Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2030: Dream Kingdom

The Kingdom of the Song Dynasty, the Royal Palace, the Treasure Hall.

A number of ministers have worshiped Song Kun who was sitting on the throne. Three years have passed, and the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Heaven and Song has been recognized by other kingdoms of God.

"The ministers are flat."

Song Xuan looked down slightly and raised his hand.

"Xie Guozhuo!"

When the dynasty meeting ended, Song Zheng summoned Meng Ling and others in the study.

Just wave it.

A map of energy appeared midair in the study.

"Northern Qin Kingdom, Tianwu Kingdom, and Shengwu Kingdom have been conquered by me, the masters of more than 90% of the great cities in China. Dream Zero, you said, which country do you take first?" Song Yan said with a smile.

He has completed the ultimate task, and once the trial is over, he can learn the truth and know who created the system, so he feels quite happy.

I heard that Dream Zero couldn't help but hesitated. I did not expect Song Ji to secretly subdue the Jiucheng Lords of the Three Kingdoms. This method is really amazing. Even if she is the same host, she can't help but have a sense of worship.

Slightly groaned, Dream Zero said: "The owner of the Northern Qin Kingdom is the ancestor Yae. Even if he controls 90% of the big city, it is not easy to usurp the country. The risk is relatively high. On the contrary, the Tianwu Kingdom is more suitable. The oppression of the Northern Qin Kingdom, but the owner of the country is quite reckless, has long caused domestic dissatisfaction, if it can be replaced, it will be relatively easy. "

"Since you see Tianwu Kingdom, let's go to Tianwu Kingdom after a while!" Speaking of this, Song Yan's eyes fell on the other five hosts: "Wait for the dream to win the country, then turn To evil! "

"Thank you Brother Song!"

Cheng Xie said happily, while the other four were slightly regretted.

The so-called intimacy is different. Although all six of them came to assist Song Yan, Song Yan still had to get close to many dreams and harmony. After all, they were allies in the PK plug in the fairyland.

"Yes, what's going on with Ye Tian?" Song Yan asked.

Meng Ling said: "In these years, he has performed extremely well, overwhelming the younger generation. Now, he has been determined as the next homeowner, and at the same time, he has also broken through to the realm of creation!"

Wen Yan said that other people were a little bitter. At first, they thought that Ye Tian had an advantage over Song Yan, but in the end, Song Yan established the country successfully. Ye Tian had not fully mastered the family in Dongyu.

Fortunately, they followed Song Yan. At least for now, let them see that they are not too far off to complete the task. If they follow Ye Tian, ​​I am afraid it will be far in the future.

The consultation is over.

Six retreated.

After Song Ye dealt with a few state affairs at will, and dreamed to go back to practice, Dream Zero went back.

"Dream Zero, are you okay when you come back?" Song Yan asked in confusion.

"I can't find you if I'm fine?"

Dream Ling smiled sweetly.

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled: "Let's go together."

"it is good!"

After inheriting the title of the state, Song Zheng did not change any of the buildings in the palace. For them, Hongmeng mainland, they are just a group of passers-by. They came here only to complete the task. As for enjoyment, it was not important at all.

The two walked side by side, the scenery was beautiful, and the imperial palace full of divine treasures. As the founder of the Song Dynasty, he did not wear a royal suit, but a white robe and a long black hair tied with a strap. Jun Yi's cheek was dazzling with a smile.

Mengling is also white, but she wears a long white dress with short ears and beautiful looks. Walking with Song Yan is like a pair of people, harmonious and natural.

"Song Yun, I heard you have many wives?"

Dream Zero suddenly spoke.

"Yeah!" Song Zheng nodded: "I am more greedy and soft-hearted. People who like me ca n’t bear to be sad, but those I like wo n’t let go. After all, there are already a lot of regrets in life. Bring regret to others. "

"You, this is making excuses for your care."

Dream Zero chuckled.

"How about you? At this step today, you have also met a lot of beautiful men, haven't you been tempted?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

Dream Zero said: "It's fake without temptation. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Soon after you get the system, it's like emulating the female emperor in the history of our world and collecting three thousand beautiful men."

"Later, did you succeed?"

Song Yan asked.

Dream Zero shook his head and said, "No, mainly because the higher my cultivation, the higher the requirements for men, and the mortals and the common people. Afterwards, after experiencing the first inter-host PK, it made me understand that even With the system, if you do n’t work hard, you will still be left with nothing. So, my whole heart is spent on how to improve myself. Especially after the second host PK, my understanding is deeper. This is cruel. The game is a little slack, maybe it will be eliminated. Although it will only be erased and restored to its original shape after failure, I don't like living a normal life! "

"Rest assured, this time you can definitely succeed in establishing your country, even if you fail, it doesn't matter, anyway, there are so many years!" Song Zheng comforted.

Dream Zero chuckled again: "Yeah, with your help, I will surely succeed, and I am also very fortunate to be able to see through the future and stab you!"

"So how do you thank me after you succeed?"

Song Kun joked.

"I dedicate myself to you, do you dare to?" Suddenly, Dream Zero's footsteps, staring at Song Yan.

"Why dare not? Not only do I dare, but now, I will charge a little interest!"

Speaking, Song Yong suddenly pulled Mengling into her arms and stamped it **** her thin cherry lips.

Meng Ling's lips are moist and sweet, which can make people fascinated. After a bit of tasting, Song Yan was not satisfied with the status quo, directly pried open her shell teeth, and captured her fragrant tongue.

The lips of the two were closely connected, and their tongues were entangled with each other, sucking each other's **. At the same time, Song Xuan's big hands also walked up on Meng Ling's body.

Just as he was about to reach the peak, she suddenly pushed Song Yong away, but there was a thin thin line connected between the lips of the two. For a moment, the dream was ashamed, and the thin line disappeared.

Then he looked at Song Yan angrily: "You're so ridiculous!"


Song Yan laughed, not ashamed, but proud. At the same time, he reached out and took Dream Zero's small hand: "Let's go together."

"it is good!"

Meng nodded and let Song Ye hold her forward.

A few days later.

The capital city of Tianwu Kingdom changed drastically. The mother of Tianwu Kingdom died. A woman named Mengling announced the change of Tianwu Kingdom to the Kingdom of Dream God. The ten city leaders all acknowledged the status of the new Kingdom.

A few days later.

The Northern Qin Kingdom, the Xiyue Kingdom, and the Tiansong Kingdom sent troops to attack.

But when the army of the Northern Qin State arrived in the territory of the Dreamland, the six major city leaders in their country actually rebelled directly, and the state leader was furious, and immediately recalled a million troops led by the commander Bai Sheng to suppress the rebellion.

As soon as the Northern Qin Kingdom retreated, the Tiansong Kingdom also retreated, and the Xiyue Kingdom knew that it could not take advantage, and then retreated.

[Author off topic]: One more

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