Magic Love Ring

Chapter 836: Controlling the Eastern Region

After half a quarter of an hour, the array in the lobby dispersed.

Everyone, including Du Kaishan, was sealed and thrown to the ground, like dead dogs.

Seeing this scene, Gao Meixiang secretly took a breath and air-conditioned, but in the later period of Wu Sheng, she was captured like this. For a moment, she had a fear in Song Min.

The leader of the Shuitian Temple army was carried away by a pot.

Without the heads of the dragons, the army of the Shuitian Palace can only stop at Watch City.

In the next half hour, Song Yong took Gao Meixiang to the Xuanguimen and Divine Bird Barracks, respectively, and captured all their high-ranking troops.

As for the attack of the Xiaomen Xiao factions, Song Zheng ignored them. As long as the Xiaomen factions of Shuitian Temple, Xuanguimen, and Divine Bird were able to attack Tianyin Zong, they would give them a praise.

The gate of Shuitian Palace is located on an island in the center of Neihu Lake. The scenery is beautiful, and the aura of heaven and earth on the island is also very rich.

There are palaces on the island, and the mist on the lake is like a fairyland.

Silhouettes flashed, and there was a man and a woman on the island, it was Song Ye and Gao Meixiang.

Insight into the magical power opened, Song Xun quickly searched the trace of the palace master of the water.

As a result, his body flashed again.

"Who are you?"

Shui Tianying looked at the man and woman who suddenly broke into her dormitory, and frowned slightly.

"I am the head of Tian Yinzong Gao Meixiang." Gao Meixiang smiled. After seeing Song Yi's methods, she was extremely convinced by him, believing that Tian Yinzong would be able to save him.

Shui Tianying's face changed slightly, and he asked in a cold voice, "I don't know what to do if you are in high gear?"

"I hope Shui Tian Gong can surrender to Tian Yinzong!" Song Yan said suddenly.

Qing Weimen still lacks the details to walk on the table, so he needs Tian Yinzong to help him manage the Eastern Region.

"Are the two jokes?" Shui Tianying's brow frowned again.

"No, we are never funny!"

The figure flashed, and the emperor appeared with a group of people.


The two were thrown at the feet of Shui Tianying, in the early days of Du Kaishan and another Wu Sheng.

Suddenly, Shui Tianying's face became a little ugly, and he swept the six people behind Huang Xi with taboo eyes.

"All the high-level leaders of your army have been caught by us. At the same time, the whole gate of the Shuitian Palace has been trapped by us. Then, the choice has appeared. Do you choose to surrender or choose to coexist with Shuitian Palace? "Said Huang Xi with a smile.

"I need to consider!" Shuitian Ying said, the other party now has seven martial arts sacrifices, all of which are late martial arts sacrifices, and Shuitian Palace has only five martial arts sacrifices, and only three martial arts sacrifices in the later period .

It's not an opponent at all!

"Okay, I'll give you ten breaths to consider!" Said the emperor again.

Suddenly, Shui Tianying's face appeared angry, but he did not dare to get angry.

The emperor stared at Shui Tianying with a playful voice and said, "Okay, ten breaths are over. This beautiful lady, will you consider it?"

"I can't do it alone. I need to convene high-level discussions!" Shui Tianying said.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance to see what tricks you can play!" Huang Yan didn't care.

Soon, under the order of the master of the palace, all the senior officials of the palace came, including the other four martial arts.

"Palace, who are these people?"

Wu Sheng asked later.

"They are from Tian Yinzong!" Shui Tianying said.

"Tian Yinzong!"

All senior officials showed hostility and vigilance, only to think that the other party had seven late martial arts, and it was inevitable to taboo.

When Shui Tianying uttered the request of Song Yan and others, the senior officials of Shuitian Palace were angry. They were the strongest martial arts in the Eastern Region and they had to surrender to Tian Yinzong, which made them reconciled.

After some deliberation, Shui Tianying looked at the emperor and said, "This boy, I have a proposal. We might as well compete once. If our Shuitian Palace wins, we will return all the territories of Tianyinzong. If we lose, How about we surrender to Tian Yinzong? "

"What do you think of the deity?" Huang Yan asked Song Yan.

"Don't say nothing to your face, but also kick your nose and eyes, it's almost dead!" Song Yan smiled coldly, and stepped on the ground with his right foot. Suddenly, the entire Shuitian Temple fell into a large array.

After half an hour.

Up and down the Shuitian Palace, everyone above the Grand Master was captured in this palace.

"Now, do you choose to surrender or die?" Song Yan swept through the people with a sneer.

"Evil thief, kill me if you have the ability, the old man would rather die than surrender!" A martial art saint later cried.

"Okay, boney!" Song Zheng nodded, and then flashed a fierce light in his eyes: "Kill!"

Suddenly a Wu Sheng wearing a bronze mask stepped forward, waved his sword and chopped it out, while blood splashed, an angry head fell on the ground of the hall.

"Who else doesn't want to surrender?"

Song Yan asked again.

For a moment, everyone had a chill in their hearts. This man was too cruel and too cruel, and even Wu Sheng said to kill.

The ants are still greedy, not to mention that the human race is not the demons, and there is a martial saint in front, so the people present soon expressed their willingness to submit to Tianyin.

Ten days later.

The three teams came to Tianyinzong with great gifts.

These three teams represent Shuitian Temple, Xuanguimen, and Divine Bird.

The leader is the head of the three factions, and their purpose of arrival is to surrender besides giving gifts.

The three major groups collectively surrendered to Tian Yinzong, and the news spread like a wing, spreading rapidly across the eastern region.

The small and medium martial arts that had robbed Tian Yinzong while it was on fire were aggressive immediately. This change is too fast. How did the three majors surrender to Tian Yinzong?

For a time, all the small and medium martial arts who captured the city of Tianyinzong retreated, and they calculated whether they would plead with Tianyinzong.

Three days later.

The four factions headed by Tian Yinzong patronized the schools that attacked Tian Yinzong. It didn't take long for these schools to surrender to Tian Yinzong.

At the same time, an anti-assassination operation began.

The end of the group of masters from the holy city has come.

On the first day, fifteen people were cleansed from the masters of the holy city, including one martial saint.

On the second day, 27 masters from the holy city were washed, two of them martial arts.

On the third day, nine masters from the holy city were washed.

On the fourth day, all the masters from the holy city retreated.

One month later, the Eastern Region Martial Arts Alliance was established, and all the large and small Martial arts gates in the Eastern Region were included. The leader was Tian Meizong's head Gao Meixiang.

That month, a caravan from the southern region began to open stores in the eastern region. The items sold were Sanpinxuandan and Erpinxiandan.

Tianyinzong, the head courtyard.

It was not Gao Meixiang who sat on the chair that belonged to the head, but a young man.

"See boy."

Gao Meixiang bowed with admiration to Song Yan.

"High master, no, Gao Meng, please!" Song Yan raised his hand with a smile. In just one month, Dongyu fell into his hands, thinking in his heart, to speed up the process of Nanyu.

[Author off topic]: Three more, today's end

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