Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1991: Fengying

Nourished by the Chaos Divine Liquid, the nearly exhausted God King Avenue of the Red Moon God gradually came to life, and in her soul and body there were also several God Kings joined forces forbidden cloth.

"Puff puff!"

Song Xun broke these restrictions directly, and the fainted Red Moon God Yuyou woke up.


When he saw the person who was hugging him, the face of the King of the Red Moon could not help but a very surprised expression.

"Sister, it's me. Quickly urge your God King Avenue to absorb the chaos **** fluid!"

Song Dai's gentle words.

"You're fine!"

The Red Moon King nodded, and then sunk into the King of God's Avenue, and absorbed the Chaos Spirit with all his heart.

Chaotic air can only be absorbed by one universe and transformed into various **** air, origin, etc.

Other gods, even the emperor of God, cannot refine the chaos.

But Song Yanneng also refined it into a chaotic fluid that is stronger than the power of the origin.

Therefore, under the nourishment of Chaos Divine Liquid, but for a few hours, the Red Moon God King returned to the original, and her God King Avenue has become stronger. Peerless master of the **** king.

During this period.

Song Yan has been holding the Red Moon God King.

"Brother, when do you have to hug me, let me go down!" Said the Red King God shyly.

"If I can, I want to hold my elder sister forever!" Song Kun said, for his sake, the King of the Red Moon actually dared to break into the demon group alone, showing her deep affection for him.


The King of the Red Moon reached out and touched Song Ye's forehead with a finger, and then suddenly reached out and pinched his neck, and proactively kissed him.

Song Yan naturally would not be polite, and greedily enjoyed the kiss of beauty.

After a deep kiss, neither of them felt enough.

But this is not the place to be in love after all.

"Brother, let me down!"

"it is good!"

Song Zheng nodded and released the Red Moon God King. When he came in contact with the three **** kings, his face suddenly became cold: "Sister, what are you going to do with these guys?"

Upon seeing these three people, a chill also appeared in the eyes of the Red Moon God. She quickly walked over and forced a series of restraints into their souls. These restraints turned into flames when they entered them. Scorching their souls.

This flame will be fueled by their spirits, and it is estimated that it will take hundreds of years before they are completely destroyed.

Song Yong thought about it, and sealed the three people's avenues with his own avenue divine power. In this way, they had no way to get rid of the restraint in the spirits.

"Go, let's save King Silverwing!"

Song Yan took the hand of the Red Moon God to another prison, and ordered the Black King God to open.

The King of the Silver Wings is also in a bad state. There is a black nail in his soul. This nail is called a town nail, and he is tormenting him all the time.

"Song Ye, Tian Yao, you are here."

Upon seeing the two, a hint of surprise appeared on King Silverwing's face.

After Song Ye wrapped the black nail directly with the power of the avenue and pulled it out, he repaired his soul injury with Chaos Divine Fluid, and finally broke the restraint in his body, and the King of the Silver Wings returned to its peak state.

Song Jun, who was about to leave, suddenly moved his heart and asked the king of black robes: "These gods are detained inside."

The other seven prisons are also deity-level creatures.

"They are all wicked and wicked generations!" The King of Black Robe disgusted, and then described the crimes of the seven people one by one.

"Then let's go!"

He originally planned to rescue these seven people, but the crimes committed by these seven people were not necessary to save them, because all seven were covered with blood, which was a big devil who was a curse.

"Brother, who is this little girl?"

The sight of the Red Moon God fell on Ying Ying.

Song Yi said: "She, the little princess of the Fengying clan, I searched for your whereabouts and found it in one place, and rescued her!"

"This demon group is really bold, even the little princess of the Fengying family dares to catch it!" The Red Moon God sneered.

Song Yan analyzed: "I guess they didn't know when they caught it. After knowing it, they didn't dare to let her go, so as not to offend Fengying, they could only hold her!"

During the talk, the group walked out of the prison.

Suddenly, Song Yong moved in his heart and looked at the King of Black Robe asking: "Is there a treasure house in the devil?"

"Yes!" The King of Black Robe affirmed.

"Take us!"


"Brother, wouldn't you want to loot the treasure house of the demon group?" The King of the Red Moon asked a little worried.

"Yes, they have tortured you for so many years, how can they not charge some interest!"

Song Yan sneered.

Led by the King of the Black Robe, they soon came to the treasure house of the Devil's Order.

This place is also one of several places where Song Zhi's consciousness is obscure.

Moreover, there is a **** king stationed here, but the **** king is intermediate, and in a moment, it is controlled by Song Yan.

This **** king has the key to the treasure chest.

The treasure trove opened, and a pedestrian walked in.

"I go!"

The treasure house is a small world with an area at least the size of a fairyland.

Millions of Shenjing Mountains stand in this small world, and each Shenjing Mountain is composed of at least 100 billion Shenjing.

"God devil is too rich! Brother Jiang, sister, don't hesitate to take as much as you want," Song Yong said again.

"it is good!"

The two also had their eyes glowing for a while. During the search, they picked up thousands of Shenjing Mountains and threw them into their respective storage rings. Song Ye was even more polite and directly opened the temple for absorption.

But for half a quarter of an hour, three people in the treasure house were evacuated by three people.

Immediately, they followed a large number of artifacts, gods, as well as various magic drugs, and precious refining materials.

"Keep moving!"

Song Zheng let the temple absorb again.

An hour.

Both the Red Moon God and the Silver Wing God stopped because their storage gods could not hold up.

However, Song Yan's temple was extremely large, and it took several hours to search for everything in the treasure house.

"Let's go!"

The contents of this treasure house are at least millions of years of accumulation of the demon group. If the senior members of the demon group know about it, it will probably be mad.

Out of the treasure trove, the group walked out of the demon group again and again, and encountered many people along the way, but no one found them.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Asked the Red Moon King.

"I plan to send Ying Ying back to Fengying Clan!" Song Kun said.

"I'll go with you!" The Red Moon King said directly.

"What about Brother Jiang?"

"Haha, I won't go!"

King Silverwing laughed, in fact he didn't want to see the dogs and men show affection.

Song Xuan took out 10,000 drops of Chaos Divine Liquid to the King of the Silver Wings, and then flew towards the Fengying clan with the Red Moon God with the cherry blossoms.

Although Fengying is one of the top ten species, their territory is not yet the size of a prefecture.

It ’s already a month since they arrived in Song Yong and Chiyue.

"Feng Ying's territory is ahead!"

Song Zheng pointed at a certain direction. He could sense that there was an extremely powerful array in front of him, at least not weaker than the formation method on the Shenshan Mountain. The ordinary God King rushed in and was directly bombed and killed by the array.

"Coincidentally rescued your little princess Sakura Sakura in Xia Songjun, and now send him back, and invite the Fengying clan to show up!" Song Yan yelled before coming to the battle.

The large array twisted for a while, and then saw a group of men and women coming out of the large array, and the breath emanating from them was undoubtedly the Fengying tribe.

As soon as they appeared, their eyes fell on Ying Ying.

But after looking at Ying Ying's face, she was very pleased with her expression: "It's a little princess, really a little princess!"

"Great, the little princess is finally back!"

"Come on, tell Her Majesty!"

Soon, another group walked out of the large group, headed by a man who reached the upper rank of the God King.

"God race, let go of the little princess Sakura Sakura!"

As soon as he appeared, he reprimanded him.

Suddenly, Song Yan had the feeling of being a dog, but he let go of Sakura Sakura and said, "Sakura Sakura, my brother will send you here, go back!"

"Brother, come and visit me at home!"

Ying Ying looked at Song Yan with her expectant eyes.

Song Ye smiled and waved his hand: "No, my brother won't go. You need to be careful in the future, or stop being arrested!"

The voice fell.

Song Kun was leading the Red Moon God to leave.

But at this time, the **** king who spoke and scolded Song Kun said again: "You ca n’t leave that **** race, you still wash away the suspicions on your body!"


Song Kun suddenly disappeared in place, reappeared, had come to the **** of the Fengying tribe, raised his hand and waved ...


The King of God was actually slaped and slapped by him, and five bright red fingerprints appeared on his cheek.

"What the hell!"

Song Yan spit out on him, sneering: "Laozi thousands of miles to rescue your little princess and send it back, you would not be grateful, even dare to doubt me, if I am the queen of your tribe will definitely cut off your group Even the little princess of her own family can't see anything, what use is it for you! "

"... You ...!" The **** king of the Fengying tribe was impressed.

At the same time, the **** kings who followed him came out with weapons and stared at Song Zheng vigilantly.


At this moment, a very pleasant voice sounded, and then a beautiful woman in a green robe, long hair and waist came out of the array under the support of a **** king, and then glanced over the **** gods: "We haven't put away the weapons yet, this Mr. Song is a benefactor of our family!"

"See the Queen!"

When others saw her kneeling and saluting, Sakura Sakura rushed up: "Mom, Sakura Sakura wants to die for you!"

"Good boy, mom misses you too!"

The woman put Sakura Sakura in the middle of her arms, and then her eyes fell on Song Yan: "Mr. Song, the tribe is offended, please forgive me!"

"Haha, the Queen is polite!"

Song Yan waved his hands in disapproval.

"Mr. Song, the babies you sent back to Sakura Sakura are the great benefactors of our babies. Do you know if you are going to visit our babies?" The queen of babies invited, smiling.

[Author off topic]: Two more completed

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