Magic Love Ring

Chapter 895: Fifth mission completed

Putting down the demon letter in his hand, Song Kun was lost in thought: Do I need to accept the negotiation between the two deities?

In today's situation, the human race is fully capable of slaying the demons' territory, but after that? You need more people to govern. You must know that the territory of the Demons is eight times larger than that of the Terrans. Even if they have accumulated more than 20 years, they will still appear to be understaffed. . .

What's more, if you refuse to negotiate and make peace, and push the demons too tightly, the two demons may tear their faces and assassinate the high-levels of the army and even the high-levels of the empire.

Although the human race also has three warriors, the three warriors cannot protect everyone. Therefore, once the two demons are transformed into assassins, the human race can definitely bring a huge disaster.

So in the end Song Yan decided to negotiate with them.

The task given by the system is to defeat the demons, not to destroy the demons. As long as the demons admit defeat, then he can complete the task, not to mention, if he completely destroys the demons, his son will succeed in the future. Isn't it impossible to find the enemy?

Therefore, it is necessary to leave an enemy for the future emperor, lest he be too comfortable, so that he does not want to be aggressive.

The negotiation time is set to ten days later. In this negotiation, the demon tribe also participated.

The place of negotiation is set at Leicheng.

Leicheng is located in the territory of the original demons, but now it has become the territory of the human race, and the name "Leicheng" is the last name of Lei Jiuming, because this time the commander of the Five Route Army is Lei Jiuming.

To be named after his own name is also a great honor to Lei Jiuming.

This time the Terran Negotiator is represented by the old Jiang Taifeng within the Terran. The Negotiable Negotiator is represented by the newly appointed Fox King, Fox Xiaochi, while the Demons are held by the Emperor Monkey King.

On the day of the negotiations, Song Ye brought the Oriental Valkyrie to Thunder City, and the Golden Tiger Demon God and Silver Tiger War God of the Demons also came. As for the two demons surviving the Demons, they also came to Thunder City.

At the beginning of the negotiations, Jiang Taifeng put forward the following requirements:

First, the demons must acknowledge defeat to both humans and demons.

Second, the Demons need to compensate the Terran Army for five million Need Lingjing.

Third, the demons need to cede two thirds of the total territory to human and demons.

Fourth, the demons had to worship the Dawu Empire as their sovereign state, claiming to belong to the country.

Fifth, the Demons need to pay certain offerings to the Terrans every year.

Sixth, the ten major races of the Demons, each of which needs to send a prince to a human race as a proton.

Seventh: The standing soldiers of each race of the demons must not exceed one million.

Eighth: The emperor's ten major race emperors must be renamed kings, and when confirming the next king, they need to be approved by the human race, and the human race has the right to change the new king.

Hearing Jiang Taifeng's eight demands, the Demon Emperor was almost suffocated with anger. If he really agreed to the request of the human race, the entire demons would become slaves of the human race.

But Hu Xiaoqi listened to the eight requirements of the human race, a pair of bright eyes, and amended the requirements set by the Tiger King without authorization.

Of course, the status of the sovereign state cannot be grabbed by the demons, but in terms of land cut compensation, Hu Xiaoqi is a lion's mouth, and directly allows the demons to compensate 10 million superb spirits. The reason is that during this war, the demons Deaths and injuries have also reached millions.

As for the requirements of the human race and the demons, the demons naturally couldn't agree to all of them, and then started a long pull.

Finally, after a long month of negotiations.

The three parties reached the following agreement:

First, the demons admitted defeat.

Second, after ceding to the Terrans in addition to occupying two-tenths of the territory, they were also ceding to two-tenths of the Terrans. On the demon side, the territory already occupied by the demons was ceded to them, and they were not ceded separately.

Third, war compensation, which compensates the human race for 4.5 million best-quality Lingjing, will be paid in ten years, and the demon race will pay two million, and will be paid in 20 years.

Fourth, the Mozu recognizes the identity of the tribal sovereignty and claims to be a nation.

Fifth, the emperors of the ten major races of the clan have all been renamed kings, and the next kings have the right of negation and no appointment.

Sixth, the ten major clan garrisons must not exceed 1.2 million.

Seventh, the ten major races of the Demons, each tribe must send a prince to the human race as a proton.

Eighth, the Demon tribute to the human race every year. The main tribute is medicinal materials, ore, and the total value must be at least 100,000.

After the agreement was reached, the three parties announced at the same time that this tribal war was completely over.

The content of the agreement was spread to the Terrans shortly afterwards, and everyone celebrated, because the Terrans finally turned over and stepped on the demons.

Behind the palace's back room.

Song Yan sat cross-legged, and a lot of luck transported him in. He almost exploded his body. The Demon ceded four-tenths of the territory, which directly doubled the territory of the human race. The total area was already over. More than three-tenths of the planet.

However, it will take a long time to turn the territories that the Mozu ceded over into its own.

It took three days for Song Ye to refine the power of luck in his body into his own, and his strength completely surpassed the Valkyrie. He felt that as long as he tore it, he could tear the world apart, and, He sensed the coordinates of the high plane. If he wanted to, he could break away and enter the high plane at any time.

However, it is impossible for him to enter the high plane. First of all, his real strength is not in the middle of Wu Sheng. After entering the high plane, his strength may not be available.

At the same time, the moment the agreement was signed with the Demon Clan, the system's prompt sounded. He had already completed the fifth task in one step. By defeating the Demon Clan, he could complete all the tasks and return to the real world.

In a blink of an eye, the three-year period agreed between Song Ye and his two sons.

In the past three years, Huang Wu and Huang Mo have been seriously managing the county town, and neither of them has let him down. However, after various investigations, Huang Wu is better.

Therefore, Song Yan has decided to make Huang Wu the prince.

Although Huang Mo was disappointed in this regard, he did not develop negative emotions, instead he was happy for Huang Wu.

After setting Huang Wu as the prince, Song Ye gradually handed over part of the state affairs to Huang Wu to handle. He also withdrew himself for cultivation. He planned that when he left the world, it would be better to reach the Valkyrie or break into the Yuan infant period.

Three days later, Hu Xiaoqi's envoys urged Song Kun to fulfill his promise to help the beasts deal with the flying birds.

Song Kun replied that he would bring two martial arts gods to the demon tribe in January.

In this attack on the demons, the demons can be said to have picked up a big deal behind the human race. Why did Song Ye watch the demons grow and just happened to want to slay the demons, then he happened to take the opportunity of the flying birds The demon **** slaughtered.

One month later, Song Yan brought the Oriental Valkyrie and Duanmu Valkyrie to the Demon Clan.

The two demon gods, the Tiger King and the Golden Tiger and Silver Tiger, met in person.

After a grand banquet, Song Yong stayed at the Tiger King Palace, but at midnight, a figure suddenly broke into his room and went straight into his bed.

[Author off topic]: One more

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