Magic Love Ring

Chapter 828: marriage

The body without snow is very good. Even if she lost a lot of weight during this time, she is still plump than Gu Xiehuayu. . .

As Song Yong's hands became irregular, the atmosphere without snow became heavier.

After experiencing some hardships, Song Yong's hands finally climbed to the top. Even with several layers of clothing, he can feel the amazing flexibility and softness.

Don't look at the fact that there is no snow that is older than Song Yan, but she is a real big yellow girl. Under the attack of Song Yan ’s mouth, she quickly turned into a pool of mud, paralyzed in his arms, and let him Do it.

The two's clothes continued to decrease, and they finally met frankly.

Xiaoxue's pretty face was flushed and intoxicated, and Song Song groaned with satisfaction as she entered her body.

After half an hour, there were red spots on the bed, and there was no snow lying on Song Ye's arms. A finger as white as green and jade drew a circle on Song Ye's chest: "You bad guy, finally let you succeed It's up! "


Song Yan could not help but make a proud laugh, and at the same time, his hands began to walk unreally above her.


There was no such thing as begging for mercy. For the past half hour, she felt like she had died countless times, but she was extremely happy again.

Seeing that there was no snow asking for mercy, Song Yong's hands followed the rules: "Sister Xue, I'll tell you about my plan."

After half an hour, the two dressed neatly and came to a hidden courtyard in a city near Tianyinzong.

When Wu Xuexue saw the girl who looked exactly like her, she couldn't help wondering: "Like, it's too much!"

"How did you do it?"

Wu Xue looked at Song Yan and asked.

Song Yi said: "I can do Yi Rongshu, but her appearance and height are no different from yours, but in order not to expose her feet, you need to tell her something about Tianyinzong!"

This Yi Rongcheng woman with no snow was a woman in a blue house, bought by Song Ye for a large sum of money, and she was enslaved with her magical powers, so even if she was finally exposed, he would not disclose his news.

Over the next few days, the woman in Qinglou got along with Jie Wuxue day and night. Under her deliberate imitation, she became more and more like Jie Wuxue.

Seeing that the time was almost the same, Song Ye sent the blue house woman to Baiblade Peak.

"Remember, in the days to come, try not to talk to people!" Song Yan told.


The blue house woman nodded.

"Let's go!"

As soon as Song Ye held the body without snow, he disappeared at Baiblade Peak.

She did not bring the absolute no snow back to the Qingwei gate, because once Tian Yinzong found that the absolute no snow was missing, the first suspected target must be him, so leaving the absolute no snow at the Qingwei gate is very likely to be exposed .

Therefore, she was placed in a city under the control of Qingwei Gate and helped her make a makeover. As long as someone who was not too familiar with her saw her, no one knew that she was absolutely snow-free.

With no snow at all, Song Yan's wedding is coming soon.

The people who came to congratulate have arrived one after another and have been placed in a small town under the mountain.

In a flash, it was the day of the wedding.

Qing Weimen was joyful up and down. In front of the mountain gate, guests lined up one by one and entered the mountain gate in turn.

In addition to the more than 30 representatives of the martial arts alliance, the guests who came this time also had many unfamiliar ancestors, all of which had transactions with the alliance chamber of commerce, and the alliance chamber of commerce also opened shops on their site.

In addition, a pair of men and women arrived from Shengwu Academy, among them Song Kou's friends Kou Ying, Guan Yong, Chang Sun Haoran, Chang Sun Rou, Xue Yu and others.

At the beginning Yin Zhengyang, Guan Yong, Kou Ying, Chang Sun Haoran, Tian Yi, Zhou Yi, etc. accompanied Song Yong to the Blood River battlefield to seek a breakthrough. Later, Song Yong defeated the cattle and demons, and they were not trained, so they had to go to other places. battlefield.

Now, more than half a year has passed, these people have entered the realm of grand masters, and they all have a strong breath of blood. Obviously, they have not experienced less war on the battlefield, and there is even a deeper face on Chang Sun Haoran's face. Sword marks.

Although Song Ye was very busy, he still had time to meet with this group of friends. Of course, time could not be too long. Everyone was very satisfied with this, but Chang Sunrou's eyes were a little dim.

Song Yang can feel the feelings of Chang Sun Rou, but he has no feeling for Chang Sun Rou, so he can only live up to her. After all, he already has seven women in the real world, and he dare not open the harem anymore.

In addition to Song Jun's close friend, there was also someone from Shengwu Academy that surprised Song Jun.

The team was led by two people, one was Dalong Jianzun and the other was Huangyin Xiangu.

"Head, Keith is coming, you get ready!"

A too old elder came to urge.

Song Yan had to plead guilty with a group of guests and went to the wedding hall.

Since Gu Xie Huayu was at the Qingwei gate, the section of welcoming the relatives was omitted, and he went directly to worship.

Above the high hall, there are aunt Xie Huayu's parents aunt Xie Kang and Lin Qingyou, and elder Xie Kang and Song Ye's master Dong Fang Tian.

Worship the world!

Tall Church!

Couple worship!

Send to the cave!

After the worship, Song Ye sent his bride's aunt Xie Huayu into the cave, and then came out to toast the guests.

The banquet was set on the outer gate of Yanwei Square in Qingwei Gate, with more than 500 tables.

Even though Song Ye had a good drink, only one drink at each table, at the end, he felt a bit heavy.

After toasting, Song Ye is when Song Ye went to the new house to the bride to lift his head.

Unexpectedly, halfway through, when passing a pavilion, there was a graceful figure sitting inside.

"Huang Xuedi."

"Sister Ji Xue, what's the order?" Song Yan walked into the pavilion and looked at her with a smile, yes, Ji Lingqi's arrival surprised Song Yan.

"Giggle, you are the bridegroom official today, how dare I ask you." Ji Lingqi issued a string of silver-like laughter, but the pair of hooked eyes loomed a murmur.

"Sister Xue speaks heavily." Song Yan Shen said.

"It seems that you really forgot me." Ji Lingqi's tone grew more resentful.

"Don't forget!" Song Yan smiled, but secretly wondered, what the fox spirit wanted to do?

"Since I haven't forgotten, that sister Xue wants you to go with me, would you be willing?" Ji Lingqi suddenly approached, exhaling like a blue, and whispered in his ear.

Song Yan can feel that this fox spirit has used Meishu on him, but unfortunately, he is pregnant with iron, the other guy ’s little Meishu is not enough to see, but he might as well accompany the other to act, so in the eyes of Song Yan Deliberately flashed the obsession, suddenly shot, and put Ji Lingqi's body into his arms.

"Sister Xue, I'm willing to follow you! But you have to promise me a condition!"

"What conditions?" Ji Lingqi's eyes flickered with anomalies.

"I want you to be my woman!" Song Yan said fiercely.

"Okay, people will be yours sooner or later!" Ji Lingqi smiled like a flower, and the charm from her body became more and more amazing.

"No, I want it now!"

Song Yan growled and kissed Ji Lingqi's lips while lowering his head, and at the same time climbed her hand with one hand and knead it vigorously.

Song Ling's rude behavior made Ji Lingqi very annoyed, and there was a flash of murder in her eyes. She pushed Song Yong away and said charmingly, "Don't be so anxious, don't look at where it is."


Song Su suddenly laughed, and his obsessed eyes suddenly returned to Qingming. The corner of his mouth even showed a smile of drama. He clicked his mouth and said, "It tastes good and feels good!"

On hearing that, Ji Lingqi's face suddenly changed, and there was a kind of bad hunch: "Huang Liang, what do you mean?"

"Well, sister Ji Xue, you do n’t need to understand too much. Today is my day of great joy. I do n’t want to kill people. I just treated you like that just to collect some interest! I wo n’t be with you anymore. I have to go with me. The bride! "

Looking at Song Yan's arrogant departure, Ji Lingqi's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and her heart was extremely angry, because she was played by Song Yan fiercely.

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[Author off topic]: One more

Today is the day when the protagonist gets married, and it is also the birthday of the mosquito.

Thanks [Zhen Zhengan] [People are on the journey] [Luo Xueyou Ran] [Fei Ma handsome guy] Four big rewards

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