Magic Love Ring

Chapter 885: Fire Thunder first made achievements

Song Yan stood in front of a quiet bamboo forest, and said to the guards and female officials behind him, "You're waiting here."

"Your Majesty."

The guard chanted with the female officer.

There is a winding gravel path between the bamboo forests, and Song Yuan walks slowly along this path.

At the end of the trail, a humble hut stands alone, looming a dust and high cleanliness

This is the retreat of the Sky God of War.

"Have seen Your Majesty."

There are two young girls waiting in front of the hut. This is not a female officer in the palace, but an apprentice to the **** of heaven.

"No need to be polite, you all step back." Song Zheng nodded.


The two young girls retired with interest, and Song Ye did not go to Yemen, but stood in front of the hut with a hand. There was a large palace in the palace. No one lived there. cabin.

"Your Majesty, please come in."

With the sound, the closed hut opened immediately.

Song Zheng stepped in, and his eyes fell on a woman with closed eyes who practiced Tsing Yi sitting on a bamboo bed.% 2 smiled and said, "Have you ever been used to living in a state?"

The furnishings in the cottage are simple.

A bamboo bed and a set of wooden chairs.

There is a set of tea set on the wooden table, nothing else.

It can be said to be extremely rude.

"Thank Your Majesty for your concern, this is fine."

Tongtian Wushen opened his eyes, and his clear eyes showed a closeness.

"That's good, if there is any need, the National Teacher can put forward." Song Zheng continued.

"I don't know what your Majesty will command?"

Tongtian Wushen spoke, but the closeness in his eyes had disappeared, and the whole person was cold.

Song Yi said: "Why, can't you come to see the Master when you're fine?"

After hearing that, the waves in Tongtian Wushen's cold eyes reappeared, but immediately his face sank: "Your Majesty, please."

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly: "I promised you a hundred years of life, and the fifty years before gave it to you. Now, I give you the remaining fifty years."

The Sky God of War's eyes lightened.

Immediately afterwards, Song Xun learned the exercises of Pei Yuan Jing to the later period of the foundation period.

As long as she practises this exercise to the end of the foundation, not to mention the life span of 50 years, it is not difficult to increase the life span by 100 years.

After just listening to it, Tongtian Wushen realized the magic of this exercise and practiced it subconsciously.

Suddenly, the vitality of the world gathered in her body, and in a moment, the real element was condensed in Dantian.

At the same time, the realm is constantly rising.

After an hour.

Her cultivation stayed at Congenital Nine, and she felt the nourishment of the body's true elements in her body. She got up and worshiped Song Song deeply: "Thank you for your contribution."

"You're welcome, nothing's wrong, I'll go first!"

"Sorry, Your Majesty."

Seeing Song Ye's figure disappeared, a sweet smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Tongtian Wushen.

Civil strife has ended.

The establishment of a household registration and the construction of a school are in full swing under the auspices.

At most in March, the household registrations of the 36 provinces in the world can be reorganized, and the construction of schools is slower.

All school teachers are appointed by the Empire, but these teachers need a short training before they go to teach.

With the implementation of these two things, Song Kun can sense the increase in air flow in the body every day.

At the same time, Tiangongyuan has received a lot of human and material support. Although the number of fire thunders has been temporarily increased to 50,000 per day, I believe that it won't be long before we can reach the 100,000 per day required by Song Yong .

Twenty days passed.

The empire has gradually stabilized, but the situation on the seven battlefields has become increasingly tense.

In these 20 days, the two demons have expanded their army again. The total number of demons in the seven battlefields has reached 15 million.

According to the report from Detective Horse: The two demons are still sending more troops, which is annoying.

On the Blood River battlefield, the entire Blood River City was shrouded in a large array. Under the city, there were two million soldiers and horses of the powerful ox demons and 100,000 soldiers and horses of the wing demons.

However, the soldiers in Blood River City are only 1.5 million. Once the formation is broken, it is too difficult to defend Blood River City. Therefore, during this period, Meng Li, the commander of the city, was almost worried. .

"See Your Majesty!"

Commander General, Meng Li suddenly fell to his knees.

"Lao Meng doesn't have to be polite, get up!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Your Majesty."

Meng Li stood up with a smile and approached, "Why is your Majesty here?"

Song Zheng said: "Of course, I'm here to help. In this way, you can call a thousand men and horses to you!"


Soon, Meng Li convened a thousand men, all of them elite soldiers.

Early the next morning.

Hercules and winged demons began to attack the city again. The winged demons flew in the sky and constantly attacked the defensive cover of the formation, but the soldiers on the city could not help them at all. Below the city walls, the vigorous ox demons were focusing their attack Law somewhere.

Under rounds of attacks, the defensive hood is constantly rippling like light waves.

Suddenly, a thousand soldiers and horses came to the wall and stood scattered on the wall.


Meng Li himself served as commander.

Suddenly, a huge fire thunder appeared in the hands of thousands of soldiers. Each of these thousand soldiers wore a storage ring in their hands. One storage ring contained only one thing, which was a fire thunder.



With the order of Meng Li, thousands of soldiers smashed off the machine on the fire mine, and then surrendered to the cattle demon army.

Yesterday, they had been practicing how to bomb a day, so they were quite skilled.

Thousands of round iron **** fell into the army of bull monsters, hitting a lot of people, but the power was really limited and could not even hurt people, which made some bull monster soldiers laughed loudly.

But just then.

"Boom! Boom!"

Thousands of loud bangs shook the world, and even the soldiers on the city walls felt the tremor brought by the explosion.

And with it came countless screams. These thousands of fire mines killed at least tens of thousands of powerful cattle demons, and even more were injured, no less than 50,000.

Suddenly, the Great Bull Demon Clan was bombed.

"Continue to vote!"


Thousands of fire thunder flew again, and after a bombardment, nearly 10,000 vigorous cattle and demon were killed and tens of thousands were injured!

"Retreat, rewind!"

The demon who presided over the siege will quickly order the army to retreat. The opponent just cast two rounds of iron golems and almost destroyed 200,000 siege troops. Will they wait for the whole army to die?

The soldiers on the city wall cheered loudly as they watched the mighty ox demons that Cangjie retreated. As for Meng Li, he was a little dazed. He never expected that the fire thunder sent by His Majesty would have such great power.

At the same time, the other six battlefields also received fire thunder sent by Song Yong, and played an unimaginable role in today's battles.

That evening.

Song Kun received the battle reports from the seven major battlefields. According to preliminary estimates, the demons killed by fire thunder reached 200,000, and at least one million were injured.

Fire Thunder first made achievements!

[Author off topic]: One more

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