Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2014: Unify the two realms

The Taixuan Palace is one of the four forces in the Upper Realm. They actually surrendered to an emperor from the Lower Realm. As soon as this matter spread, it caused a great sensation in the Upper Realm. Sham Shui *.

Even the great forces such as the Yuan Dynasty, the Imperial Palace, and the Yuan Shizong could not sit still, and sent out spies to probe the falsehood and reality of this group of people.


Today, Huang Wu's men are like masters.

In itself, the masters of the gods are good, and the masters of the gods are thousands, so all the spies sent are captured, and instead they ask a lot of news related to the three forces from their mouths.

Huang Wu did not rush to attack the three major forces, but set about absorbing and digesting the site of Tai Xuan Temple.

The Taixuan Palace is one of the four major forces. His Majesty has more than 30 affiliated states and more than 1,000 independent cities. Both the site and the population have surpassed the Empire of the Nether Empire.

It's not easy to digest their territory.

and so.

Huang Wu forcibly opened up a channel linking the lower bound, sending officials and soldiers from the lower bound to the upper bound.

Huang Wu is indeed a man who has been an emperor for hundreds of years, under his series of means.

It took only one year to turn all the forces in the Taixuan Palace into their own, by drawing down and dividing the local forces in the upper realm and suppressing and suppressing them.

The three major forces also formed alliances during the year.

And integrated an army of more than 8 million, ready to start at any time.

Upper bound, in the newly built imperial palace.

Huang Wu came to see Song Yan.

"Father, the baby has completely digested all the forces in the Taixuan Palace. It's time to deal with the three forces!"

His expression was a little excited, because once the three major forces were eliminated, the other forces were completely intrepid.


Song Yan waved his hand.

Wait for Huang Wu to leave.

Song Yan took Ning Ling's hand and stepped into the void and disappeared.

Reappeared, already on a spiritual peak in the upper west.

On this Lingfeng there is a medium-sized martial art called Tongtian Sect. Their Sovereign is the Tiantian Wushen Tianxing who ascended to the upper realm.

For hundreds of years, her cultivation has reached the pinnacle of transformation, and she can become a master of the broken world within one step.

Tongtian Wuzong's disciples are no more than a thousand.

In addition to Sovereign Sky Star, there are actually three Valkyrie-level disciples, and I have to say that Sky Star's ability is good.

Song Yan led Ning Ling through the main entrance, but the surrounding disciples of Wutian Wuzong turned a blind eye to them.

Until Song Xuan appeared in front of the star.

"Bold, who are you?"

Two Wushen-level disciples scolded at Song Yan.

"You all step back!"

Star sighed softly.

With doubt, the two retreated.

After the two left, the staring face of Tianxing was exhilarated, and said softly, "Fu Jun."


Song Yan came forward with a smile and put her in her arms.

After two hours.

Yuan Shizong.

Yes, Gu Xie Huayu paid homage to the original ancestors, and today's cultivation has reached the peak of transformation.

She seemed to return to the way she was before falling in love with Song Yong.

It's cold like snow.

When Song Yong appeared with Tianxing and Ning Ling, her cold face bloomed like snowflakes, and she was extremely beautiful.

There is another person, no snow.

Her temperament was a bit detached. After flying to the upper bound, she did not worship any of the ancestors, but became a lone knight. Now her cultivation has reached a broken state.

However, in a certain tour, she gained the inheritance of a predecessor, directly promoted cultivation to the late stage of deification, and after nearly two hundred years of cultivation, she broke through to a broken state.

See Song Songshi.

Instead, she hammered Song Yong's chest and said, "You bastard, don't you say that you will return for a hundred years at most? I have waited for you for 138 years in the Nether. "

In the face of absolutely no snow, Song Zheng could only laugh at him.

Song Zheng did not return to Huang Wu, but took his four daughters to travel in the upper world. After one year, he returned to Huang Wu.

Today, the war between him and the three major forces has begun.

The first battle.

He directly sent a hundred guards of Xian to lead the army. As a result, with one million people, he actually defeated eight million coalition forces of the three major forces.

This defeat greatly affected the morale of the three major forces and turned the offense into defense.

Even so, it can't stop the cannibalism of Huang Wu.


On the basis of Taixuan Palace, nearly a hundred cities fell into his hands.

Facing the steady and steady Huang Wu, the three major forces seemed quite aggrieved.

He even risked sending an immortal who was proficient in assassination to assassinate Huang Wu. Naturally, he never returned and was slapped to death by Huang Wu.

Song Yan returned.

Huang Wu was naturally very happy, but he was dissatisfied with Huang Wu's progress and helped him create a thousand celebrity warriors.

At the same time, a trick was introduced, and one tenth of the aura in the upper world was brought into the body of millions of soldiers.

For a while, the strength of the soldiers increased madly. In less than an hour, all of these soldiers became masters of the level of God, and many generals reached the broken state.

How spectacular is the army of millions of gods.

Huang Wu directly accelerated the speed of the battle. It took only one month to take down the Yuanyuan Sect and personally took two hundred celebrity guards to kill them. After a killing, he also forced a Yuanzong All surrender.

The fall of the Yuanzong Sect put Yuan Shizong and the Imperial Palace into panic.

Send someone directly to sum up.

Huang Wu's attitude was very tough, he resolutely let the two cases surrender, otherwise, they would be eliminated directly.

The two forces refused.

This time Huang Wu played once to smash Huanglong.

With the masters killing the gates of the two forces, they killed their immortals and forced the two forces to surrender. It is worth mentioning that there was a deity of Yuan Shizong who did not die because she was the master who thanked Huayu.

After half a year, Huang Wu digested the two major forces' sites, and then issued a decree, ordering all the sects of the upper world to come to face the holy.

After one month.

The lords or heads of the 10,000 sects of the upper world all came to the newly built capital pilgrimage.

As a result, Huang Wu finally unified the upper bound.

Ten years later.

Huang Wu abdicated and passed the emperor's throne to the emperor.

Why isn't it Prince?

Because the prince was too hard, he became a prince for hundreds of years and did not wait for Huang Wu to abdicate. He died five years ago.

The emperor grandson is also hundreds of years old. Fortunately, he has a good cultivation talent and has reached the level of martial arts.

At the moment of his succession, he got two lucks to urge him to fight against immortals.

Things in the fantasy world are over.

Song Zheng took Gu Xiehuayu, No Snow, Star, Fox Xiaoqi, and his son Huang Wu to the world of God.

It is worth mentioning that.

In these ten years.

With the help of Song Yong, their strength has reached the level of the upper heaven god.

As he set off, he suddenly felt that there was a situation in the Temple of Time and Space, but it was Ouyang Weiwei who successfully integrated the blood of the demon god, and his strength rose greatly, reaching the late peak of the **** king.

[Author's off-topic]: One more, that the advertising mosquito is also annoying. Unfortunately, mosquitoes do not have the right to manipulate book reviews.

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