Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2003: Mad King

The chaotic universe is filled with a large amount of chaotic air, and there is no place for godly consciousness here, because once the godly consciousness releases the body, it will be assimilated by the chaotic air.

of course.

Song Yan is the exception.

He only needs to be imbued with a breath of chaos and divine power, and he can still be released.

In Divine Realm, the Chaos Universe is divided into three regions.

The first area is called the Chaos Realm, and there are tens of thousands of **** realms in this area.

Because these worlds must absorb the power of chaos and turn it into the source, the chaos of this area is relatively thin, and the suppression of the **** emperor is relatively small.

Outside this realm, it is called the chaos wasteland.

The atmosphere of chaos in the wasteland will be many times richer. In that place, the Emperor's strength can play a few percent at most, and the Holy Emperor can barely play a hundred percent.

The dangerous places where the three holy emperors went to find the treasure are in the chaotic wasteland.

In the depths of the chaos wasteland is the chaos dead domain. It is said that the chaos air is almost too thick to be infused. Even if the emperor enters the area, he will be assimilated directly, only to escape from the realm and become the creator Later, Fang was able to enter the dead domain of chaos without fear of the assimilation of chaos.

The map for the dangerous place had been imprinted by Song Yong, but in the chaotic universe, it was in a dim state, and was filled with a lot of chaos. So, with the naked eye, Song Yong could see a few kilometers at most.

Fortunately, his consciousness can be used. After simple identification, he flew towards the chaos wasteland.

In an instant.

Song Yan flew in the chaotic universe for several days, and seemed very boring.

At his speed and according to his calculations, it is estimated that it will take several months before he can fly out of the chaos realm and enter the chaos wasteland, and it will take at least half a year to reach that dangerous place.


Song Yan whispered, and under the glance of his consciousness, he found that a **** emperor was flying tens of thousands of miles away, and according to his calculations, the two would meet after thirty breaths.

"God King!"

After thirty breaths, a tall young emperor wearing a blue robe with a strong body could not help but reveal the color of confusion after seeing Song Kun. When could the **** king run into the chaotic universe?

Immediately, he thought of a possibility that the **** king might have treasures that could prevent the assimilation of chaos. For a moment, he couldn't help but be impressed. He knew that he was flying in the chaos universe, and he would spend all his power to resist the chaos. Assimilation and erosion of gas.

If the opponent's treasure can be captured, he does not need to use divine power to resist the chaos.


Song Kun greeted the other party initiatively, and at the same time wondered secretly in his heart, I don't know which **** world this **** emperor came from?

"Hello little friend, you're in the realm of God now, how can you survive chaos!"

The other person pretended to be curious.

"I have cultivated a special method that can resist the assimilation of chaos!" Song Xuan made excuses casually.

"Oh! That's it!"

The other side suddenly became cold, and snorted and laughed: "Little friend, who knows you will give up your special method, otherwise ...!"


Song Yan looked at him with a smile.

"Otherwise, the emperor will kill you!"

The other side was insidious.

"Then you try it?"

Song Yan's playful face.

"act recklessly!"

When the other stepped out, he approached Song Yan, raised his palm and printed on his chest.

Song Yan was not afraid, and he greeted him with his fist.


One palm and one punch hit each other in the chaotic void, and then ...

Then the **** emperor was shaken by the fly, retreating hundreds of meters to stand still.

"So weak?"

Song Xuan looked at the other side with a bit of surprise. He just used 30% of his strength just now and actually hit the other side.

The emperor's face flashed with unbelievable color, and there was a little more taboo in his eyes. Then he suddenly laughed: "Haha, my friend, I just joked with you, I hope you Do not mind!"


The figure flickered, Song Yong suddenly appeared in front of the other side, throwing a fist.


One punch hit the other's eyes, and then the other was smashed by him again.


The **** emperor flying hundreds of meters away looked at Song Yan angrily, especially with a dark circle on his left eye, which looked very funny.

"Haha, I'm kidding you too, I hope you don't mind!"

Song Yan looked at him in a playful manner and said.

"you wanna die!"

The divine emperor was completely enraged, and he had a divine emperor's weapon in his hand, and then blasted towards Song Kun.


It was only when he rushed up that Song Ye kicked him.

The figure flashed, Song Yanfei caught up, stepped on the chest of the other side, and stepped on the other side to shed blood.

"Asshole, I want to kill ...!"


Song Xuan stepped on the opponent's mouth and stomped his two rows of teeth directly.

Then, the other side was scolding like a wind leak, and Song Yan was more than mad, so mad at a middle-level **** emperor, it was so cool.

In the end, the other party finally succumbed to Song Song's refusal to fight again.


Song Yan waved a big slap and gave him to Fan Fei.

"Why are you still fighting?"

Shouted the other party.

"Sorry, it's easy!"

Song Yan shrugged and laughed.

"... You ...!" The other side was angry.

"Come, give up all the rings of your storage!"

Song Kun turned on robbery mode.

"Don't bully people too much!" The other side glared at Song Yan.

Song Yan began to pinch his fingers and crackled, "Do you mean you don't want to hand in?"

The other side said indignantly, "Boy, I'm a **** emperor anyway, can you dare to say which **** world you are from, maybe I have a friend somewhere!"

"Looks like I can't beat it!"

As soon as the words came down, Song Xun blasted out directly, and opened again.

After half a quarter of an hour, he stopped because the **** emperor was no longer human and looked miserable to the extreme.

"Now? Yes or no!"

"You're cruel, I pay!"

The opponent took out a storage ring and threw it to Song Yan.


Song Ye pumped him out with a wave of his hand.

"I gave it to you, why did you fight!"

This **** emperor wanted to die, but was actually bullied to this point by a **** king.

Song Yan scolded: "Stupid, your spiritual imprint has not been erased. Also, is there a storage ring on your body? Hurry to erase the spiritual imprint and give it away, otherwise I will kill you!"

Faced with such a shameless Song Yan, the **** emperor had no choice but to obediently hand over several of the storage ring of God to surrender.

After searching, Song Zheng found a lot of **** crystals, as well as advanced elixir and weapons.

"Nice! Get out!"

Song Yan waved his hand in disgust.

The other side took a deep look at Song Yan, and then left quickly.

After eleven days.

A god's realm appeared in the sight of Song Yang. According to the map record given by the Emperor Tianguang God, this god's realm should be called the soul virtual **** realm.

This side of the divine realm is quite friendly to the creatures in which he lives, and many **** emperors have visited this divine realm.

When Song Yong was about to bypass this divine realm and continue to move forward, suddenly, a figure in this world soared into the sky and entered the chaotic universe. The moment of chaos in the universe, even sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood.

"God King!"

She glanced over Song Ye inadvertently, and found that Song Ye was actually a **** king, and she couldn't help showing surprise.

However, she is now being chased and killed, and she has no extra time to think about why a **** king can walk in the chaotic universe. So, after just looking at Song Yuan, she retracted her eyes and fled away.


at this time.

Three more figures rose from the sky inside the **** realm, and shouted at the goddess emperor who had fled thousands of kilometers away: "You can't escape the winter emperor, or you can catch it! Oh, there is a **** King, brother, go and take him down and see what weird on him! "


A **** emperor nodded his head and blasted towards Song Yong, and without saying a word, he reached for him.

"I wipe! Is God the King so despised?"

Song Kun was very dissatisfied, raising his hand was a slap.


The **** emperor was fanned by his slap, and five bright red fingerprints appeared on his cheek.


A man and a woman who were going to chase the Winter Emperor suddenly turned back and saw the fan-flying younger brother, who could not help showing a very shocked expression. Even if his own younger brother was bad, anyway, it was in the early stage of the second emperor. Fight?

The fan emperor was shocked and furious. There was a strong killing in his eyes, he took out the emperor's weapon, and growled and killed Song Yan.


Song Yong waved his hand again, another loud voice, and then the other party was once again slapped by him.


Twice in a row by a **** king fan, the **** emperor was going crazy, yelling frantically, and killed Song Ye again.

"You are so thick-skinned that you dare to come knowing that you are not!"

Song Xun's speechless skimmer, his body suddenly appeared on top of the other's head, stepped on his feet repeatedly, and as a result, he stepped on the other side.


The two emperors were extremely angry when they saw the situation, and turned back to kill Song Yong.

This pair of men and women are much stronger, a **** emperor in the middle and late stages, and a **** emperor in the early stages.

However, under the joint attack of the two, Song Yong actually felt at ease.

"Are they too weak? Or am I too strong?"

Song Kun was a little puzzled.

However, he was not polite. He made a fist, opened it up, and blasted out one after another.

"Boom boom!"

With a violent crash, the two **** emperors were actually shot by him.

Get the momentum.

Song Yan flew out, chasing the male **** emperor.

The female **** emperor came to the rescue and was directly bombarded by Song Kun.

The fleeing Winter Emperor faintly felt wrong, because she found that behind her, she lost the enemy's breath.

"what happened?"

Very puzzled, she turned back a little hesitantly, and then saw an extremely thrilling scene. A **** king was mad at two **** emperors. At one time, her eyes were wide, because she felt it was incredible Already.

[Author off topic]: Second more complete

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