Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2012: Go to the fantasy world again

After Kun Yu's divine affairs were concluded, five people including Song Yan, Donghuang, Dark Saint Emperor, Chaos Saint Emperor, and Central Saint Emperor continued their journey.

The youngest dark emperor of the three emperors has also lived for more than 8 million years, and the oldest chaotic emperor has lived for more than 20 million years.

So they know a lot about Missing.

They all regarded Song Kun as a little brother, so they told him a lot of unknown secrets along the way.

such as.

In the center of the Chaos Dead Zone, there is an eternal **** city. All the creators live there. If they can reach there through the Chaos Dead Zone, they will be eligible to be accepted as apprentices by the Creator.

At the same time, it is said that there is an endless amount of chaos in the city. As long as you enter the city, you can use chaos to practice.

Speaking of the eternal city of God, even if all three are holy emperors, they all yearn for and yearn.

Because their path has come to an end, there is almost no possibility of breakthrough, and there is only a small possibility of finding opportunities in the chaotic universe.

But how good is that chance to find, not to mention that the chaotic universe is not peaceful.

"How powerful is Heaven?"

Song Yan asked.

Chaos Saint Emperor's Road: "The strength of Heaven's Way is also comparable to me, the top emperor. However, in Divine Realm, his strength is comparable to the Creator and almost invincible. However, Tiandao generally does not leave Divine Realm, but there are many When people stare at him and hunt him, they can grasp the origin of a divine realm and help a lot in spiritual practice! "

Unconsciously, months passed.

Song Kun and his party finally returned to the realm of the gods.

Before he left, the top ten races stopped the attack on the gods, but the territory they occupied was not returned.

In addition, the Yuanling clan is also entangled in the divine realm, waiting for opportunity.

A few days later.

The emperors of the two sides conducted secret interviews, and finally reached an agreement to return the top ten species to take away the general territory and release all the captive gods and tribe. At the same time, they jointly expelled the Yuanling tribe.

The two emperors joined forces.

Yuanzun Moro could not resist at all, and was eventually slaughtered. Only the mysterious master who was suspected of the imperial emperor by his side escaped with serious injuries.

But the emperor on both sides hunted down all the way.

Eventually the opponent was forced to escape from the space channel of Taikoo Forbidden Land and returned to the spirit world.

After the other party escaped, the hidden dangers of the divine realm completely subsided.

As for the human race and the top ten species, an agreement appears on the surface, but sooner or later there will be a battle.

Three princes have escaped from the chaotic universe, but there are still two in the divine realm.

and so.

There are five divine emperors on the top ten species side, and only three divine emperors on the human race side. Even if there is chaos divine fluid, there is no absolute victory, so only slowly accumulate strength.

to this end.

The three holy emperors of the divine race opened their dojos a few months later to receive their disciples.

Acceptance requirements: Above God King.

For a time, the respondent was like a cloud.

And also on this day, the system prompt sounded, it is the prompt to complete the task, at the same time, Song Yan also received a reward, a demon bloodline.

This demon bloodline is called Jiu Cai Shen Feng.

But to whom is this bloodline best integrated?

Song Yan was very sad. The stronger the strength, the smoother the integration of bloodlines.

In the end, he decided to hand over the ancestry of Jiu Cai Shenfeng to Ouyang Weiwei, because she also had a thin phoenix.

Integrating bloodlines is a long day. Even if Ouyang Weiwei is now the **** king, it may take hundreds or even thousands of years, so Song Yan sent her to the Temple of Time and Space and adjusted the time to one to one hundred.

One year outside and one hundred years inside.

After one month.

The three saintly emperors finally selected satisfied disciples. They received more than 300 **** kings as apprentices. The **** emperors would be much smaller, with a total of more than twenty.

That day.

Song Yong brought his wife to Xianghe, and the three holy emperors appeared in person to greet them.

It was reported that Song Yan's prestige increased greatly, and he was called the first person under the Emperor.

There were also several **** emperors who were dissatisfied and challenged him. They were defeated by his three or five moves, which also made him the first person under the emperor.

This day.

Song Yan plans to go to the fantasy world.

The fantasy world is his subsidiary world, which is completely synchronized with the time of the world in which he lives, so, so far, there are no more than hundreds of years.

Gu Xiehuayu, absolutely no snow, the appearance of Tongtian Wushen flashed in Song Yong's mind.

He did not worry about their death or aging. The fantasy world was his subsidiary world. He only needed a thought to return time, and the dead could be resurrected.

"Linger, would you like to go to the fantasy world with me?"

Song Yan found Ning Ling and asked.


Ning Ling's eyes flashed with memories.

"System, open the way to the fantasy world!"

Song Yan said silently in his heart.

Suddenly, a passage appeared in front of him, and he led Ning Ling into it.

At the beginning, after unifying the human race, he created the Lingjing technology. When attacking the demon, he used the Lingjing artillery and stealth Lingjing fighter. What looked like, for a moment, Song Ye was looking forward to it.

next moment.

Song Kun and Ning Ling stepped out of the passage and formally set foot in the Xuanhuang world.

As soon as he stepped into the world, he sensed that the world was divided into two layers.

The limit of the creatures in the lower world is also the level of the Valkyrie. Once it breaks through the Valkyrie, it will rise to the upper limit.

It is the upper bound. The strongest is actually comparable to human immortals. This is what makes Song Yan quite exceptional.

At the beginning, he only unified the peoples of the lower realm, and left the mission. He did not go to the upper realm.


Song Xun locked the aura of Gu Xiehuayu, there was no snow, and the breath of Tongtian Wushen and Fox Xiaoqi.

All four women are women in this world.

However, in addition to Hu Xiaoqi remaining in the demon clan as the emperor, all three other daughters have risen to the upper world.

Immediately, he searched for his son's breath.

What surprised him a little was that after hundreds of years, the emperor emperor was still his son Huang Wu, but his cultivation has not fallen, and he has reached the level of Valkyrie.

Besides this world.

Under the guidance of Song Yong, martial arts and science and technology developed together. Nowadays, the power of some Lingjing weapons is not weaker than that of the martial arts. However, the boy of Huang Wu is very capable.

Take technology weapons very seriously.

But some civilian technology items have changed the lives of the world's residents.

For example, a large Lingjing airliner.

Lingjing car and so on.

Unfortunately, this world is just a small world, and there is no universe, otherwise, maybe they have developed space warships and the like.

However, the boy Huang Wu was secretly preparing for a major event. He actually wanted to break the barriers of the upper and lower realms and then conquer the upper realm.

Over the years, he has secretly sent many people to the upper world.

However, his vision is still a bit shallower. If he really hits the upper world, he must touch a scalp bloodstream. After all, there are dozens of people in the upper world that are equivalent to the fairy level.

The so-called warrior is also comparable to the warrior, and it is too far away from the immortal.

This day.

Middle-aged Huang Wu is holding a dynasty.

Suddenly, the figure flashed, and a man and a woman suddenly appeared on the court.

When the minister saw this, he was shocked and terrified, and some people even screamed for the guard to come and take him.

But Huang Wu said in a deep voice: "Shut up for me!"

Then in the shocked eyes of all the ministers, Huang Wu stepped down from the dragon chair and knelt respectfully before the men and women: "Children see father and emperor, see mother-in-law!"

[Author off topic]: One more

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