am willing to spend my life as a slave to serve as a servant! "

Looking at the whispered King of the Mighty Mountain, the star of the King of the Stars was as cold as a knife: "Mighty mountain, do you think I will believe your ghost words, and give up the heart of time and space, so you will die happily!"


King Lieshan laughed wildly: "If you want the heart of time and space, you dream, now I ruin it!"

Song Yan didn't speak.

The Star King did not speak!

"I ruined it!" The **** of the strong mountain burst out again.

"Hey, you ruined it. Didn't you see that we were all waiting for you to destroy it?"


The **** of the fierce mountain was almost mad.

"Forget it, take him down first!"

Song Kun waved his hand boringly. Suddenly, nearly one hundred **** king-level heaven guards moved and rushed towards the fierce mountain **** king.

"Fuck, Lao Tzu has never seen anyone like you in this life. Even holy vessels don't care. People like you deserve to be condemned!" Lieshan God Wang yelled in a sad and angrily toward Song Kun, and he and this Qun Tianwei slaughtered.

Lie Shan Shen Wang is strong.

He is even stronger than the gods of the eight **** kings, but he is facing a hundred **** kings, so he is useless no matter how strong he is, unless he can break through to the **** emperor.

But is the Emperor God so good at breaking through?


The avenue is colliding, the void is trembling, torn, and the burst energy is overflowing everywhere. At any point, it can kill the upper god.


King Lieshan was beaten to the ground.

There was blood pouring out of the mouth and nose, and numerous cracks appeared on Shenwang Avenue, as if it were going to collapse at any time. A fiery red robe became blackened.

"Catch him!"


The two heaven guards stepped forward, captured the **** of the fierce mountain, and sealed it up.


Emperor Lieshan laughed and looked at Song Yi: "The heart of time and space has been completely integrated with my soul. With only one thought, the heart of time and space will be destroyed. Let me go and I will give you Heart of Time and Space! "

"Idiot, don't give up, you really think I'm a rare shit!" Song Yan said extremely scornfully.

Hearing that the **** of the fierce mountain was completely desperate.

Just then, the corner of Song Yan's mouth suddenly showed a weird smile, and then he whispered, "Give the heart of time and space!"


King Lieshan took out the heart of time and space without hesitation. Song Xun grabbed it by hand, and immediately felt that the temple in the sea had experienced sharp fluctuations. He directly sent the heart of time and space into the temple.

Suddenly, the heart of time and space was completely integrated with the temple, and at the same time, the rules in the temple began to change.

"Brother, this guy will leave it to you. Pack whatever you want!"

Song Yi kicked King Lieshan to the Star King.

"OK! Thank you!"

The King of the Stars left the Mountain King of God quickly, presumably to rush back to torture him.

Song Yan began to study the temple of time and space.

[Author off topic]: Two more today

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