Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2046: Ruined temple

Huangshan County can be said to be the most remote county under the jurisdiction of Mingshan Prefecture. At the speed of this carriage, it may take two days to reach the city.

Unconsciously, half a day passed, and there was a town twenty miles away. Song Yong planned to rest in the town tonight.


The thunder sounded, and a thick cloud covered the sky.

"Xiaolang, it looks like it's going to rain. We're afraid we can't get to the town. Find a place to shelter from the rain!" Chen Chong suggested.

"Okay, stop where you see the rain!"

Song Yong responded.

After walking in the mountains and many places, rain began to fall in the sky, and he reluctantly advanced for a while, Chen Chong exclaimed: "Xiaolang, there is a temple in front of me!"

"That way, go to the temple to shelter from the rain!"

Song Song said.

As a result, Chen Chong immediately drove the carriage towards the temple, only to find that it was a ruined temple without human settlement, and the raindrops in the sky were getting bigger and bigger.

Driving the carriage into the temple, Chen Chong greeted Song Kun to get off.

After getting out of the car, Song Ye went into the temple to check it out. It was indeed a ruined temple. Except for the main hall, almost everywhere else had collapsed.

By the time he returned to the main hall, Chen Chong had already removed the car bow from the horse and led the horse to the temple's eaves to shelter from the rain.

But half a quarter.

The drizzle turned into a torrent of heavy rain, and there were several leaks in the main hall, but it was barely sheltered from the rain.

The second life had a fire, and then they took out dry food to bake it for hot food. It seemed that the rain would not stop for a while and a half, and the two would spend the night in this ruined temple.


The rain didn't stop for half an hour, and the sky was completely dark. With the wind, it whistled like a ghost crying.

at last.

After another half hour, the rain finally stopped.

Song Yan and Chen Chong talked for a while, and put a blanket next to the fire to prepare to sleep.

Just then, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the temple.


A group of people broke in.

There were seven people in this group, all of them fierce in appearance, and carrying a long sheathless knife on their backs.

However, none of them cultivated inner qi.

"Someone came first!"

Before the seven entered the main hall, they found Song Yan them. After all, the fire was still on, especially in the dark.

"You give up your position and let's fire!"

One of them glanced over Song Ye and Chen Chong's eyes with disdain, and Yi screamed.


Song Yan, who sat on the blanket, stood up slowly, and uttered a word in his mouth.

Hearing the words, the other party was furious: "The boy is looking for death!"

After a few drinks, the man waved his fist and smashed at Song Yong.


Song Yi kicked out, and the other party flew out and hit the main hall wall.

Suddenly, the other six strong men pulled out their long swords and followed Song Yan.

"Our well water doesn't violate river water, you'd better give me some rules, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" During the talk, Song Xuan let out a master's breath, making the six faces suddenly change.

"Boy, I want to kill you!"

The strong man who was kicked and got up from the ground, pulled out the long knife on the back and rushed towards Song Yu, but was stopped by one person: "Lao Wu, step down to Lao Tzu!"

Immediately, the man took a step forward and bowed to Song Yan: "My son, I waited to offend, and I hope my son will allow me to rest in this temple!"

Song Yan's face eased a little: "As long as you don't disturb me, please please!"

"Thank you son!"

The man said quickly, while another strong man quietly reminded the strong man who was kicked off. The opponent was a master of martial arts. He heard that Song Kun was a martial artist. His angry anger disappeared instantly. Even if the seven of them joined forces, Nor is it an opponent.

The reason why Song Yan did not pursue the other party, because he found that the luck of these seven people was actually negative, and all exceeded negative ten.

In other words, these ten people are probably not far from death.

That being the case, why bother with a few dead men.

Soon, the seven brave swordsmen lit a fire not far away and ate and drank around the fire. One of them brought a package of beef sauce to Song Kun, but he refused.

Unconsciously, it is another hour that has passed, and time has come to the child hour.


A footstep came from outside the temple.

Song Kun, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and the seven swordsmen also opened their eyes and grabbed their hands on the handle.


A figure appeared in front of the main hall. It was a woman with a shawl and a package on her back, wet and covered with clothes, making her body look exquisite and rugged.

Suddenly, the eyes of the seven swordsmen became hot.

Feeling the eyes of the seven people, the woman seemed a little timid, but in the end she said to Song Yi: "Son, can the wife come in and bake fire?"

On hearing that, Song Ye narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flashed with surprise, because he saw that the power of luck above the woman's head was actually blue, and her luck point reached 80. More.

"Go there!"

Song Yan said lightly.

"Come on, our little lady!"

The seven swordsmen who were a little disappointed when they heard Song Ye actually brought the woman over to them were overjoyed, and one shouted diligently.

"Thanks a few uncles!"

After a little hesitation, the woman went to the seven swordsmen and roasted the fire around the fire, but after pulling the hair covering her cheeks to the side and revealing the real faces, the seven swordsmen were all eyes closed because they felt that, This little lady is so beautiful, so ecstatic, just a glance at them, there is a heat flow on their lower abdomen.

If there is no Song Kun in the temple, maybe they have already jumped up directly, but if there is a Song Wu, a martial artist, they dare not make trouble, so they start talking to women.

It was learned from the chat that the woman was from a village in Linxian County. When the husband died, she could not bear the abuse of her mother-in-law and ran away secretly, intending to return to her maiden house.

"A widow!"

Knowing this, the eyes of the Seven Swordsmen are getting hotter.

"Little lady, take a sip of wine, warm up!"

A swordsman passed his flask to the woman.

"Thank you, Grandpa!"

The woman did not refuse, took the jug and sipped, and then the other side gave out dry food to the woman, and the woman was not polite.

After a quarter of an hour.

The face of the woman showed a twisted color, and said to a knife next to her: "Master, the little woman wants to go to the little solution, but the little woman is afraid of the dark, I wonder if the uncle can go with the little woman?"

On hearing that, the knifeman couldn't help but rejoice and nodded: "Okay! Good! I'll go with you!"

On the side of Song Yan, he secretly sighed, "It's a sperm on the brain!"

He also heard what the woman said, but it was full of mistakes, but this group of swordsmen had no doubt at all.

[Author off topic]: One more

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