Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1993: Fengxue Ancient Tree

"How to do?"

After a while, these **** kings had to stop. Even if they tried their best, they could not break the array, so they had to ask the head **** god.

"Report to Her Majesty!"

He waved his head impatiently. He thought that this was a very easy task. With their more than 20 **** kings, he would not be able to capture two **** kings.

As a result, not only did they lose the three **** kings, but also the formation of menopause's opponents could not be defeated.

A **** king of the Fengying tribe hurried away and came to the palace to see the queen.

"How's it going?"

The Queen asked lightly.

The **** king who came to report kneeled on the ground and said eloquently, "Her Majesty, the two **** races are too cunning, and his formation is very high. He laid out the formation outside the tree house. Unbreakable and even seduced by three! "


The queen of Fengying tribe was furious: "Even such a trivial matter cannot be done!"

"Your Majesty, why not take someone with you?"

A maid of the queen said, although she was a maid, she was the superior existence of the **** king.

After a little hesitation, the queen of the Fengying clan said: "Take ten Kings of the Guardian past, we must win those two gods!"


The maid of the queen nodded and strode out of the palace.


The maid of the queen arrived with ten kings of guards. All of the guards were women. Each wore a silver armor. Their looks were slightly proud, and the eyes of the gods were faint. .

"See Master Cang Xue!"

The head of the **** king kneeled with one **** king after another.

In the Fengying tribe, the class concept is very strong, and the females occupy the absolute dominant position. Even if they have the same strength, the males can only bow to the females.

"It's a waste. This little thing can't be done, and it's annoying!"

The maid of the queen was cold and cold.

"Master Cang Xue's Atonement, mainly because these two gods are too cunning!"


With a cold hum, Cang Xue stopped paying attention to them, and said softly, "The King of Guards obeys the order and breaks this formation!"

"Yes, sir!"

All the guard kings chanted in unison.

"Let me first!"

A petite round face guarded.

"Master Xuexing, this formation is very weird, and we can't break it if more than 20 of us join forces!" The male **** king headed by that respect reminded.

The round-faced guard looked at the other side with a scornful look: "Just a bunch of your waste is useless!"

With a sneer, Xuexing stepped up, and a green excalibur appeared in his hand.


The sword gas erupted, exuding a terrifying breath.

This is a magic weapon.

"Break me!"

After drinking lightly, Xuexing waved the long sword in his hand and chopped it down, the void was cut into two halves directly, and the huge sword light fell heavily on the formation.


A violent explosion sounded, and a lot of energy exploded everywhere, but, after everything was calm, the formation was still intact.

"How can it be!"

Snow Star was very surprised.

The emperor's weapon in her hand, but the Xue family's inherited treasure, has beheaded and killed the emperor. Therefore, its power is great and it can be regarded as the top among the emperor's instruments. Now, even a small array Can't be broken.

Angrily and unexpectedly, she summoned the God King Avenue directly into the sword.


Jian Qi tears the void and falls on the formation again, but the formation is still intact.

"I won't believe or break!"

Xuexing was unconvinced and waved his sword again.

Cang Xue shouted: "Well, Xuexing, this is not a place for you to play with your temper, all the guards will shoot together!"

next moment.

All the guards came up with their own weapons, all of which were divine emperors.

"This Fengying clan is really rich. I took out so many divine emperors at once, my sister, which one you like, I snatched it away for you!" Song Yan smiled at the Red Moon God with a smile.

Seeing Song Yan's words so straightforward and arrogant, the Ark God, who was still a bit nervous, grinned instantly: "You, at this time, you are still joking, don't you fear that they will break your formation!"

"Oh! If you break, break!"

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly, and stretched out his hands to pinch the Red Moon God's waist: "Let's go!"

At the moment they disappeared into the tree house, the ten Guardian Kings urged the emperor's weapon in their hands at the same time, and then slashed towards the formation!



Ten beams of light bombarded the same place at the same time.


What made the ten guard kings angry was that after the formation, there was no trace of the pair of gods, men and women.

"No, we're doing it, they have run away!"

Cang Xue was furious: "Hurry up and search. Our territory is covered by a large array. They must not escape, they must find them out!"

Somewhere in the Fengying clan.

The figures of Song Yan and King of the Red Moon appeared here.

In front of it is an ancient wood. The shortest tree in the wood is tall and tall, and the color of these ancient trees is red, rendered like blood.

"Sister, do you know the origin of the Fengying clan?"

Song Yan asked with a smile.

"do not know!"

The Red Moon King shook his head.

Song Ye pointed at the Taigu woods in front of him and said, "This is called Fengxue Ancient Trees. After the babies of the Fengying clan are born, they will not be fed by their mothers. They will send these babies into these ancient trees. The phoenix-blooded ancient trees can be absorbed into certain world origins, and then they will use these origins to feed phoenix babies, so this ancient forest of phoenix blood is the foundation of the phoenix family! "

"Brother, shouldn't you be thinking?" Wen Yan said that the face of the King of the Red Moon could not help expressing horror, and secretly, she guessed Song Ye's idea.

"I will send back their little princess. They do n’t have to repay them, but they still want to kill me. I have a small heart, so I will break the foundation of their tribe!"

Song Yan sneered. As for how he knew this secret, it was very simple. With the strength of his spirit, he could easily obtain a memory in the mind of God.

After realizing that there was something wrong with Fengying at the dinner, he directly stole the memories of several Fengying people.

"But if you do this, you will offend the Fengying tribe, and I heard that the Fengying tribe has a god-level master!" The Red Moon God King was still worried.

"Rest assured! I have searched here, there is no Emperor of God, otherwise, I would have escaped long ago, go, let's go in!"

Song Zheng took the Red Moon God to step into the ancient forest of Fengxue.


At this moment, countless roots blasted out from the ground, stabbing the two like Song Jian like sharp arrows.

Fengxue ancient trees have life. They only identify with the Fengying tribe. Other ethnic groups dare to step in and they will be attacked by them.

Moreover, the strength of these phoenix and ancient trees is not low, reaching the level of the **** king.

"Ha ha!"

In the face of the radiant crimson roots, Song Yan smiled disapprovingly. When his mind moved and the void was distorted, these roots were imprisoned.

The laws of the Divine Realm cannot suppress him, but he can be manipulated arbitrarily by Pangu blood.


With a wave of his hand, a black lightsaber flashed, an ancient tree of phoenix blood was chopped off by him, and a large amount of blood-red liquid poured out from the fracture. Soon, they converged into a **** river.

At the same time, more and more scarlet roots are radiated from all directions, but anyone who is close to Song Yong will be imprisoned.

"Get up!"

As soon as the detective grabbed it, Song Feng's ancient tree that was cut off was uprooted by Song Yong, and then his fists were clenched. Half of the ancient tree of blood was exploded and turned into powder, but a blood red was left in place. Spar.

This spar is called Phoenix Blood Crystal.

Even in the Fengying tribe, they are extremely precious, because only after the ancient trees of Fengxue die, they can obtain the crystals of Fengxue.

Fengxuejing has a wonderful effect. When worn on the body, it can absorb the power of travelling between heaven and earth.

"Give you!"

Song Xun directly plugged the Phoenix Blood Crystal to the Red Moon God King.

"It turned out that Fengxuejing came this way!"

The Red Moon God is a little curious. She has also heard of Feng Xie Jing. This kind of crystal is extremely precious. Every time it appears, it will have to break the blood, even if the King is fighting for it.

"Does the sister know the role of Fengxuejing?" Song Yan asked.

"Have heard!"

"Hey, for others, the ability to absorb free roots is very precious, but in my eyes it is nothing!" Song Yan said a little with disapproval.

The Red Moon God rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes: "You think everyone is like you. You can give away the original divine power casually, and even the chaotic divine fluid that is more advanced than the original power can be delivered in thousands!"


Song Yan smiled, then waved his sword one after another, chopped down several phoenix blood ancient trees, and took out the phoenix blood crystals one by one.

"not good!"

Inside the palace, the queen of the Fengying tribe changed her look greatly, because he sensed that something had happened in the ancient forest of Fengxue.

In an instant.

Song Kun has chopped down seven or eight ancient trees of Phoenix Blood, and obtained a large number of Phoenix Blood Crystals.


Just as he was about to continue working on the next Fengxue ancient tree, an angry voice sounded, and then he saw the queen of the Fengying tribe coming with a group of **** kings.

Seeing the blood trees of the phoenix that had been cut off, the eyes of the queen and a **** king were about to spit fire, and the look towards Song Kun was full of murderousness and hatred.


Another ancient tree of Fengxue was cut off.

"My king asked you to stop, why did you do it?"

The Fengying queen was extremely angry.

"Sorry, it's easy!"

Song Yan shrugged.

"kill him!"

The queen was so cold that she didn't even want to say a word to Song Ye.

"God races die!"

"Dare to destroy the ancient trees of Fengxue, killing you a hundred times will not relieve your hatred!"

Suddenly, there were nearly a hundred **** kings, killing Qiong Song together.

Seeing this.

Song Ye's eyes were narrowed for a moment, but a sneer of sarcasm was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and then he stepped out.


He appeared directly in front of a **** king, and between his hands, his right palm was inserted into the other's chest, and then, with the sound of snoring, the other's body exploded and turned into a mist of blood.

[Author off topic]: Second more complete

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