Magic Love Ring

Chapter 909: Crazed seventh warrior

The handsome man raised an eyebrow: "Is that the Lu Feng who just broke through to the sixth-tier soldier?"

"Yes, that's him ..." Shen Linlin hated.

The handsome man sneered sneer: "A fighter who has just broken through to the sixth level and has not learned any martial arts also needs my hands to deal with him with the power of your Shen family, but it is easy."

Shen Linlin snorted coldly: "It is easy for the Shen family to deal with him, but my second uncle intends to let him invite him. If I let the Shen family deal with him, wouldn't he give it to my second uncle."

"So it is." The handsome man nodded.

"Shu Cheng, as long as you do me a favor, I owe you a favor." Shen Linlin said.

"To what extent, declare in advance that I will not do the killing." Tang Shucheng laughed.

Shen Linlin gritted her teeth and said, "You don't have to kill him, but kill him but cheap him! In this way, you only need to break his legs into a comminuted fracture. As long as his leg is broken, it will still be cured, and it will leave sequelae Physical training is difficult to advance into, and a waste that cannot be promoted, who will solicit him! "

"Okay, I'm here to help, remember to owe me a favor!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Shucheng got up and walked outside.

After having lunch in the school cafeteria, Song Yong walked towards the apartment.

It was just when he walked to the gate that his pace was a little. There were two strangers breathing in the yard. Judging from their breathing, both of them had reached the level of the seventh-level soldier.

Song Yan's mind flashed quickly, and finally settled on the figure of Shen Linlin. Is it the two that Shen Linlin sent someone to deal with him?

The next moment, Song Yan pushed in the door and saw two young men in black standing in the courtyard. Both of them were twenty-seven and eighty years old, and there was a vagueness in their breath.

"Who are you?"

Song Kun asked, but his tone was a little weird.

He was very interested in the idea of ​​the frequency of the magnetic field, but he never found a suitable test subject. It happened that the two guys got together and used them to practice their hands.

One of them didn't react at the slightest when he heard what he said. The other had a momentary blankness in his eyes, but immediately recovered his clarity and said, "Tang Shao sent us to break your legs!"

"Lao Qi, you are crazy, how can you leak the news of Tang Shao at will?" The other said a little bit angrily.

"Why can't I disclose it?" Song Yan's tone changed again. Suddenly, the other person's eyes appeared so blank.

"Who is Tang Shao?" Song Yan asked again.

"Tang Shucheng!" The two answered in unison.

"Hehe! This magnetic field frequency hypnosis method really works!" Seeing the performance of these two people, Song Xuan couldn't help but be very happy. The mental strength he just used only reached "1", but he unexpectedly gave them both Hypnosis.

Immediately after Song Yun communicated with Lu Feng in the shrine, he learned that Tang Shucheng was the only spiritual teacher in the business school, but he had no communication with Lu Feng.

Suddenly, Song Xuan sank in his heart, and asked the two, "What should Tang Shu do to me?"

"I don't know," the two said in unison.

After a short while, the two left the apartment and waited until they reached the middle of the street, suddenly throwing away their jammers and attacking each other.

"Bang, bang!"

The fists and feet of the two collided from time to time, making a dull crash.

Because of the absence of jammers, Skynet quickly discovered the existence of the two and passed the message directly to the city special police.

After receiving the news, the city special police quickly set off and went straight to the scene of the accident.

There are five hundred special policemen in Shanmei City. One hundred are a squadron and ten are a squadron.

This time to come to perform the task is the ninth team of the third brigade, the captain is called Jiang Chaowu, a physical skill has reached the peak of the seventh-tier soldiers.

Explosion-proof speeding came fast, hovering over the two men fighting.

Next, ten special policemen in combat police uniforms jumped down at a height of 56 meters, landing with arrogance around the two.

"Both of you stop me!"

Jiang Chaowu shouted in a deep voice.

But the two were still fierce, and there was no intention to stop, which made Jiang Chaowu very annoyed.

"Go and catch them!"

Six city special policemen flew out, one against every three.

What was not expected was that when the city special police came, the two stopped at the same time and rushed to six city special police at the same time.

"Bang, bang!"

After some fighting, all six city special police officers were hit and flew, and then the two fled in two directions.


Jiang Chaowu gave a cold drink, pulled out the laser pistol around his waist, and fired two shots in succession towards the legs of the two.

With two screams, the two fell to the ground, and a group of city special police rushed up to arrest them.

"Release Lao Tzu, do you know who I am?"

"Yes, the acquaintance let go of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu is a follower of Tang Shucheng!"

The two arrested were struggling with unwillingness, and they were still arrogant in their mouths.

"Tang Shucheng!"

Jiang Chaowu faintly feels that the name is familiar.

"Captain, Tang Shucheng is a business school student and the only spiritual teacher in the business school!" One member reminded.

Before being a spiritual teacher, Tang Shucheng was an ordinary student in the family. However, after becoming a spiritual teacher, he was recruited by the Zhou family, one of the five major families, and was assigned to two of them. Seventh-tier soldiers should follow.

Hearing that, Jiang Chaowu frowned and waved, "Bring the two back to the team before talking!"

Don't look at him as a small captain of the city special police, but in terms of influence, it is far worse than Tang Shucheng, who is still a student. Who tells others that they are rare spiritual teachers!

In a high-end villa, Tang Shucheng was practicing his mental strength in the practice room. Suddenly, the telephone rang.

After answering the call, his face couldn't help getting very gloomy, and he drove up to the special police brigade.

After arriving at the special police brigade, Tang Shucheng saw two followers.

In a bad voice, "What's going on with you? Why are you fighting on the street?"

"Sorry, Tang Shao, we don't know why we did it!" The two lowered their heads.

Hearing that Tang Shucheng's face suddenly changed, as a spiritual teacher's sensitivity, he guessed that his two followers were likely to be hypnotized.

As for who was hypnotized, Tang Shucheng suddenly thought of someone.

But he felt impossible. Even if Lu Feng became a spiritual teacher, he could not hypnotize two seventh-level soldiers at the same time.

However, this is not the place to speak, and he felt that after returning, he would ask the two of them carefully.

Half an hour later, the hospital.

Looking at the two lying in the hospital bed, Tang Shucheng asked in a deep voice: "You two, tell me about the process of this matter!"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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