Magic Love Ring

Chapter 860: I just want them to unite

"It's a matter of time to kill that little beast, but you can't be impulsive, you have to plan slowly!"

Nian shook her head again and said that her grandson was a little too taken for granted. What can happen in this world with just one Wushen disciple?

As the so-called man-made fortune and the bird for food and death, how many benefits this promised human race can generate, don't say that you are a martial arts disciple. Even if martial arts comes forward in person, for the sake of huge profits, there is no shortage of people who are in danger. . .

"Grandpa, you are too high on Huang Liang!" His proposal was repeatedly rejected, and Nian Wuji was a little bit dissatisfied.

Nian Wuji ’s dim thought, how could he escape the eyes of the old fox, so Nian smiled: "Wuji, who do you think is the world?"

"Nature is the three great martial arts!" Nian Wuji took for granted.

"Wrong! This world is the world's world!"

Hearing that Nian Wuji was obviously dissatisfied, but he did not wait for him to speak, and Nian raised his hand: "You don't talk first, listen to Grandpa, although Valkyrie's strength is strong, but the biggest effect is still deterrence. One of the reasons why martial arts can't live in seclusion and hardly participate in the human race. "

Hearing here, Nian Wuji's eyes clearly flashed with doubt, apparently he did not understand the meaning of Nianhua.

Seeing this, Nian explained: "Let's take an analogy. Will you fight with a group of warriors during the gas refining period for an ordinary weapon?"

"Of course not!" Nian Wuji said, "Wouldn't it be a loss of identity!"

"Will the Valkyrie fight with a group of people who are much worse than them to compete for things that are useless to them?" Nian asked again.

Now, Nian Wuji understood immediately: "Grandpa meant that the Valkyries did not take the power of the human race to heart."

"Yes." Nian nodded: "Although you are a Valkyrie, you know too little about the secrets of this world. Although Valkyrie has a **** character, they are not real gods, so their life spans are limited. The pursuit of seclusion practice is longevity. Therefore, as long as the human race does not destroy the tribe, the three martial arts gods will not appear in the world. Although you are a samurai warrior, grandpa is sure that even if you are killed, the foggy warrior will not personally When he comes forward, he will only spread the word. "

"Master hurts me that way, it won't!" Nian Wuji quibbled.

Nian sneered: "Even if your master hurts you again, he won't shoot. Then Huang Liang is now a master, and it is very shameful to take a shot against a master. If he takes another shot himself, what is his face?

Valkyrie's resurrection is for worship and admiration. It is definitely not for ridicule. In recent years, many Valkyrie disciples have walked in the world and many have fallen. You are no exception! "

Suddenly, Nian Wuji's face became a little pale, and his eyes were no longer incomparable.

Nian continued: "Of course, I said so, but I do n’t want you to act recklessly, but you ca n’t be too underestimated. You are a Valkyrie disciple, and this is a huge deterrent. Only people will be afraid, once it comes out of the sheath, it will not be so terrible. Do you understand this? "

"Grandpa, I see!" Nian Wuji bowed deeply.

"You can understand. Your identity is a hole card. Naturally, the hole card can only be used at the last moment to maximize the benefits. Therefore, in the next period of time, you will stay in the holy city and rest in peace! "

"Yes! Grandson knows!"

After drinking and retreating, he sighed slightly. His grandson's IQ was really worrying. If he really made Huang Liang's little beast born, he wouldn't know how to be killed.

The news of the birth of Wushen disciples and the fact that Wushen Wushen had served as a military aircraft battalion quickly spread throughout the world.

After learning this news, a lot of cold water was poured into the seven domains except the southeast two domains. Many of the sectarians who brazenly competed for the site quickly converged and watched the changes.

Following this, the soldiers and horses of the military aircraft battalion quickly acted, sending a large number of soldiers and horses to the other seven realms, the purpose is naturally to convince the seven domains to return to the military aircraft battalion.

In fact, the two Southeastern domains have also been affected, and many of the gates have become panic. After all, the two Southeastern domains are the first to return to the military aircraft battalion. If you want to calculate, Valkyrie will definitely be the first to the two Southeastern domains. Start.

Song Yan also got the news.

However, he did not produce any fear. His grandson was an apprentice to the Wushen Valkyrie, but his father was an apprentice to the Wujin Shen.

If the Mighty Valkyrie really dares to shoot at him, it is impossible for the Forgotten Valkyrie to ignore it, because it is a matter of face.

What's more, after reading a lot of collected information, he knew that Valkyrie wouldn't bother about secular things. Don't look at the current military plane battalion, but it's just a fake tiger.

As for the Wushen disciple, he is even more mindless. If he really dares to come to the two southeast regions, he will personally teach him how to be a man!

Immediately, Song Ye, who thoroughly analyzed the whole thing, smiled and said to himself: "It seems that with the improvement of my mental strength, my wisdom has also improved a lot!"

Of course, he can see the whole thing thoroughly.

But Xuanyuan can't wait without me.

So, two days later, the six deans of Shengwu College came hand in hand.

"Xiao Huang, how do we deal with this matter?"

Zhuge Qingyang, the representative of the six, asked.

"The fox is just fake tiger!" Song Yan shook his head, his eyes slightly disdainful.

"Hejie?" Zhuge Qingyang faintly touched a key.

So Song Xun told his views to the six deans.

After listening to his analysis, all six deans felt very reasonable. For a moment, the heavy psychology was relaxed.

"Then what do we do next?" Xuanyuan said without me.

"Let the military aircraft camp toss!" Song Yan smiled.

Dalong Jianzhuang frowned: "How can they let them toss? If they unite with the other seven realms, we must not be opponents by just two realms!"

"Union! What I need is their union! If they do not unite, it will take too much time to defeat them one by one. If they are united, they will be hit hard, and it will not be better to solve them!" Song砚 From the channel.

"Are you sure?" Xuanyuan asked without me.

"Not to say you are 100% sure, but 70% or 80% are still there!"

Song Yongdao, after fighting with the Blood Demon, he more and more invented the importance of the white matrix method. Therefore, during this time, he collected a large amount of matrix material information. After reading, his level of matrix method has increased a level, In addition, he does not lack superb spirit crystals. Even with tens of millions of soldiers and horses, he is confident that they will be trapped by the matrix method!

[Author off topic]: Two more

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