Magic Love Ring

Chapter 901: Enter the city

In addition, while the world's science and technology are making rapid progress, the cultivation path has also quietly arisen.

After more than two hundred years of development, two major cultivation systems have been formed in the Federation. The first system is spiritual masters; the second system is physical training.

Among them, the spiritual requirements of spiritual teachers are quite high, so they are very scarce. Among 10,000 people, one may not be able to produce a spiritual teacher.

It ’s easier to practice physical training, and almost all federal citizens have practiced physical training.

At present Zhang Dongliang has also practiced superficial and mysterious methods. Therefore, his mental strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but he has not reached the level of spiritual master.

In the Federation, there are special instruments for testing mental strength. As long as the mental strength reaches "1" and learns to hypnotize, you can get the title of spiritual teacher.

Once you become a spiritual teacher, the federal state will reward you with a house, a car, and 100,000 federal dollars.

In other words, once you become a spiritual teacher, you can lead a good life.

Moreover, if you are willing to enter the military, the treatment is quite high, and you can earn at least 10,000 yuan per month.

How is the realm of spiritual masters divided?

The mental strength value is 1-10, which is a one-star spiritual teacher. Generally, the one-star mental teacher only has the skill of hypnosis.

The mental power value is 11100. It is a two-star spiritual teacher. Once you become a two-star mental teacher, you can basically step into the ranks of the nobles. If you enter the army, you can get at least the rank of second lieutenant, because you can become a two-star spiritual teacher. Learn the means of controlling the mind. The weapons commonly used by two-star spiritual masters are flying needles and flying knives.

A mental strength value of 101-500 can be called a Samsung mental teacher.

501-1000 is a four-star spiritual teacher.

1001-3000, is a five-star spiritual teacher.

Between 30015000, it is a six-star spiritual teacher.

5001-10000, is a spiritual teacher for the Seven Stars.

At present, the Federation ’s strongest spiritual master reaches only seven stars. Legend has it that there are nine-star spiritual masters in other cosmic countries outside the Federation.

As for the physical realm, the realm is divided into four realms: warrior, general, king, and **** of war, each of which is subdivided into nine levels.

But in this world, no matter how strong the practitioners are, they can't be stronger than technology.

For example, the individual mech in the individual weapon is a very abnormal science and technology weapon.

For example, if a two-star spiritualist wears an ordinary single-armor mech, he can compete with an ordinary three-star spiritualist.

However, the cost of a single-armor mech is expensive, and ordinary civilians cannot afford it, because the most common single-armor mech requires more than a million dollars.

The most expensive single-armor mechs can even sell for tens of billions of dollars.

All right, Zhang Dongliang, although he does n’t have the talent to become a spiritual master, has already reached the level of a second-level soldier in terms of physical skill. He can barely control an ordinary individual mech with his strength. The wish is to buy a single mech.

Unfortunately, his family can only be regarded as a small rich family, but it is still difficult to buy a single-armor mech.

After asking Zhang Dongliang some questions, Song Zheng pondered his identity.

Today's cities are shrouded in Skynet. If you enter the city without an ID card, the city's special police will come up within three minutes and ask you to drink tea at the police station.

If your identity card just forgot to bring it with you, you will pay a fine at most. Once you are a black household, sorry, then you will become a glorious interstellar miner. What is an interstellar miner? Sent to unmanned planet to mine.

Of course, Skynet is not without leaks, as long as you have an avoidance jammer on your body, then Skynet cannot detect you.

However, avoiding jammers is very expensive. The most common ones need more than 100,000. Once you encounter a more advanced Skynet, it may be found. As for the price of advanced avoidance jammers, it can reach more than one million. It is said that As long as you wear this avoidance jammer, Skynet can't find you anywhere.

The main thing is that avoidance jammers are not sold in ordinary stores, only on the black market.

Song Yong now has two choices. First, apply for an identity card through Zhang Dongliang's mother, but his origins will be scrutinized. You must know that he suddenly appeared in this world and could not find any identity at all. Information and review are difficult to pass, so this option is more dangerous.

The second is to purchase an avoidance jammer through Zhang Dongliang. Unfortunately, Zhang Dongliang's wealth is only more than 30,000 yuan.

"What is the value of gold now?" Song Yan asked Zhang Dongliang.

The other party replied: "One thousand yuan a catty."

"What, so cheap?" Song Yan was very surprised.

Zhang Dongliang explained: "With the advancement of human science and technology, the level of exploration and mining has greatly increased, and the gold content of some planets is huge, so the price of gold is naturally getting lower and lower!"

This is the old saying of scarce things being expensive.

Originally, Song Ye wanted to come up with some gold for Zhang Dongliang to sell for him, but the gold became so cheap that he stopped thinking about it.

"What about jade?" Song Yan asked again.

Zhang Dongliang said: "The price of jade is quite high, because spiritual masters can draw energy from jade. The price of ordinary jade is generally 100 to 500 yuan per gram, and the price of high-grade jade can reach more than 10,000 yuan per gram!

The price of jade was not bad, so Song Ye took out a few pieces of jade ornaments and handed them to Zhang Dongliang, let him sell them, and then bought him two evasive jammers.

As for his order, Zhang Dongliang will naturally not violate it.

With Song Yi's help, Zhang Dongliang quickly changed his tires, then drove straight to Shanmei City.

Song Yong temporarily retreated into the wilderness, and found a hidden place to wait quietly.

The current time is about two o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Dongliang's efficiency is pretty good. Three hours later, he returned here again, gave him two avoidance jammers, and gave him 170,000 cash.

He sold 500,000 pieces of Zhang Dongliang's jade ornaments, two pieces of avoidance jammers cost 300,000 pieces, and 170,000 pieces remained.

The reason why Song Kun bought two pieces to avoid the jammer was because he had loaded Ning Ling into the temple and left the world, but now he hasn't settled down, so he can only let Ning Ling stay in it for some more time.

Taking Zhang Dongliang's car, he quickly entered Shanmei City. Looking at the flying vehicles in the sky, Song Yong could not help but show his curious eyes.

But soon he lost interest.

"Master, here it is, this is the apartment I rent!"

Zhang Dongliang drove the car directly into a single-family apartment.

Through chat, Song Ye knew that because there are eleven life planets under the rule of the Federation, after years of continuous immigration, the permanent population on the mother star has been less than two billion people. Therefore, the current house is very cheap. For a single-family apartment, the rent in January was only 200 yuan.

[Author off topic]: One more

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