Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1988: Exiled

In this sense, the system is really prescient.

The actions of these beautiful women transformed by succubus are extremely tempting, and there are bursts of softness in their mouths *. In this regard, he has many wives who are unconcerned.

"I rely!"

Suddenly, Song Kun exclaimed.

But it was the succubus who saw the temptation failed, and actually appeared to act on him.

Each of these succubuses was extremely ugly, with dark skin and sulky faces. Thinking of how many hands they had just touched on them, Song Yan was disgusted.

The strength of these succubus is not bad, any one can let out a large group of upper gods.

But it was not enough in front of Song Yan.

Divide them by three, five, and two.

At the same time, he was also a bit strange. At the time, the King of the Silver Wings crossed over, and these succubus temptations retreated without success, why did these succubus attack him?

"Is it impossible?"

For a moment, he felt a little bit more worried, and at the same time, after the third round of the **** king robbery, a mysterious force poured into his body, and a tender bud formed in him.

"This is the God King Avenue seedlings!" Looking at the tender seedlings in his body, Song Kun produced an enlightenment. As long as he successfully passed the nine rounds of God King ’s calamity, this tender seedlings would grow into his God King Avenue .

The fourth round of the King of God is brewing.

In the air, there was a dull and dangerous breath, and Secretly felt uneasy.

"Hey, God!"

Song Kun looked up at the void somewhere, and he faintly felt that there were a pair of huge eyes watching him in that void.

After a few hours.

The fourth round of calamity was finally brewing, and a small world landed and Song Song was included.

All he has to do is kill the creatures in the small world, and then break out of the small world's blockade and break out.

Looking at the small world wall flashing with heavenly runes, Song Xuan sank in his heart: "It seems that Heavenly Road has noticed me!"


A deity came to death with a gun.

His breath was magnificent, and the whole body exuded bright light, even the spears in his hands were blooming with stunning light.

However, this **** king has only the upper heavenly **** level.


Song Yong cut out his sword and planned to smash this guy with a sword.

But just then.

The breath of the other party skyrocketed, and he became the master of the **** king level instantly.


The spear was like lightning, and soon approached his brows, intending to pierce his skull.


Song Yan sneered, his body suddenly disappeared.


The deity was split in half by him, and the heavens indeed turned out to be secret, this is to kill him.

Sure enough, in the next moment, several gods rushed out.

In addition, the breath of the realm of the **** king was directly exposed.


Song Ye was also polite, and began to hang himself in swordsmanship. After three rounds of divine king robbery, his strength increased many times. Even when he encountered the upper divine king, he dared to fight.

Under the slaughter of Song Yong, the creatures in the small world were quickly killed, but at this moment, the symbol of heaven on the wall of the small world actually shone, and then, the entire small world fell into the void and turned towards Go somewhere unknown.

"Break me!"

Song Yan slashed the wall with a sword, but the shining heavenly symbol resolved his attack time and time again.

Soon, Song Yan felt what the small world penetrated.

Subconsciously, he stopped attacking. At the same time, the symbol of heaven on the wall was diminishing, and the small world was disintegrating.

"How is this going?"

Song Yan frowned and watched the change of the small world quietly.

After half an hour.

The heaven symbol disappeared.

Cracks also appeared in the small world, and then a stream of black and white gas penetrated the cracks.

"This is chaos!"

As soon as he saw these black and white gases, Song Xun couldn't help but look surprised, and then he came to his senses, and Tiandao exiled him into the chaotic universe.

If you change to another upper heaven god, even if the **** king, exile into chaos will surely die, because chaos is the beginning and the end. When ordinary gods come here, they will only be chaos into chaos. Therefore, even God The emperor did not dare to step into the chaotic universe easily, because the chaos universe suppressed them too much.

Perhaps only the strongest creature creators who have transcended Divine Realm can survive only in chaos.

But Song Ye can also.

Because Pangu was born from chaos.

He has Pangu ancestry, which is equivalent to a Pangu weakened many times. Even so, he will not worry about chaos assimilating him into chaos.

Instead, he would like to thank Heaven.

Thinking of this, Song Ye closed his eyes and whispered, "Perhaps, I can gather my God King Avenue in the chaos!"

next moment.

He urged Chaos Divine Power to sink into the avenue of God King, which was still a seedling.

Relative to the pure chaos atmosphere, the chaos divine power appears much more gentle. Under his constant cultivation, the seedlings of God King Avenue are undergoing some amazing changes.

at this time.

Song Yong felt something was moving in his body, very fierce, and seemed to rush out soon.


With a bang, the things deep inside finally rushed out, Pangu lineage hidden deep inside him.

As soon as the power of descent appeared, he took over his body arrogantly.

Then he incorporated his godhead, the King of Kings Road seedlings, and even the soul.

Suddenly, eleven godheads flew out of the temple.

"No! This is my avatar!"

Song Kun was shocked, but couldn't stop it.

As soon as the avatar of the avatar appeared, it was also incorporated into the power of bloodlines, and then merged with his own body power to form a huge godhead, but immediately, the power of bloodliness gave birth to a flame, which wrapped the godhead. .


Song Ye yelled, because it was so **** sore, it was like putting his soul on the fire and roasting it.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

I don't know how many hours have passed, Song Yan's voice is hoarse, the flames suddenly disappeared, and the wrapped godhead turned into the size of a thumb, crystal clear and exuding a beautiful divine glory.

Song Kun has an illusion that this little godhead is unexpectedly powerful, and has been removed from the imprint of his divine realm.

At this moment, the seedlings of the King of God suddenly flew up, fell onto the godhead, took root directly, and madly absorbed the power of the godhead, and the seedlings began to skyrocket. With several breaths, they grew into a huge tree tree.

After a few hours.

That godhead completely disappeared and was completely absorbed by God King Avenue.

And this avenue of God King Avenue actually started to absorb his chaos and his spirit.

It didn't take long for the chaos power to be absorbed, and the spirit was also sucked in, but it was not refining, but fusion, because Song Yan also changed from a bystander to a participant, because he felt him, he could clearly He felt that he had complete control over this plant of God King Avenue.

"Click! Click!"

Just then, the small world he was in was completely broken, and he was completely exposed to chaos.

[Author off topic]: One more

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