Magic Love Ring

Chapter 816: Large array

Feijian kills the enemy, the speed is extremely fast, but with a few breaths, hundreds of cattle demons are beheaded.

"Puff puff!"

Feijian continued to kill the enemy, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of cattle demon clan were beheaded.

This time, finally attracted the attention of some masters of the ox demons.

They waved their weapons and smashed the bronze flying swords. However, the bronze flying swords were fast, small in size, and extremely flexible. Moreover, they were still among a large number of cattle-devil soldiers, so these cattle-devils could not help it.

Instead, during this time, it killed hundreds of bull demons.

Many soldiers on the city wall could see the scene of Song Yi spitting Fei Jian, seeing where Fei Jian passed, one by one, the ox demons were chopped off their heads, and they couldn't help showing shock and surprise. Song Yan's eyes were even more full of awe.

"What kind of martial arts is this? Can it kill people across a thousand kilometers?"

At the next moment, the sword trick in Song Yi's hand flipped. Suddenly, the bronze Feijian went straight to the back of the Niu Mo Clan. The masters of the Niu Mo Clan who surrounded the Fei Jian had no way. Now the army was heading towards the human wall Rushing in the direction, they want to go against the current, which is easier said than done.


The bronze flying sword continued to kill the Bull Demon Clan, but the master of the Bull Demon Clan could not take it in the slightest way.

In just half a quarter of an hour, the average Bull Demon soldier who died under the flying sword has reached two thousand.

Finally, a ten thousand captain discovered where the flying sword was.

Grabbed a big bow and shot.

call out!

The arrow was like a streamer, straight to the bronze flying sword.

Seeing this scene, Song Kun who stood on the city wall couldn't help showing a slight disdain. As soon as he thought about it, the bronze flying sword retracted behind a cow demon and hid behind him.


Streamer successfully hit the target, but unfortunately it was the famous Niu Mo Clan.

"call out!"

Bronze flying swords flew out like lightning bolted to the distance, and dozens of cattle demons were beheaded wherever they passed.


The ox demon clan captain couldn't help anger, grabbed a big sword and chased Feijian.

But soon, he gave up, because Feijian was too small to walk through the dense army, and he was too large and his speed was seriously affected.

After half an hour.

Song Yan retracted the bronze flying sword. In these half-hours, he killed tens of thousands of oxen demons with flying swords. If it wasn't for the Prince Nine, he sent a martial art to stop the flying swords. Slay more ox demons.

Above the city wall, a large number of ox demons were burned by the dropping dung water from the sky, but they still could not stop the mad attacks of the ox demons. The hundreds of meters of the city wall had been cut through most of it. At most tomorrow, the city wall would collapse.

It was evening in a blink of an eye. If it is usual, the cattle demon should retreat, but today, the cattle demon have not retired, and they are still attacking wildly.

Mindful of his thoughts, Song Yan came to the commander's office.

Outside battle intelligence is being sent here constantly, at this moment Lei Jiuming is in a state of scorching head.

"Why did you come here, Xiaohuang? Did you think of a way to kill those black robe demon people?" Lei Jiuming asked.

Song Yan shook his head: "I didn't come here for this matter. Today, I have been watching the battle on the city wall, and at most how many hours will the city wall be broken by the cattle demon clan, can the commander have a solution?"

"There is a way to fart, I can only fight with them!"

Lei Jiuming said irritably.

"I have a way!"

Song Song said.

"What way?" Lei Jiuming's eyes could not help brightening, and he even stood up from the chair.

"I can arrange a large array behind the city wall, but the arrangement requires top quality Lingjing!" Song Yan slowly said, although he had a lot of Lingjing, he did not forget the assassination of the military by him, so he It is impossible to take out Lingjing to set up the battle.

His willingness to arrange a large array for the military was already done, so the spirit had to come from the military itself.

"How many pokemon do you want?"

"At least three thousand top-quality crystals!"

Song Song said.

Lei Jiuming froze, and then said: "Three thousand! Where can I have so many top-quality Lingjing, up to five hundred!"

Hearing Lei Jiuming's bargain, Song Kun couldn't help but be speechless: "Commander, do you think this is a grocery shopping? Can you still bargain!"

Upon hearing that, Lei Jiuming's face flashed a embarrassing color: "Well, it's easy to say, but I really can't get so many top-quality Lingjings. I can take out at most 1,300."

Song Kun responded: "The more Lingjing, the greater the power of the formation, the more cattle demons can be blocked, and the array of 1,300 pieces can resist a maximum of two or three hundred thousand cattle demons. Once this number is exceeded, the matrix method is likely to collapse. "

"Your array is really so powerful?" Lei Jiuming was very skeptical when he heard that the array of 1,300 pieces of top-quality Lingjing could block two or three hundred thousand cattle demons.

"Love believe it or not, but I have trapped three martial arts at the same time using the formation method." Song Yan said lightly.

"If this is the case, it can greatly reduce the casualties of my Terran Warriors, but I really ca n’t take out so many spar. Even if I ask the military, it ’s too late, after all, the Demon Race is about to break the city!" Helpless face said.

Song Zheng hesitated, "I can lend it to you."

"Okay, I can write an IOU for you!" Lei Jiuming said happily.

A quarter of an hour later, under the command of Song Yong, one by one the soldiers dug quickly.

There are many people and strong forces, and within three and a half quarters of an hour, three thousand and five hundred pits were dug. Song Yi put the top-quality spirits one by one, and then ordered the soldiers to bury them.

After driving those soldiers out of the formation, Song Yong dug a hole in the middle of the formation himself, and then buried three **** irons in it.

"Boom! Boom!"

A deafening impact came, and with the impact, the city wall continued to shake. Through the perspective of the magical power, Song Kun found that the city wall would be broken at most two hours.

With a dazzling figure, Song Yan fell on the roof of a house 100 meters away.

The formation method has been arranged, and he can start a large formation with only one formation skill.

After half an hour.

Lei Jiuming came in person and asked Song Ye: "What's wrong?"

"It's alright, you can order the soldiers on the wall to retreat!" Song Zheng nodded.

"it is good!"

Lei Jiuming ordered the soldiers on the city wall to be withdrawn. After giving this order, he was a little bit lost: "Boy, don't let me down."

"rest assured."

Song Ye smiled confidently. For insurance purposes, he added three **** irons. Not to mention that as long as there are more than one million people in the Niu Mo tribe, even if it is doubled, he will be trapped in the battle.

Soon, all the soldiers on the city wall withdrew, losing the resistance of the human soldiers, and the cattle demon attacked even more fiercely.

After half an hour, I only heard a bang, but a section of the city wall collapsed, and a gap more than ten meters wide appeared. Suddenly, a strong ox-like demon rushed into the city from the gap.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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