Magic Love Ring

Chapter 903: Landwind

[.], To provide you with exciting novel reading. In the end, the lottery pointer stayed on the "change power".


Light and shadow flashed, a golden seed flew into Song Ye's knowledge of the sea, and then, a great pain came, and he wanted to faint.

Song Yan supported hard.

It lasted for a minute, the pain was gone, and then he had an enlightenment and information about the magical power of change.

Magical power of change: Bapin magical power can be changed once every three days, but the strength and mental power of the change object cannot exceed the host, otherwise the change will fail. Once the change is completed, the change object will be permanently retained and can be switched at any time.

"Try it!"

Song Yong began to recall the appearance of Zhang Dongliang. Immediately afterwards, he urged the magic of change. After a flash of light, he had transformed into Zhang Dongliang.

He came to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, exactly like Zhang Dongliang, but he didn't know if he could hide it from Skynet.

In the evening, Zhang Dongliang returned from school and brought back a meal for Song Yong.

"Give me your ID card!" Song Yan said directly to Zhang Dongliang.

"Master, what do you want your ID card for?" Zhang Dongliang asked, but he took out his ID card and gave it to Song Yan.

"I plan to go out and try to see if I can hide the sky!"

In Zhang Dongliang's surprised eyes, Song Yan became his appearance.

After returning to God, Zhang Dongliang found that Song Yan was about to leave the living room and said quickly: "Master, although you have become my appearance, but the identity card has my genetic sample, so even if you become my appearance, Nor can I escape the investigation of Skynet! "

"I know!"

Song Min answered a little lightly, and opened the door and went out.

However, in order not to reveal his identity, Song Xuan decided to stay away from the apartment before putting away the interference avoidance device.

After half an hour, Song Yong was five kilometers away from Zhang Dongliang's apartment. As soon as he thought about it, he would avoid the jammer and put it into the storage ring.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes have passed, and no special urban police officer has appeared. In other words, his change power can hide from Skynet's detection.

If you think about it, the magical power of change is the eight-level magical power. How can ordinary technology products detect it?

However, for the sake of insurance, Song Ye stayed in place for five more minutes, and there was still no special police presence in the city, he was completely relieved.

Then, next, he will choose a suitable person to become him and live in this world.

Back at the apartment, Zhang Dongliang was walking anxiously in the living room, and he was overjoyed when he saw Song Yan: "Master, haven't you been chased by the city special police?"

"Rest assured, nothing!"

Song Yan smiled, then stepped onto a special sofa made of high-tech materials, and beckoned Zhang Dongliang again.

The other side respectfully walked to the side and sat down: "Master, what do you tell me?"

"I ask you, do you know someone who is about 20 years old, has no parents, no loved ones, and is lonely and unobtrusive?"

After hearing Song Yong's inquiry, Zhang Dongliang thought seriously.

After thinking about it for a full minute, he was somewhat surprised: "Master, there is a person in our business school that meets your requirements. The guy is Lu Feng, 20 years old. It is said that his parents died and died a few years ago The reason is unknown, and although this guy looks handsome, he is quite lonely. He is a cultivation madman. He usually has little contact with other people except for class training, and the apartment he rents is not far from here. "

Hearing that, Song Ye looked at Zhang Dongliang with appreciation and continued: "Are there any pictures of him?"

"Yes, this guy is so handsome. When he first entered school, many girls were chasing him backwards. Unfortunately, this guy is a wooden man, and he ignores the girls who chase him!"

After speaking, Zhang Dongliang pulled out his mobile phone. On the screen, a projection interface appeared. He clicked on the projection interface a few times, and a three-dimensional portrait appeared in the air.

"This is Lu Feng?" Song Yan asked.

"Yes, master!" Zhang Dongliang nodded.

Song Yong wrote down the appearance of Lu Feng, and then asked Lu Feng's address, then he opened the perspective Shentong to explore his apartment.

Soon, he found Lu Feng.

The other side is sitting in the living room practicing the mystery.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Xun performed a great move and came to Lu Feng's house. Before he could react, he hit a magical power into his eyebrows.

Then, he began to ask his identity information.

The news obtained is indeed not much different from that of Zhang Dongliang. Five years ago, Lu Feng's parents both died in the interstellar disaster. Coincidentally, his parents were orphans, so there were no relatives.

The death of his parents caused a huge blow to him, his character began to become lonely, and he worked hard to cultivate the essence of mystery, hoping to become a spiritual teacher, so as to find out the truth of his parents' death.

Five years of painstaking practice of the mysterious method, but unfortunately, he is not a wealthy family. The practice of the mysterious method is very superficial. Therefore, after five years, the mental strength can only stand at 0.9 points. It's almost impossible to say.

Even so, he did not give up, perseveringly practicing.

Because he was obsessed with cultivation, after entering university, Lu Feng had almost no friends.

After learning about Lu Feng's identity information, Song Yong had decided to replace him. Later, he asked for other information related to him, and Lu Feng responded one by one.

However, the change magic power has just been used once, so it takes three days to change into a land breeze.

Three days later, Song Yong came to Lu Feng's home again.

Then he put it into the temple, but, being guilty, Song Xun taught him the Pei Yuan Jing, leaving him to stay in the temple and study hard. Once he leaves the world, he can reappear in this The world continues to live as a land breeze.

Suddenly, Song Yan thought of a problem that he ignored.

Meow just tells him that the only task is to live, and doesn't tell him how long he needs to stay in this world, and how much time flows in this world and how much the main world dies.

Thinking of this, he raised these two questions to the system with a try attitude.

According to the urine of the system, he would definitely not be answered.

Sure enough, he didn't expect it, and the system didn't spawn him.

The next day, Song Yan, who was in the form of Lu Feng, stepped out of the apartment and headed for the business school.

Lu Feng's apartment is less than 1,000 meters away from the business school, so he soon came to the school gate.

Business schools have a history of more than 200 years.

Although it has a long history, there are not many students in the business school, only more than 3,000.

Business school courses are very easy. Generally, there is only one class in the morning and occasionally in the afternoon, but students can go or not in public classes. Then, there are no classes on weekends.

Walking all the way to the classroom, Song Ye did not say hello to anyone, of course, no one would say hello to him.

After entering the classroom, there were already dozens of people in the classroom. His arrival only made some people look up at him, and then ignored them.

Song Zhi went straight to the last row of the classroom and sat down, then slammed on the metal desk, a holographic screen popped up, and clicked out the next lesson to browse.

In this era, paper books have long been eliminated.

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