Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2016: Hongmeng Spar

Soon after, the three men were escorted back to Dongyu's army.

What surprised them a little was that no one questioned them, but Fan Yi brought them to a camp, then issued them sword armor, and reminded them not to try to escape. Don't walk around.

This battalion is called a vanguard battalion. In simple terms, a vanguard battalion is used as a cannon fodder each time the two sides start a war. According to the rules of the vanguard battalion, they can get out of the vanguard battle after only three battles.

Shortly after Song Yong arrived at the Pioneer Camp, more than a dozen hosts were sent here.

As for the remaining hosts, some ran away, and some chose to fight against Dong Yuguo soldiers. They were eventually killed, some of them fled, and some of them turned to Xiyue Kingdom.

There are more than 10,000 people in the entire Pioneer Camp.

Powerful even have the emperor level, these are officers who made mistakes and were degraded to the vanguard camp.

"Whether we are competitors or not in the future, but when we enter the battlefield, I hope everyone can cooperate sincerely!" Song Zheng said to the other fourteen hosts.

"it is good!"

Everyone is a smart person, and they all understand what Song Kun means.

Time passed slowly.

"Ang! Ang! Ang! Ang!"

A desolate howl sounded, but the troops of Dongyu Kingdom and Xiyue Kingdom had gathered less than a hundred miles and would soon collide.


A thousand-level captain at the level of the Creator, with a war fighter, came to urge the vanguard to attack. Anyone who dared to retreat would be killed by them.

at last.

After a quarter of an hour.

There were only ten miles left between the two armies.

"Pioneer Camp strikes!"

"Pioneer Camp strikes!"

The commanders of the two sides issued orders almost simultaneously.

Then, Pioneer Battalion was urged to kill each other by the urging teams of both sides.

Song Zheng saw that there were also some hosts in the other side's pioneer camp.

What surprised him, however, was that Jiang Fan was not there.

This guy blends the bloodline of the Nightmare Demon. The power of the soul is extremely powerful. If he wants to hide, it will be difficult for anyone to find.




Two pioneer battalions clashed together on the battlefield.

Song Kun and his team of seventeen people formed a small clash formation and rushed forward.


Blood blasted, one by one, the Emperor soldiers fell on the battlefield.

However, the group formed by the group of Song Kun was like a small meat grinder. Less than half an hour after the war, more than 200 **** emperors were hanged by them.

The more than 20 hosts who entered the Xiyue Kingdom were also quite fierce, killing many soldiers in the Dongyu Kingdom pioneer camp.

However, both sides avoided each other quite tacitly.

Because everyone is the host, absolutely ordinary **** emperor is comparable, but has some kind of hole cards, and now you have not reached the point where you die, so there is no need to kill.

Although avoiding the host who entered Xiyue Kingdom.

But three emperors noticed Song Yan's team.

Then the three holy emperors joined forces to kill them.

"Go, move to the left!"

Song Yan drank, presided over the formation, and quickly moved to the left.

However, the three holy emperors were so eager to take the Song Kun group of people that they were dead and chased them.

This annoyed Song Yong.

in fact.

With his strength, he can completely sweep the emperor, but he does not want to expose too much strength, after all, every host present may be his enemy in the future.

So the other party chased, Song Ye and his team fled.

In a blink of an eye.

Several hours passed.

At least nearly half of the more than 10,000 pioneer camps sent by the two sides have died.

Then, both sides agreed very well to retreat.

Song Ying and his team returned to Daying were arranged behind the Daying. Today, they do not have to fight again.

At the same time, after the withdrawal of the Pioneer Battalion, the two armies began to confront each other, which seemed extremely tragic.

The battle lasted for six hours and ended at the expense of tens of thousands of soldiers.

That night.

The captain of the thousands led the team to the Pioneer Camp, and then they gave Song Ye a reward.

It was a spar.

The pale yellow spar exudes a seductive breath.

"what is this?"

Song Kun asked a battalion soldier.

"You are such a bun, you don't even know Hongmeng Spar!" The pioneer battalion soldier questioned mocked.

"Hongmeng spar? What's the use?" Song Yan continued to ask questions without paying attention to the other's taunt.

"Hongmeng spar is a special enlightenment of Hongmeng continent. After absorption, it can make the spirit grow!"

The pioneer fighter explained.

"Thank you!"

After thanking the other party, Song Yong tried to absorb the energy contained in the Hongmeng spar. It took him more than a few hours to absorb the energy in the Hongmeng spar, and the spirit had a small increase.

"This spar is really amazing!"

Song Xun praised secretly that his spirit has now completed sixteen transformations, and even using Chaos Divine Fluid can no longer increase his spirit by half a point. I did not expect that only one Hongmeng Lingshi increased his spirit. If there are a large number of Hongmen spar, maybe he can carry out seventeen transformations.

The next day.

The vanguard camp that lost nearly half was actually supplemented again, filling more than 5,000 new recruits.

After a battle, Song Kun and others became elderly people.

Then, the fighting between the two sides began again, again led by Pioneer Battalion.



The killing sound of Zhentian sounded, and the vanguard camps of the two sides were on the earth and slammed together, and the fierce fighting began.

Song Kun and his team are still based on the combined attack method, and at the beginning, they intentionally avoided the old man yesterday, but shot at the newcomer.

And the old people who survived on the side of Xiyue Guo yesterday also intentionally avoided the old people of Dong Yuguo, but only killed the old people.

But it didn't take long.

Yesterday, the three holy emperors who sought to kill Song Yong again appeared.

And came straight to Song Yan.

"I'm going! Tigers don't show their power when we are sick cats!"

Song is angry, avoiding you is not afraid of you, but you do not want to expose your strength, but you have to come to death, then only you can be done!

"Kill them!"

Song Song said.

"it is good!"

Dream Zero, Cheng Xie and others have no opinion.


A group of seventeen people no longer dodged, but waited for the Holy Emperor to arrive.

"The cubs are dead!"

Soon, the three emperors approached, and one of them slashed with a giant long knife.


Song Yong drank softly, and the seventeen people formed a whole in an instant, and then shot out.


The blood mist splattered, and the Holy Emperor was hanged directly on the spot.

For a while.

The two emperors were stunned and turned and ran.

Seeing this, Song Yan could let them escape, directly urging the formation to pursue, and finally, they were hanged.


When the reward was given out that night, each of Song Kun and his party actually received three Hongmeng spar.

[Author off topic]: One more

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