Magic Love Ring

Chapter 857: The intention of the old man

Everyone who was invited by Niange was guessing his intention this time.

Song Yuan, who was far away in the southern region, also got the news, but he didn't take it to heart. In his opinion, a group of courthouses in the military aircraft camp were always grasshoppers after the autumn. They were tossing anyway, but also tossing No flower came out.

In the evening, Song Zheng handled his official duties and returned to his home. However, he found that Gu Xiehuayu was standing there waiting for him with a smile.

"Fu Jun, you are back." Gu Xie Huayu greeted him, hugging Song Yong's arm affectionately.

"Yes, let the lady wait for a long time." Song Yan smiled and scraped Qiongbi, who was shaving her aunt Xie Huayu, with a slight smile.

"Fu Jun, I made your favorite dish. You must eat more tonight."

Upon hearing this, Song Kun was startled: "When did your wife learn to cook, why don't I know?"

"Sister Huayu has been learning to cook for a while now, and I am not allowed to tell you, just to surprise Brother Huang." Ning Ling's voice sounded, and Song Yiyin felt that Nizi's mood was a bit lost.

"That's great, I must eat more tonight!"

Under the support of the two women, Song Yan came to the dining room.

Several dishes have been placed on the table, and from the standpoint of sales, they should be pretty good.

"Mrs. Linger, sit down and eat." Song Yan said.

"it is good."

The two women sat next to him one by one.

"Fu Jun, you try this." Gu Xie Huayu clipped a dish into Song Yuan's bowl.

Song Zheng nodded, put the dish in his mouth, chewed two bites, and couldn't help admiring it, "I never thought that my wife would make such a delicious taste for the first time."


Aunt Huayu asked happily.

"Of course it is true." In fact, Song Yan really didn't tell lies to trick Gu Xie Huayu. Although the dishes she made were not as good as him and Ning Ling's craftsmanship, it was already very remarkable for beginners.

"Fu Jun, try this again." Gu Xie Huayu gave another one to Song Ye.

"Well, it's also delicious."

Next, almost no need to reach out to pinch vegetables, Gu Xie Huayu took the initiative to pinch it into his bowl.

Ning Ling, looking at the intimate and harmonious duo, looked a little sad.

"Ma'am, don't just give me vegetables, you eat them too." Song Yan picked up a dish and put it in Gu Xiehuayu's bowl.

"Thank you husband." Gu Xie Huayu smiled sweetly, her expression full of happiness, and Ning Ling's eyes on the side became increasingly dim, and she even felt that she was redundant here.

"Linger, you eat too."

Song Yan, who has always been concerned about Ning Ling's expression, put a piece of vegetables in her bowl. Suddenly, a smile appeared on Ning Ling's face: "Thank you Brother Huang."

After seeing this scene, Gu Xie Huayu thoughtfully and strengthened that idea in her heart.

After having dinner, Song Ye and his two daughters took a leisurely stroll nearby to eat, and walked for half an hour before returning to the house.

This world entertainment project is vague. Fortunately, Song Ye made the real-world Go. However, chess can only be played by two people, so he simply made the playing cards again.

Therefore, when returning to the house, Song Yan played a landlord with Gu Xiehua Yu Ningling.

It was not until the child was born that everyone ended the landlord.

"Fu Jun, undress for you."

Back in the room, Gu Xie Huayu smiled to undress Song Ye. Song Ye let her remove her coat, but there was a hint of fun in her eyes: "Madam, you have something to tell me, don't you?"

"Where is it?"

Gu Xie's eyes were flustered.

"Is that so?" Song Yan suddenly caught her pair of soft, smooth hands, and took her tender body into her arms. At the same time, the other hand quietly slid to her hips: "Mrs. doesn't tell the truth, don't blame for the husband's showmanship!"

Aunt Xie Huayu Qiao blushed: "My husband is so worried, I really have nothing to do with my body."

"Hum! Up to now I still refuse to tell the truth, it seems that the wife is forcing her husband to use her own skills!" As soon as the voice fell, Song Yan raised his palm and patted Gu Xiehuayu's hips.

"Yeah, how can a husband hit someone there." Gu Xie Huayu complained blushingly.

"Who keeps you from telling the truth?"

Song Ye fell into that elastic place again, and then made a clear sound.

"Fu Jun ... Don't." Gu Xie Huayu's voice trembled slightly, and her eyes were more moist.

"Now I'm begging for mercy!"

Song Yanxie smiled and raised his hand again, and fell there again and again.

For Gu Xiehuayu, the silver teeth mattered, because every time Song Ye fell, she felt a little pain and a numbness, and she was also shy. She suffered several slaps in a row. She only felt that her legs were soft and she could not stand still Stability, especially in my heart gave birth to a longing, how many times I want to be.

"Yeah, why do I have such a shameful idea, if my husband knew it, I would definitely laugh at me!"

Gu Xie Huayu's expression could not be concealed from Song Yan's golden eyes, and now he understood what was going on, so he hit them again and again.


At last, Gu Xie Huayu couldn't bear it, and made a seductive moan that was slightly hoarse but captivating.

"Ma'am, are you comfortable?"

Song Zheng put his mouth to Gu Xiehuayu's ear, and asked in a soft voice.


Gu Xie Huayu's head was a little confused. When she heard Song Yan's inquiry, she nodded subconsciously, but immediately reacted and shook her head desperately.

"You nodded and shook your head again. Is it comfortable or comfortable?"

"Fu Jun, if you hate it, you know how to tease people." Gu Xie Huayu buried almost the whole pretty face in Song Yan's chest.

Seeing her so embarrassing look, Song Yan couldn't help laughing, and soon Auntie Xiehuayu held up his waist and went to the bed.

Sitting next to the bed, looking at Auntie Huayu, who still refused to look up, Song Yong reached out and raised her pointed chin, then her head was slightly lower, and she kissed the moist and fragrant cherry lips.


At first, Gu Xie Huayu was slightly shy and could not let go, but gradually, she began to respond.

The tongues of the two appeared to be entangled and playing, and Song Ye's hands were not idle, and they quietly reached under her clothes, seizing the tender and wanton play.

Gradually, Gu Xiehuayu's breathing became heavier and his eyes became more and more blurred. Song Xun knew that the foreplay was almost the same, and it was time to get into the subject, so he gently removed Guxuehua's raincoat, and then took off himself. Then I put the ice muscle like snow faintly revealing the pink Gu Xiehuayu in my arms. Facing myself, my waist was slightly raised, and I entered the familiar place ...

After half an hour, the two ** Fang Xie, lying together hugging each other, Song Ye looked at the beautiful cheeks still showing Yun Yun, whispered softly: "Mrs. should tell me what's wrong now?"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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