Magic Love Ring

Chapter 843: First battle

Because of the time urgency and a brief chill, Song Yong sent Lei Jiuming to the battlefield. As for Mrs. Lei, she stayed in Tianyinzong.

It is not easy to integrate four million troops.

Therefore, as soon as he came to the barracks, Lei Jiuming was busy.

Song Ye also had a lot of things to do in the Southern Region. When he sent Lei Jiuming to the barracks, he returned to Qingweimen.

After setting the battle plan, Song Yi ordered the Chamber of Commerce to close all the Dan medicine shops in the split-day sword faction, Dingyangmen, Feitianzong, and Tianjiandao.

Within a few days, the staff of the elixir shops in the four Zongmen areas had all been evacuated.

So he decided to start.

The first goal is the split sky sword!

With the order of Song Kun, the 1.5 million army went directly to the split-day sword faction. At the same time, Song Min took 30 martial arts to the gate of the split-day sword faction.

Around the gate of the split-day sword school, the emperor has long buried the superb Lingjing. Just by playing a trick, the entire gate of the split-day sword school will be surrounded by a large array.

In order to completely deter the split-day sword faction, Song Kun did not directly capture the head of the split-day sword faction, but intended to enter all the way from Shanmen.

"Who are you?"

Disciple Shoushan looked at the thirty-one people in front of him, and was very nervous for no reason, because he could not see the cultivation of these people, and, except for the young man headed by him, everyone was wearing a mask made of bronze. surface.

"The leader of the Southern Budo Alliance, Huang Liang, the head of the Qingwei door, came to subdue the split sky sword faction!"

Between the words, Song Yan's mouth slightly raised a smile of evil charm.


A group of Shoushan disciples heard the words and couldn't help but be frightened, and they drew their swords and killed Song Ye.


A Wu Sheng stepped forward, and at the flick of a hand, there was a strong gush, wrapping up all of the group of Shoushan disciples and throwing them for dozens of meters.

The disciples of the split-day sword sent to Shoushan are not weak, all of them are Jiu Zhong, and the leader is the master.

"Hurry up, notify Zongmen, there is an enemy coming!"

The guru disciple climbed up, and rushed again, and another rushed to the mountain gate to report.

"I don't know why!"

The Wu Sheng who ran hands hummed, punched out with a punch, and rushed with torrents of fist. All Shoushan disciples who were touched by the fist all vomited blood, especially the leading disciple. The most serious, after spitting a few mouthfuls of blood, he fainted to the ground.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Nine sounds of extremely loud bells spread throughout the split-day sword school. Instantly, all the disciples' deacons, elders, and seniors were shocked in their hearts.

Nine sounds of bell ringing heralded the onset of an enemy.

Suddenly, disciples of all ranks of the split-sky swords came to Shanmen.

"Bang, bang!"

The figure tumbling, and the disciples of the split-sky sword school were knocked to the ground, but there was only one person from start to finish.

Finally, the masters of the split sky sword school appeared.

A great master later led dozens of great masters and hundreds of masters and flew with swords.

"Capture them!"

The first great master looked at the hundreds of disciples moaning on the ground, and could not help but be furious.


Thousands of sword qi erupted, covering the sky, like a torrent of sword qi, rushing over to Song Kun and others, the momentum was spectacular.


The Wu Sheng rose to the sky, and repeatedly gave out nine punches.

"Boom ... oh!"

The punches and sword qi continue to collide and disappear!

A few moments later, Jiudao Boxing and thousands of sword qi disappeared one after another, and a strong anti-seismic force came. The hundreds of shot-breaking disciples of the Sword Sect were shook back and forth, and the Song Sheng ’s Wu Sheng fell backward But back, I stepped back a few steps before I stood still.

"The split-day sword pie really has two brushes!" The Wu Sheng seemed to be ashamed, angrily.

In fact, as Song Ye everyone saw, the thousands of sword qi seemed to be chaotic, but they adhered to some law of formation. Everyone, it was a sword qi array composed of thousands of sword qi, otherwise It is also impossible to give a martial arts sage to Zhenfei, of course, this also has the reason that the martial arts belittled the enemy.

"Come again!"

The Wu Sheng rushed up again, but he had a magic sword in his hand.


A snow-white sword with a length of dozens of meters flew out, scaring hundreds of elite disciples of the split-day sword school to wave their swords and cut their swords towards the swords.

"Dangdang Dangdang!"

The sound of Jintie's clashes continued, and countless swords blasted on the sword, but they could not shake it for half a minute, and all of them were bounced off.


The knife smashed into the hundreds of elite disciples. Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded, and most of the disciples screamed and were flying around.

"Who is your Excellency?"

At this moment, two figures came together and flew forward, looking at the injured disciples all over the ground, looking extremely gloomy.

But then, their eyes touched the group of bronze masks behind Song Yong, and they couldn't help shaking.

Both of them are martial arts masters of the split sky sword school.

There is a sense of air between the strong, so they can see at a glance that all those wearing bronze masks are martial arts masters.

Thirty martial saints?

When did Wu Sheng become so worthless?

At the same time, they were extremely frightened in their hearts. How they resisted the thirty martial arts sacrifices because of the two of them. For a moment, they all had the urge to turn away.

"I am Huang Liang, the leader of the Southern Martial Arts Alliance. Today, the split-day sword school can be born, and no dogs or dogs will stay!"

Song Yan took the first two steps and faced two martial arts sects of the split sky sword faction.

"Your Excellency is too overbearing!"

The two martial saints were very angry when they heard the words of persecution by Song Yong.

"You're not convinced!" Suddenly, a cold light appeared in Song Yan's eyes: "Everyone listen!"

"Please tell the son!" Thirty Wu Sheng chanted in unison.

"The split-day sword sends chickens and dogs not to stay! Kill me!"

Listening to Song Yan's frosty voice, the two Wu Sheng's bodies shivered subconsciously, and one of them shouted: "Slow, slow!"

"You have ten breaths, don't fall!" Song Yan asked coldly.

After half an hour.

Song Yan took thirty martial saints away from the split sky sword faction. Under his persecution, the split sky sword faction finally surrendered. However, this surrender was not stable, so Song Min adopted a very special method. , And chatted with the head of the split-day sword pie.

Then he was enslaved with the magical powers.

The site of the split sky sword pie is very large, but it is not easy to receive it, but fortunately, the split sky sword pie cooperates very well, and Song Ye has already prepared, it still took three days to give the split sky sword pie to Barely accepted.

When Song Zheng annexed the split-day sword faction, the 4 million coalition forces in the Eastern Region also joined the 3 million elite warriors of the military aircraft battalion to the point where they were short-handed.

But neither side chose to come out.

Dongyu sent 500,000 people over here and 300,000 over the military plane.

On the day of the war between the two sides, in the end, the military aircraft battalion gained the upper hand and defeated the Eastern Region Alliance Army by half a million troops.

The military aircraft battalion, which has been following the war, hastily spread the Warring States of World War I to the world. For a moment, the ambitious people in the major areas couldn't help sinking their hearts.

Only Song Yan in the southern region did not take it seriously, he was quickly integrating the troops and killing Dingyangmen!

[Author off topic]: One more

Happy holidays everyone

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