Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2037: Release

After walking for more than ten miles, Chen Chong finally couldn't help but felt his legs soft and extremely heavy.

"Xiaolang, just rest!"

Hearing that Chen Chong took the initiative to rest, Song Ye did not hit him. He did so not to tease Chen Chong, but to establish his prestige. His father-in-law's family was good to him, so he would definitely pull them.

Moreover, after being admitted to Tong Sheng, he was ready to do business.

If the father and son of the Chen family regarded him as a former nerd, they would certainly not listen to him. Therefore, in addition to setting up prestige, Chen Chong knew that he was no longer a nerd like a weak chicken.

"Brother drink saliva."

Song Yong threw the water pouch to Chen Chong.

Chen Chong looked at Song Yan with a complex look before taking the water sac. After returning the water sac to him, he couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Lang, why is your body suddenly?"

You know, Song Ye used to breathe even if he walked a few steps, but today, he walked more than 30 miles, without any sweat stains on his forehead, which is abnormal.

"Brother knew about my illness some time ago?"

Song Yan asked.

"Is your health better related to your body?" Chen Chong opened his brain.

"Well, although it is irrelevant, there is a certain relationship." Song Yi said: "After recovering from my illness, I met an old Taoist who traveled to our village. The old Taoist priest said that I am a rare martial arts wizard who has never seen a thousand years. Just taught me something, and I practiced it for a few days, and it turned out that my body was much better than before! "

"What do you mean, it took only a few days for your body to become like this?" Chen Chong asked with a look of amazement.


Song Zheng nodded: "The old Taoist priest not only passed on my physical strength, but also passed me a" Tiger and Wolf Boxing. "

"Tiger Wolf?"

Chen Chong looked at Song Yan with a look of amazement.


Song Yan smiled: "Big brother is also practicing" Tiger and Wolf Boxing ", but I think your" Tiger and Wolf Boxing "should be a remnant, shouldn't you have developed your inner spirit yet?"

Chen Chong said: "Oh, you can cultivate the inner qi. You really think that anyone can repair the inner qi. In our Huangshan County, the inner qi is not more than five fingers. If I can repair the inner qi, I am afraid that the county prestige will be appointed immediately. I'll be the head catcher! "

"Brother means that it's difficult to cultivate inner qi?"

Song Yan pretended to be confused.

Chen Chongdao: "That's natural. As far as I know, in our Huangshan County, there are only four people who have cultivated the inner spirit. One is the Teng Hu, the curator of the martial arts hall where I used to learn martial arts. One is Li Ju, the county's grandson in our county, and two are our largest household in Huangshan County, the head of the nursing home of Mr. Ma's home, Chen Hubao, and the young master of the horse family.

"There are only four, but how do I find it easy, so that I have become a master?" Song Zheng continued.


Chen Chong suddenly stood up from Daqingshi, staring at Song Yan with a look of astonishment: "Xiaolang, you ... you said that you have cultivated inner spirit?"

"Brother, please see!"

Song Yan was lucky on his right leg and kicked out.


The big bluestone exploded and broke into pieces.

"You ... you ... did you cultivate your inner spirit?" Chen Chong replied again.

"Didn't you see me?"

Song Yan smiled.

"My grass, my brother-in-law is actually a master of inner qi, Xiaolang, what other childhood do you still have to test, and you go with me to see the county respect, if you want to be arrested fast, the county respect will definitely appoint you to be the head!" .

"Not interested in!"

Song Zheng refused directly.

Chen Chong hated Tiefuchenggang: "Do you know how much the salary of the head catcher is? In January, there are three or two silvers, and the businesses in the county are honoured every month. One head catcher earns at least 220 silvers a year. , Once you get caught, do n’t worry about eating and drinking in the future! ”

"Isn't it only two hundred and two? When I am admitted to Tong Sheng, I will take you to a business, not to mention two hundred, even two thousand and two is not difficult!" Song Yi proudly said.

Hearing Song Yan's words, Chen Chong stared at him strangely.

Song Ye didn't say more: "Okay, I know you don't believe it now, you will know it later, let's go, let's continue on the road, right, there are too many mistakes and omissions in your practice of" Tiger and Wolf ", wait for me After you pass the exam, you will go to the county to ask for a few days off, and return to the village with me, I will teach you boxing skills, and you can become a master of qi in the future! "

"May I?"

"What's wrong with this, you are my sister-in-law!"


Chen Chong smirked.

Before dark, Song Ye and Chen Chong arrived at Huangshan County.

Chen Chong sent Song Yan to the inn, and after telling him a few words, he went to the county to report.

That night, after having dinner at the inn, Song Yan fell asleep directly. After all, he is not high enough now, and he can't talk about sleeplessness.

When I woke up, it was already four in the morning.

So, carrying a pen and ink on his back, he borrowed a lantern from the store and hit him, and walked towards the county.

When he arrived, he found that the county was already full of people, afraid there were no less than 500 people.

"I didn't expect that so many people would come to take the test."

Song Yan secretly said, but according to the rules, the number of children admitted each time was only about 100.

Five o'clock.

Candidates begin to enter.

There is a catcher standing at the entrance of the examination room, checking the candidates, and the actions are relatively rude. Many candidates have complained, but these catchers are very dismissive. Although these candidates are also scholars, they have no reputation But they are not afraid at all.

Song Yan also lined up to the end of the line, and it took him half an hour to turn to him.

"Open the package for inspection!"

One catches quickly.

Song Xuan opened the package directly, at a glance.

Quickly arrested and then searched him at will, and did not embarrass him any more and let him go.

After finding your place with the exam card.

Song Zheng simply packed and sat down.

At six o'clock.

A sound of gongs and drums spread throughout the examination room, and at the same time, the sky began to brighten.

Then the clerk began to distribute the paper for the exam.

Song Yan put the paper away and began to grind the ink.

After a while, a second gong and drums sounded, and then a small official walked past the examination tents holding the title card, and Song Ye quickly put a pen to copy it down.

There are ten questions for Tong Sheng. This time they are all silent questions, and they are also points for sending points. As long as the history of the Five Kingdoms is read through, these three questions are simply points.

After extracting three questions.

Song Kun answered the questions directly. The history of the Five Kingdoms had been printed in his mind. The three silent writing questions did not confuse him at all. It took only half a quarter of an hour to complete the three silent writing.

Then he took out the dry food and ate it.

After an hour.

Here comes the second question, which is also a three-question question. These three questions are policy questions. Such questions cannot be made by rote memorization and require a certain understanding of the history of the Five Kingdoms.

The history of the Five Kingdoms has been integrated, and naturally these three questions can't help him.

This time, he spent half an hour.

After writing, he checked it again and there was no problem.

Another hour.

The last four questions appeared.

Three of them are multiple choice questions, and the last one is propositional poetry.

Still simple.

The time spent this time was even shorter, less than half a quarter of an hour, and the three multiple-choice and propositional poems were done.

This is a propositional poem.

Song Zheng can excerpt poems from other worlds, but he did not, but wrote on his own.

Although this poem he wrote is not a famous piece of eternity, it is also considered an excellent poem.

After checking all the answer papers again, he nodded secretly, and the boy was born.

Childhood exams are not like the college entrance exams, they can be submitted in advance.

Even if you finish writing, you have to wait until the exam is over.

After pressing the paper with the platform, Song Yan sat cross-legged and began to carry the inner air in his body for tempering the meridians and the body.


Three gongs and drums sounded.

Then someone shouted: "The exam is over, all the exams are put down and left!"

Song Zheng packed his parcels and walked out of the examination room following the flow.

As soon as he stepped out of the examination room, he saw Chen Chong standing not far away.

Song Yan went straight to it.

"Xiaolang, how did you do?"

Chen Chong asked with concern.

"Do not leave ten or nine, should be able to hit!" Song Kun said.

"No words!"

A disdainful voice sounded.

Song Zheng turned his head and looked, but he was a chubby boy.

"Brother, let's go!"

Song Yan retracted his eyes. He was not interested in thinking about a little fart boy, and the chubby boy was just 14 or 15 years old.

"Hey, let me know!"

The chubby boy saw Song Kun leaving and said again.

The Tongsheng exam will be released tomorrow, so if you can win it, you will see tomorrow.

Therefore, Song Yan needs to stay one night at the inn.


He intends to take the opportunity to hang out in the county, the main thing is to go to the bookstore.

You know, he has n’t read the Six Saints doctrine. He has a system that allows him to scan directly into a book without paying for it. Of course, he ca n’t afford it now.


Song Min suddenly thought.

Now that the system can scan text into books, can it turn sand into glass?

Have eaten.

Song Zheng asked Chen Chong about the location of the bookstore and went towards the bookstore.

A quarter of an hour later, he came to a bookstore. Coincidentally, this store also has a full set of Six Saints doctrine. There is nothing to say. Scan it directly, not only sweeping the Six Saints doctrine into it, but also other books.

To fully understand the Six Saints doctrine, it takes two points of luck.

There are only five o'clock left in luck now, so don't use it casually, lest luck would be unlucky.

Therefore, after the release of the list tomorrow, you can use your luck to integrate the six sage doctrines.

Back to the inn.

Song Kun looked at the first volume of the Six Saints doctrine from the system category.

Unconsciously, the night passed.

It's only six o'clock.

Song Yan heard knocks outside.


Song Yan asked.

"Xiaolang is up, there is another hour left!"

Chen Chong's voice came from outside.

"Isn't there another hour, anxious?"

Speaking, Song Ye still got up and opened the door to welcome Chen Chong in, and then let Xiao Er hit a basin of water to wash.

After washing and eating breakfast, Song Xuan was accompanied by Chen Chong and walked towards the county.

[Author off topic]: Second more complete

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