Magic Love Ring

Chapter 852: The world is all against

The veterans of the military aircraft battalion are still discussing the countermeasures, but the world Kyushu was bombed by this news.

The big and small gates in the East and South domains are happy and inspiring. To be honest, they followed Tian Yinzong and Qing Weimen on the road of rebellion. In fact, most of them belong to the helpless situation forced by the situation.

Because they did not think that Tianyinzong and Qingweimen could really fight the military aircraft battalion.

The previous defeat of the Eastern Union Alliance Army in the past four battles further strengthened their thinking. However, it took only a few days for the Eastern Territory's war to directly subvert.

More than two million horses in the military were all trapped in a large array for three days and three nights and could not escape.

No one thinks that the army's army may be reversed. Which soldier is hungry for three days and three nights and still has the strength to fight?

Therefore, this war has not yet been determined. In fact, everyone has already won.

This great victory shocked the world, and also stabilized the hearts of the large and small gates in the east and south.

It's on this bone.

Saint Martial College declares to the whole nation that military battalions are incompetent, and Saint Martial College fully supports the Eastern and Southern Regions.

The true strength of Shengwu Academy is not strong, but the six deans of Shengwu Academy are all extraordinary figures, otherwise the main gates will not desperately push their disciples inside.

At present, Shengwu Academy supports the Eastern Region and the Southern Region with imperial support, and it even scolds military aircraft battalions. This is undoubtedly adding to the military aircraft battalion and fueling the fire. On the contrary, it has given the two regions in the southeast a strong momentum.

Upon hearing this news, the six pavilions of the military aircraft battalion were always irritated, especially the Chu pavilion, and they were even clamoring for the destruction of Shengwu Academy.

Of course, she just vented it, which really made her destroy the Shengwu Academy. She does n’t have the guts. Let ’s not talk about the background of the six deans. Secondly, the students of Shengwu Academy are from the gates of all races. She is the most honorable Ge Lao, and dares not to be the enemy of the entire world.

This announcement issued by the Shengwu Academy caused headaches for the military aircraft battalion.

The main gates of the seven domains of Huangwu Realm, North Realm, West Realm, Tian Realm, Xuanlong Realm, Divine Realm, and Tian Ma Realm are also unable to remain calm because of this news.

They all saw that the military aircraft battalion had reached the point where everyone would push it against the wall. If they did not go against it again, once they waited to defeat the military aircraft battalion in the two Southeastern regions, the benefits and general trend would be gained by the people in the two regions.

So, the day after Shengwu Academy announced to the world, the first gate of Huangwu Realm combined with the nine gates of Huangwu Realm also proclaimed that the military aircraft battalion was returned, and ten counts of military aircraft battalion were listed.

However, after everyone has seen these ten counts, they are all speechless.

Because these ten counts are just a new one after copying the nine counts of Dongyu.

It is not shameful to copy the nine counts of guilt that Dongyu has exemplified. Now, adding one more will become your own thing, which is a bit shameless.

Therefore, after seeing the ten counts, people in the two areas in the southeast felt very disdain and dissatisfaction.

Of course, the content of the guilt is really not very important. The important thing is that Huang Wuyu reversed.

The actions of Huangwu Realm stimulated the ancestors in other realms.

So, on the second day, the Northern Territory, the Western Territory, and the Heaven Territory announced to the world at the same time that they returned to the military aircraft battalion, but this time the people in the three territories learned to be clever, and directly used the previous nine counts without adding a snake.

Sure enough, what did no one say about the content of the guilt?

On the third day, Xuanlong Realm was in opposition to Divine Realm.

On the fourth day, Tianma Yu reversed.

At this time, the gates of the nine realms in the world were all rebellious. With the rebellion of the seven realms, the influence of the military aircraft battalion was directly cleared, so that the influence of the military aircraft battalion was limited to the holy city and surrounding sub-cities.

In fact, at this moment, the military aircraft battalion is dead.

Song Qi, another news that all the seven states are all negative, has been received, but he has not paid much attention, because he devotes most of his energy to destroying the Blood Demon.

On that day, Song Zheng witnessed the ten blood demon crickets slaughtering millions of people in a small town, but he was unable to stop it, because even if he gathered the martial art masters in the east and south, he could not. Kill them.

Therefore, he can only wait in pain.

At the same time, he was also a little confused. Where did this blood monster come from, and why did they appear in the east and south domains instead of other domains?

Suddenly, Song Yan put his skeptical eyes on the military.

The ten blood monsters that absorbed the blood of a million people in a small town have a thicker light on them, even surpassing the ten blood monsters that Song Kun destroyed.

The thicker their blood is, the harder it is to be killed.

This group of monsters seems to never be full. After slaughtering a small city, they aimed at a large city five thousand miles away. That city has a population of more than 60 million. Once the population of that city is killed Light, their blood will rise to another level.

These ten guys have been in a hurry to evolve to that large city for a few days. Song Kun has been following the surveillance, and the emperor has gone to the city to set up a battle.

Along the way, these groups of blood monsters are still constantly killing, killing people, and killing villages.

In just a few days, the seventy or eighty villages leading to the large city were slaughtered by them, and their blood was a little thicker.

at last.

This group of blood monsters was less than a hundred miles away from the large city. Perhaps they felt enough blood from that large city, and they could not help speeding up.

Seeing this, the corners of Song Yan's mouth could not help but appear a killer: "Blood Demon, it's time to end you!"

As soon as these groups of blood demon stepped into the city, the lore of ascension rose, and they were all included in the formation space.

Then, a hundred martial arts were gathered to attack them madly.


Within half a quarter of an hour, four Martial Saints were killed.

Seeing this, Song Yan's brows couldn't help sinking. The ten Blood Golems were at least twice as powerful as the previous ten Blood Golems.

Fortunately, after sacrificing one hundred martial arts sacrifices, he completed a division of the blood monsters.

But at the next moment, the behavior of these blood demon crickets greatly changed Song Kun's face, because these blood demon crickets actually started to attack the formation and wanted to break out.

The blood monsters have no soul, so naturally they will not be confused by the formation, so they can clearly sense the barriers of the formation space.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

With the attack of the blood monster, the barriers of the formation space can't help shaking. Although it has not been breached, if it continues, it will be in danger of being breached.

Once this group of blood monsters ran out of the formation, for the city residents of this city, it was a death catastrophe.

"Stop them!"

Song Zhe and Huang Zhe both fully controlled the hundred martial arts savage attack on the blood monsters, not giving them a chance to break the battle.

[Author off topic]: One more.

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