Magic Love Ring

Chapter 893: Join hands to fight the Devil

After drinking and retreating, only Song Yu and Hu Xiaoqi were in the study. . .

Song Yan looked at her and asked, "How is Ji Lingqi now?"

"She is me, and I am her. The two of us have become one." Hu Xiaoqi said softly.

Hearing that, Song Ye was a little surprised, and then he gave birth to a faint feel.

"Your Majesty is sad for Lingqi?"

Suddenly, Hu Xiaoqi's temperament changed, a little less charming and more beautiful: "In fact, Your Majesty does not need to be sad. Although we have been integrated, we can still remember all the past."

Speaking of this, Hu Xiaoqi's eyes have a tenderness.


Song Zheng waved his hand: "Let's talk about alliances, I don't know what the Tiger King wants?"

There are three major demon races, the Beast Race, the Bird Race, and the Sea Race. Among them, the Beast Race has two demon gods. The strength is the strongest. The Bird Race has only one Demon God. They, and the sea tribe does not have a demon god, but the number of sea tribe is extremely large, especially shrimp soldiers and crabs will be innumerable, but once the sea tribe is ashore, the strength will be greatly reduced.

Over the years, the three clan battles have continued, and they all want to unify the other two clan to achieve the demon emperor, but they have never reached a result.

"Why do your Majesty talk about your request first?" Hu Xiaoqi recovered the charming side again.

"Two thirds of the territories of the demons belong to the human race!" Song Yan said in a deep voice.

"Doesn't your Majesty feel a little too greedy?" Hu Xiaoqi sneered.

Song Yan was not angry, smiling, and said, "No, even if He doesn't ally with the Demons, he has confidence to win the Demons!"

Hearing that, Hu Xiaoqi's face changed suddenly, and his voice threatened: "Your Majesty wants to eat alone, and our demons will not agree because they are afraid of death."

Faced with the threat of Fox Xiaoqi, Song Ye smiled in disapproval: "If the Tiger King is unwilling to cooperate with him, He can choose the Eagle King. At that time, as long as He promises to help the birds to become the royal family of the demon, the Eagle King should I won't refuse you! "

Hu Xiaoqi's face changed again, her beautiful face looked quite gloomy, and her eyes changed constantly. In the end, she smiled again, her eyes were silky, and she stared at Song Yan: "Your Majesty, Xiao The woman just joked with you. "


Song Yan laughed loudly: "I am also joking with the Seven Princesses. Demon territory, I want four-fifths!"

"Impossible!" Hu Xiaoqi lost her voice, but immediately she got up and walked in front of Song Yan, and stretched out her soft and white hand to caress Song Yan's chest: "Your Majesty must not be angry, the little girl knew something wrong. "

"What's wrong?" Song Yan asked.

Hu Xiaoqi Yingying smiled softly, sitting in Song Huai's arms, and lotus-like show arms around Song Huan's neck, exhaling like Lan said: "Your Majesty, do you have the heart to bully me such a weak woman?"

Feeling the soft and boneless body in his arms, Song Yan's abdomen suddenly raised a flame, secretly, it was fox spirit.

Detective grabbed the willow waist with a good grip, and whispered in the small fox's ears: "Four fifths are unchanged. After the incident, I can help the beasts to deal with the flying birds."

During the conversation, Song Yi's other hand quietly slid under the skirt of the Fox Little Qi, holding the place like a tender bamboo shoot, and secretly in his heart, his hand felt extremely good.


Hu Xiaoqi hummed quietly, and the whole person collapsed in Song Huan's arms, winking like electricity: "Your Majesty, but one-fifth is too little, the little woman is afraid of death and cannot explain to the Tiger King. , The little woman is yours. "


Song Yan laughed again, then stared at Hu Xiaoqi's beautiful cheek% 2 who seduced all sentient beings and said coldly, "You can't be worth that price."

Hearing that Fox Xiaoqi could not help but reveal his sadness and wept like cry: "His Majesty's words are so sad."

"Come on." Song Yan drew back his hand and said coldly.

Seeing Song Ye ’s sudden change of face, a flash of anger and shame flashed in Fox Xiaoqi ’s eyes, leaving Song Ye, but this mission is related to her status as a fox. If done, the fox will definitely be above the snake If things don't work out, the status of the fox tribe will plummet.

Therefore, she bent down and bowed down: "Your Majesty, the little girl knew something wrong!"

Song Yan's face added a bit of fun: "Since you know your mistakes, you will admit punishment, come here and squat!"

Hu Xiaoqi stood in place, with a look of shame on his face, and Song Ye looked at her without pressing her.

After a while, Hu Xiaoqi bit her teeth and walked slowly to Song Yan. A layer of crimson and shyness appeared on her beautiful face. She crouched slowly and looked at Song Ye's slightly swollen pants. Pull out your pants with both hands, then bow your head together

A quarter of an hour later, Hu Xiaoqi left the study room, and her beautiful face was full of resentment. Thinking of the scene just now, she was angry and angry, especially when she thought that she had swallowed the dirty stuff. Strong nausea.

After one month.

The Terrans have done millions of troops to attack the Demons, and the Demons have followed up with 12 million troops to jointly attack the Demons.

The Terran Army is divided into five lanes, with two million troops each.

In this battle, various types of fire mines and muskets and guns appeared on the scene. In just ten days, the border between the demons and the human race was broken, the demons killed and injured 3 million people, and the casualties of the human race were less than 100,000.

The demons are far more horrible. Without the advanced weapons of the tribe, they can only slam their heads. Although the demons have captured the demons' frontier defense line, the number of casualties has reached more than three million.

The border line was broken, and the Terran Army broke into a no-man's land, opened the way with artillery, and when the short soldiers met, they were jointly bombarded with fire guns and fire mines. In just half a year, the Terran Army laid down one-tenth of the territory of the Demons.

The demons are going to go a lot slower. After half a year, the demons ’territories that have been laid down have not been more than one-tenth of what the tribe has laid down.

However, with so many territories laid down, the front was too long, so Song Yan ordered the army to stand by for rest, and at the same time, the rails that had been made long ago were quickly transported to the border and began to lay the magic. Railroad tracks in the clan territory.

As long as the rails are laid, there will be no problem with supply.

In the real world, even if it takes two to three years to build a 100-kilometer railway, this is a fantasy world. All workers are warriors and their work efficiency is far greater than that of ordinary people. In order to build the railway, Song Xie launched two Tens of thousands of people, and also sent a lot of great masters and some martial arts to help in the past, so it only takes one year to build several railways with a total length of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

This is simply unthinkable in the real world.

Of course, this is also related to the human population of this world. In the real world, the global population adds up to just over 6 billion.

But the population of this world is more than 80 billion people who are naturalized, and at least 10 billion people are not naturalized. Of course, the area of ​​this world is also very large. The territory of the human race alone is dozens of times larger than the real world. , And Terran territory is only one tenth of this world.

[Author off topic]: Three more.

Everyone thinks it's good to be a prince, Huang Wu or Huang Mo

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