Magic Love Ring

Chapter 887: From then on I was just a star

The bamboo forest was dark, but Song Yong walked calmly and naturally. Even if he didn't have to look through the magical power, he could see the night as day even when he reached the level of Jindan.

After a short while, Song Yong came to the wooden house again.


The wooden door opened, and a heavenly goddess in a plain skirt slowly walked out, slightly stunned: "Have seen Your Majesty."

"There is no need to be polite, please."

Song Yan took a step forward and held his arms up, even though separated by a layer of clothing, Song Yan still sensitively captured the delicate skin under that shirt.

Three years ago, Song Yan taught the Pei Yuan Jing to the Celestial God of War. Although she has been busy compiling the Da Wu volume for the past three years, she hasn't delayed the cultivation. Now she has reached the end of the foundation of the Xiandao cultivation.

Under the nourishment of Zhenyuan, she is getting younger and younger. Now she looks like a 28th girl, especially because of the cultivation of immortal skills. She has added a breath of dust, which seems more and more expensive.

"Your Majesty."

Tongtian Wushen pulled back her arms and said, at night, her cheeks turned slightly red.

"Your Majesty, please come in."


Song Zheng nodded and stepped into the hut.

Although he has been busy with state affairs these years, he has come here several times, but he is relatively familiar.

"It's rude here, and I hope that your Majesty will be strange."

Tongtian Wushen poured a cup of tea and handed it to Song Yong.

Song Yan took the tea cup, but the fingers of the two accidentally touched each other. For a moment, both of them had a feeling of electric shock. They took a refreshing sip, Song Yan drank tea, and smiled and said, "Guoshi, I said, we You do n’t need to see outsiders like this. There are no outsiders here. You may wish to call me by name, just call me Huang Liang. "

"Your Majesty talked and laughed." The heavenly martial art faintly said.

Song Yong is an extremely sensitive person with emotions. After several years of contact, he is not sure whether the Heavenly God of War is fond of him, but he has a good impression. Otherwise, he will not be invited to drink tea in her cabin at night. , So he asked with a smile: "Yes, what is your name, Guoshi, I have known each other for several years, and I still don't know your name, it is really rude!"

Hearing Song Qin's name, Tongtian Wu Shen couldn't help but fall into the memory, and then slowly said, "My name is Tianxing."


Song Zheng nodded: "Sure enough, his name is like a star in the sky, cold and noble."

"Your Majesty has won a prize."

Tongtian Wushen is still faint, but there is a joy in his eyes, which has not hidden Song Ye's eyes.

So Song Yong said again: "In this way, in the future, I will call you by the state teacher. As long as there is no outsider, I will call you a star?"

"Let your Majesty be happy."

Upon hearing this, Song Ye deliberately sank: "Star, the name I always call, why do you still call me His Majesty? In this way, you still call me Huang Liang. If you ca n’t tell me, just call me Good brother! "

Speaking of which, there was a hint of play and teasing in Song Yan's eyes.

"Good brother?"

A tinge of wrath flashed through the eyes of Tongtian Wushen: "I am much older than you, how can I call you my brother?"

"You can't say that."

While talking, Song Yong took out a glass mirror from the storage ring, and then pointed at the face of the Celestial God of War: "Look at yourself, is this 28-year-old flower in this mirror? Girl? "

"This?" Looking at the beautiful face in the mirror and listening to the praise, Tongtian Wushen's face could not help showing coquettishness, but his mouth said: "Your Majesty, please take care of yourself!"

"I'm telling the truth, is there something wrong with this?" Song Yan stared at Tongtian Wushen, with a glow in his eyes.

Feeling the scorching heat in his eyes, the Celestial God of War felt his heart was burned, and he subconsciously took two steps back: "Your Majesty, it's late, please come back."

As the so-called iron strikes must be hot, how can Song Ye, the master of the sister-in-law, can't see that at this moment, the Heavenly God of War is in a state of confusion and entanglement. As a man, naturally be brave and help her make choices. Following the first two steps, the detective caught a pair of hands of the Celestial God of War and whispered: "Star, you are so beautiful!"

Hearing this sentence, Tongtian Wushen was a little embarrassed and a little delighted, more panic-like, like the frightened fawn, who wanted to break Song Song's palm, but unfortunately, Song Yun grabbed it too tightly, not at all Give her a chance to leave.

Of course, if she urges Qi, she can still get rid of it, but at this moment she obviously forgets it.

Song Yan suddenly put his cheek in front of the God of War, and stared at the flawless cheek. He was obsessed with the words: "Star, do you like me?"


Tongtian Wushen felt that her head exploded instantly, staggering, as if she had become an unthinkable wooden person. She worshiped under Master's door from the age of five and devoted herself to hard work. But for the past few hundred years, most of her Time is cultivating, and she rarely touches the outside world. Therefore, in terms of feelings, she has so far been a blank piece of paper, so she will be so unbearable.

Seeing the appearance of Tongtian Wushen, Song Ye knew that things were basically done, bowed his head slightly, and caught the two thin and wet lips, and tasted them carefully.

Feeling the tingling sensation from the lips, the eyes of the Celestial God of War were instantly rounded, and the brain that had just been awake suddenly turned into a paste.

Song Yan smiled softly, and the Tongtian Wushen was put in his arms by the explorer. At the same time, the flexible tongue began to wander between her teeth.

With his teasing, the heavenly **** of war deliberately opened the closed tooth.

Seeing the right time, Song Yan's tongue suddenly squeezed from the gap between his teeth, and instantly struck Huanglong, capturing the sweet tongue.


At this moment, Tongtian Wushen felt that his soul seemed to be out of touch.

Seeing Tongtian Wushen showing such unhappiness, Song Kun was quite proud, and began to walk up her hands with both hands.

Finally, when Song Yan's two hands were about to climb the two Yufengs, the Tongtian Wushen suddenly returned to God and pushed Song Yan away.

"what happened?"

Song Yan looked at her staggered.

"We ... we don't fit."

"Where is it not suitable?"

Tongtian Wushen gritted his teeth and said, "Age!"

"I don't care."

Song Zheng said firmly, because he knew that he must not hesitate at this moment, because the Celestial God of War at this moment is in the most sensitive and tangled time.

"But once it comes out, it will affect your reputation!" Said the Martial God again.

"Who dares to chew the tongue root, I will kill him!" Song Yan said extremely arrogantly.

"Can you still kill all the people in the world?" Tongtian Wushen sneered.

"I can do it for your life, so why not kill the world!" Song Yan said without hesitation, but he knew that this sentence was bragging, but he also knew that this sentence killed women Very powerful.

Sure enough, as expected, the words of the Celestial Martial God became wet as soon as she said it, because she thought of the scene in which Song Yan took the initiative to block her to save her a few years ago, and then her eyes became softer , More and more affectionate, took the initiative to walk in front of Song Yan, emotionally said: "Since then, I am the star, and no longer the sky **** of war!"

[Author off topic]: three more

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