Magic Love Ring

Chapter 891: Tianyuan ten years

The two demon gods looked at Song Yan, and their eyes flashed taboo. I did not expect that the emperor of this human race was so powerful that they could force them back at the same time.

"Brother Golden, Silver Brother, do you want to be our enemy this time?"

The three-eyed demon looked at the two strong men next to Song Kun, and questioned.

Song Ye smiled and laughed: "Three demons and demons stand side by side, but the demons occupy the largest area, and the demons are also the most. In these years, you have to fight whoever the demons want. If the demons die one or two demons, then Do you dare to attack our people and demons at will? "

"The Emperor said it well, this situation really needs to be changed!" The Golden Tiger Demon said with a smile, his smile was playful.

Five days ago, Song Zheng went to Shengwu College to meet Ji Lingqi, in order to let her preach and cooperate with the demon tribe.

The human race does not want the demons to add another demon, and the demon races naturally do not want it, so this cooperation is a snap, and the reason why Ji Lingqi agreed, because once this matter is successful, she also has some credit for the fox Brings many benefits.

"You are so sure to kill the two of us?" Wing Devil tribe fiercely said: "As long as we are desperate, you must die of one or two people, Golden Tiger Demon God, Silver Tiger Demon God, you should not be used! "

As soon as this word came out, both the Golden Tiger and the Silver Tiger demon gods changed their faces and looked thoughtfully.

For the other person's superficial provocation, Song Yan did not take it seriously, but swept across the two demon gods: "This matter is simple. He can let one of you out and kill only one person. It is better to discuss with you who will go and who stays. ? "

Five kills two. If there is a certain risk, but five kills one, then that one is absolutely inevitable.

"Hum, Emperor, you want to use us to instigate us with this kind of inferior means, it is just dreaming!" Wing Demon demon **** leng hummed.

"is it?"

Song Yan smiled and said with a smile: "The person who is going to live is born, the person who stays is dead, or is he ready to stay and die together?"

"Miss Emperor, is this true?"

The three-eyed demon demon said.

Song Yan Shen chanted: "You are the respect of a country, how can you say nothing without faith? If the three-eyed brother is going away, He will never stop!"

"Three-eyed brother you ...?" And the winged demon demon **** heard a sudden change of expression.

"Thank you, King, goodbye!"

The demon **** of the three-eyed tribe hugged a fist to Song Yan, and then he grabbed the three-eyed demon emperor and rushed into the sky.

"Brother Jin, Yin brother do it, Chi is changed!" Song Xuan whispered, and first punched a fist towards the winged demon devil, Dongfang Tianxuan and Duanmu Chong followed up with two swords.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

In the face of the three men's attack, the winged demon devil was worthy to be blocked, but his body was bumped back and forth. At this moment, the two demon gods, the gold tiger and the silver tiger, moved.

Two torrents of gold and silver swept out, and the Winged Demon Demon was drawn into it instantly.

These two torrents are a magical power condensed by two demon gods. The golden torrent is called the destruction torrent, and the silver torrent is called the lore torrent.

Under the strangulation of two torrents, the winged demon tribe struggled hard, and when the two torrents dispersed, it became extremely embarrassed.

And Song Yi naturally will not give him a chance to breathe, and shot again.

After half a quarter of an hour, the wing demon tribe screamed, and the whole man burst apart, dying to death.

As soon as he scrambled, Song Yan grabbed his godhead and threw it to Jin Hu: "Brother Jin, happy cooperation!"

Although this godhead cannot be converted into a **** from the people of the two demons, the power of godhead contained in it is also of great benefit to the cultivation of God.

"People, you really believe in this person, this feeling, my demon family remember!" Jin Hu thanked.


Song Yong folded his fists to the Golden Tiger and the Silver Tiger Demon God, and then disappeared without a trace, with the Oriental Teana and Duanmu Chong.

At this moment, in the city of Shengjing, two demon gods are frantically attacking a large array shrouded in formation.

The host of the large array is the Sky God of War.

Song Ji calculated every layer, naturally he would not miss his old nest, so before he left, he arranged a large array in the palace and gave it to the host of the Celestial God of War.


The figure flashed, Song Ye appeared in the sky above the Imperial Palace with Duanmu Chong and Duanmu Chong, watching the Blade Demon God and the Demon Demon God who madly attacked the Royal Palace. Song Ye's eyes narrowed for a moment, raising his hand to kill and Out.

"Ang Ang Ang Ang!"

Long Yin shook the sky. Almost everyone in the holy capital city heard that in the demons' territory, his power of fortune weakened by 30%, but when he returned to the city of holy capital, his power of luck reached its peak again, even if The two demon gods alone are also sure.

"Heavenly Nine Styles from Dragon Fist, Kill!"

Thousands of golden dragon shadows appeared, roared again and again, and finally merged together into a thousand-foot-long golden dragon.

As soon as the figure of Song Yan flashed, he was thrown into the golden dragon and merged with the golden dragon.

"Bang! Bang!"

The dragon's tail swayed, and the two demon gods were split and flew directly, and the direction of the flight was exactly where the Oriental Tianzhu and Duanmu Chong were.



The two maneuvered the swordsman and cut it with all their strength.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

In the sweep of the dragon tail, both demon gods were horrified to find that their spirit and body had a paralysis. Just before the numbness disappeared, the two sword lights were already on the body.

Therefore, they were sorrowful, and under the strangulation of two sword lights, they were all scarred.

At this moment, the Golden Dragon Tail came again into the sky, and although the two deities did their best to dodge, they were still swept away.

That numbness struck again.

"Damn, what's going on?"

The two demons roared angrily, but they were met by two swords.

Just then, a figure rose from the palace and cut it out with a sword.


With a scream of screaming, the sword demon tribe was cut off his head.

Seeing this, the demon gods of the demon ape race scared the dead souls, and quickly burned the power of the godhead, turning into a black light and flying away into the distance.

Instead of chasing him, Song Yong smashed the head of the sword demons and devil with a dragon tail and collected his demon **** personality.

At this point, the four demon gods of the demons died directly two, which greatly weakened the demons' strength.

Soon, the news that the two demons of the demons were beheaded spread all over the world, making the centripetal power of the empire once again strengthened. As for the emperor Song Wu, he gained a lot of luck.

On the other hand, the Devil side was so irritated with Song Yan, but there was no other way.

At the same time, the Yao Clan is secretly vigilant.

However, the world structure has gradually changed. In the past, the human race was the weakest, but now, the human race has faintly surpassed the two demons.

In a blink of an eye, it came to Tianyuan for ten years.

In this decade, the human race has undergone earth-shaking changes. First, the territory of the human race is covered with train tracks, which has strengthened the connection between the world.

At the same time, cars are slowly gaining popularity among people.

Especially recently, the Tiangong Institute has already seen the development of the aircraft, and I believe that it will not be long before the aircraft can be manufactured.

[Author off topic]: One more

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