Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2010: Block the door

There is no emperor, but many emperors remain in Wanlidao Palace.

There are a total of thirty-eight **** emperors in his consciousness. Among them, the way he had been blackmailed before was absent-minded.


Among these thirty-eight **** emperors, there are seven **** emperors, ten **** emperors, and the remaining twenty-one are all **** emperors.

On the ascent of the snow-white jade, Song Ye and Dong Huang were walking slowly.

The laid-back look is like walking in his own house.

There is no matrix formation and prohibition outside Wanlidao Palace, which is a manifestation of self-confidence in one's own strength.

"Who are you?"

A group of heaven gods appeared, and asked Song Ye and the Winter Emperor coldly.

"I heard that you are so strong from the Tao Palace. Today, Song has come to see and see!" Song Xun said in a shock.

I heard that the gods couldn't help but look confused.

Some people dare to challenge Wanli Dao Palace, this is simply impatient.

The next moment, one of the upper gods looked sternly and said: "Masters and brothers, listen, this man is actually going to challenge our Wanli Taoist Palace. You said, is there a hallucination for your brother?"

"Brother Jiuge, you heard me right, that's what the men and women mean!" The other upper **** replied, his face full of playfulness.

"Brother Jiuge, it's better for the younger brother to take care of them!"

A central **** of God asked for help.

"Okay, Brother Tu, be careful. Others come to challenge. Naturally, they have a little skill. You don't want to capsize in the gutter!" Li Jiuge chuckled.

"Brother Jiuge, rest assured, my brother won't fall into the prestige of our Wanli Dao Palace!"

Brother Tu was very confident, and then he turned to look at Song Yan: "Boy, you really don't know how to live or die, you ran to the deserted palace of Wandao Dao, let me Tuyu try your best!"

As soon as the words fell, accompanied by a clear sword scream, a sword light suddenly appeared at the heart of Song Yan's eyebrow.

Song Yan did not respond, and seemed to be frightened.

"Haha, people like this dare to challenge our Wanli Dao Palace, but it seems that even Master Tu's tricks can't catch it!"


Just then, Tu Yu's sword stabbed Song Yan's eyebrow, but he made a sound of golden iron attack.

Suddenly, everyone's complexion was stagnant, especially Tu Yu, his complexion became even more flushed, because he had urged his strength, but his sword tip could not penetrate the opponent's eyebrows.

"Let's go back!"

Song Yan slowly opened his mouth, but he did not see any movement, but Tu Yu seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer, then flew back, and fell in front of the gods.

"Brother Tu, are you okay?" A **** asked him by lifting him up.

"I'm fine."

Brother Shi shook his head, but looked awkwardly at Song Yan's eyes.

Even if the opponent is the upper god, he can't even hurt the opponent's skin with all his efforts. It can only be shown that this person has surpassed the upper god, and is likely to be the power of the **** king.

"Which adult is kidding me?"

Li Jiuge also responded and asked solemnly.

"Song came here today to see the magic of Wanli Dao Gong, so you can go back and report it!" During the talk, Song Ye and Dong Huang stepped forward again.

The group of gods saw this, leaving two people to accompany them, while others rushed to the scene to inform the elders.

At the end of the ascending ladder made of white **** jade is the gate of Wanli Taoist Palace.

Song Yan waved easily.

A wooden table and two wooden stools appeared, and then he took out a jug of wine and several glasses.

Song Yan took a seat, picked up the jug and poured it into the glass, took the glass and pecked his mouth, smiling, "Sister might as well sit down and drink a half glass."

"Sir, what do you mean?"

Li Jiuge asked in a deep voice, setting up a table and drinking in front of the mountain gate of Wanlidao Palace. What does this mean?

Too far away from Wanlidao Palace.

Song Yan said lightly: "Don't you see that? Song is here to block the door. If you don't defeat Song's people in the palace, then Song won't leave!"

Hearing that Li Jiuge's face turned black.

If this story comes out, what is the face of Wanli Dao Palace?

Just after Song Yong had finished drinking a glass of wine, an old man in Tsing Yi walked out of the dojo with a group of people.

"I have seen Elder Yu."

Seeing the old man, Li Jiuge quickly bent over and saluted.

"No need to be polite!"

Elder Yu raised his hand, his eyes fell on Song Yan, his eyes suddenly stunned: "Your enthusiasm, actually came to my Wanlidao Gongshan Gate to drink, you are not afraid of decapitation!"

"Wanting Song's head, you are not enough!"

Song Yan will pick up the jug and fill the glass.

"Your sigh of relief!"

Elder Yu groaned, his face also cooling down. He was also a **** king, and the other side looked down on him so much.

"It's not a big tone, you'll know when you try!"

Song Yan picked up his glass and pecked eloquently.

"Okay, then the elder will come to teach your master!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge god-king avenue rose directly behind him, stretching for dozens of miles, forming volcanoes.

"Take it!"

Drink lightly, Elder Yu raised his hand and split.

"Please have a drink!"

Song Yan raised his brow slightly, and the wine glass in his hand flew out.


The wine glass turned into a green light and hit the elder Yu's palm.

Elder Yu only felt that an immense amount of force was pouring out of the glass and hit him upside down. At the same time, the wine in the glass was directly transformed into a crystal clear little dragon, which burst out and shot directly into his mouth in.


Elder Yu coughed fiercely, and his body was backed up again and again. Only when he retreated into the court did he stand firm and left a deep gully where he retreated.

"How does this wine taste?"

The wine glass flew back to Song Yong's hands, he asked with a smile.

"Thank you for your wine!"

Elder Yu hated his voice, and then used his consciousness to transmit the sound to notify other elders.

On the other hand, the disciples of Tianshen looked horrified, and Elder Yu, who peaked in the late stage of the next king of God, was defeated by one stroke.


More than a dozen **** kings came together.

Headed by a **** king superior.

The head of the **** king glanced over the winter emperor, his face slightly changed. He thought of the identity of the winter emperor, but the other party was a strong emperor of the **** emperor, but he was not the **** king, so he quickly informed the emperor and stepped Before, he said to the Winter Emperor: "It turned out that it was the Lord Winter Emperor who arrived, and I missed it!"

"It's the Winter Emperor!"

The crowd suddenly came to their senses. The Winter Emperor Nai Kunyu's first beauty in the realm of God was the master of Wuye Dao Palace. Unfortunately, Wuye Dao Palace has been slaughtered by Wanli Dao Palace.

It stands to reason that the other party has become a bereavement dog, why dare to come to Wanli Dao Palace to scatter?

"You are Yu Changji, I remember you, you killed three of my disciples!" Seeing this **** king on the upper stage, Dong Emperor's eyes flashed a cold killing power.

[Author off topic]: One more

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